Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 04, 2003, Page 4, Image 4

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    Pase A4_________________ ______ Œlje “Portiani» (Dbseruer
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The P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r
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represent the views o f The Portland Observer
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Paul Neufeldt
E d i t o i - i s -C h i c f ,P i a i i s h f a
Charles H. Washington
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Hunger is Old Story
with a New Twist
Remember the Peacemakers
Those com m itted to
non-violent and civil
rights deserve honors
ian who was killed in that same Alabama county
by an Israeli Defense Force bulldozer driver as
in that same year. Daniels, a New Hampshire
she stood non-violently in front o f the home o f
native, was shot dead trying to protect a young
a Palestinian family? Even those whomight not
A frican American woman and friend after both
agree with her position must acknowledge that
had just been released from prison.
she was a young woman committed to peace in
Where are the national monuments and mo­
one o f the most violent places o f a war-tom
B ernice
ments o f silent thanksgiving for all those who
world. As she stood there in an orange fluores­
P owell J ackson
died who were incarcerated repeatedly, who
cent vest, she practiced what all non-violent
This Memorial Day
were harassed and beaten because o f their
protestors have been taught
holiday took on new
non-violent work on behalf o f the oppressed
your attacker in the eye with love and find that
m eaning to the 160
and disenfranchised in our own nation?
person’s humanity.
American families who
Earlier this year, the W orld Council o f
lost loved ones in the
tions o f Jean Donovan, a Catholic laywoman,
Churches issued a statem ent decrying the
war against Iraq. Sud­
and Dorothy Kazel.an Ursuline nun, and Maura
war in Iraq. In it. Dr. K onrad Raiser, the
denly for them, this was more than a holiday for
Clarke and Ita Ford, both Mary knoll missionar­
W orld C o u n cil’s general secretary, said,
barbecues and baseball. It’s appropriate that
ies, all o f whom were working with the poor in
“ W ars cannot be won, only peace can.” Last
our nation honors those who have died in war
El Salvador and were killed in 1980 by para­
D ecem ber, on receiving the Nobel Peace
for our freedom. But why do we only honor
militaries financed by the U.S.? Extraordinary
Prize, form er President Jim m y C arter said,
those who fought in wars for freedom, why
women committed to peace for the poor in that
“w ar may be a necessary evil, but it is ev il.”
don’t we also honor those who make peace for
war-tom land. When do we honor them?
Yet we honor only war.
B ill C onyard
L o o k out y o u r w in d o w and p ic k out a house. N o w th in k about
w h o live s there and im a g in e that th e y ’ ve been la id o f f due to
to try to look at
O r do we pause to remember the contribu­
our freedom?
G iving spirit is nourishm ent for
the soul and those in need
com pany d o w n sizin g . H o w long co u ld they s u rvive w ith o u t a
paycheck? H o w lo n g c o u ld you? It's a frig h te n in g th o u g h t, is n ’ t
it? U n fo rtu n a te ly i t ’ s a new re a lity fo r thousands o f O regonians
T hursday, June 5 is N a tio n a l H unger Awareness D ay. It
prom ises to raise awareness and stim u la te new d onations to help
end hunger in A m e rica . B o rn o u t o f a post Sept 11,2001 nation,
last y e a r’ s firs t N a tio n al H u n g er A w areness D ay addressed the
g ro w in g num ber o f people fa llin g v ic tim to the e c o n o m y’ s
d o w n w a rd turn. In a d d itio n , budget cuts to the O regon D e p a rt­
m ent o f Hum an Resources w ere huge, hunger r e lie f o rg a n iza ­
tio n s had less food to g ive and ch a rita b le d o lla rs w ere u n a v a il­
Then there are the peacemakers like Amy
There is the Civil Rights Institute in Birming­
Ofcourse, there is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Beale who made the ultimate sacrifice for her
ham, Ala. which tells the story o f not only the
and the day we have set aside to honor him. But
beliefs. Amy Beale was a Stanford University
civil rights movement but also o f human rights
Even the Society o f St. V in c e n t De Paul, su ccessfully h e lp in g
the needy since 1833, has fe lt the crunch o f the present rise in
what about those others who died for their
graduate, whose Fulbright scholarship took
activists. There is the Civil Rights Museum in
commitment to non-violence and ci vil rights for
her to South Africa, where she was studying
Memphis, Tenn. located at the old Lorraine
p overty. F o r exam ple, in 2002 w e gave $641,500 in d ire ct
all Americans? People like Michael Schwemer,
and working with those trying to put back
Motel where Dr. King was killed. But as our
assistance and co lle cte d and d istrib u te d o ve r 954,000 pounds o f
Andrew Goodman and James Chaney who
together a nation tom asunder by decades o f
nation discusses whether more war memorials
fo o d to a to ta l o f 230,000 em ergency contacts in six counties.
went to Neshoba County, Miss, in 1964 and
apartheid. While driving in Capetown, her car
should be built on the Mall in Washington,
M o st w ere the w o rk in g p o o r o r homeless.
who were killed for their voter registration work
was surrounded and she was beaten and
D.C., perhaps someone should raise the ques­
N o w we are seeing m any seeking assistance fo r the firs t tim e
- they never dream ed they w o u ld be in th is p o sitio n n o r do they
in the black community there. People like the
stabbed by a group o f outsiders who did not
tion o f where is the monument to those who
Michigan housewife Viola Liuzzo who was
know her or what she had done on behal f o f that
work for peace.
killed in Lowndes County, Ala. for her civil
rights work in 1965.
And this year, when do we honor Rachel
Or Jonathon Daniels, an Episcopal seminar­
Corrie, the 23-year-old young American killed
k n o w w here to turn fo r help. O u r cu rre n t resources a re n 't able
Bernice Powell Jackson is executive m inis­
to keep up the pace - some o f those w h o donated before are the
ter o f the Justice and Witness Ministries fo r the
United Church o f Christ.
ve ry ones in need now . B u t together w e m ust fin d help fo r them
and everyone in distress. W e m ust defend against increased
homelessness and indigence. O u r hope is that N a tio n a l H unger
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Aw areness D ay w ill heighten o u r situ a tio n w ith a renew ed ca ll
to action.
L o o k again at the house next d o o r and rem em ber, to d a y you
and I m ig h t e n jo y o u r stocked re frig e ra to rs and ro o fs o ve r o u r
heads, but o u r neighbors m a y not. A n d fo r us, to m o rro w ’ s
w ealth is no lo n g er certain. The o n ly ce rta in ty is that a g iv in g
s p irit is abundantly n o u rish in g fo r the soul and y o u r help through
d o n a tio n and v o lu n te e rin g can f ill y o u r cup as w e ll as p ro vid e
sustenance fo r those in need.
B ill C o n y a rd is the executive d ire c to r o f the S ociety o f St.
Vincent de Paul.
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