Pase A4_________________ ______ Œlje “Portiani» (Dbseruer lunc °4-2003 O pinion The P o r tla n d O b s e r v e r Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer C a t a r i e * l> 1 1 1 Paul Neufeldt E d i t o i - i s -C h i c f ,P i a i i s h f a Charles H. Washington c r o i ___________USPS 959-680__________ A s s o c ia r * E d it o Wynde Dyer E d it o i Established 1970 M ichael Leighton 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., D is r a ia c r io s Portland, OR 97211 M if ic f i O f f ic i Mark Washington »/ a N 4 c » t » Kathy Linder P o s t m a s t m : Send a d d re ss changes to P o rtla n d O b se rve r PO Box 3 1 3 7 , P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 8 P e r io d ic a l P o s ta g e p a id In P o r t la n d , OR 503-288-0033 • FAX503-288-0015 • EMAIL: news&port/ai 1 S u b s c r ip t io n s a re $ 6 0 .0 0 p e r y e a r subscriDtion@Dortlandobserver. c o m , The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. 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Hunger is Old Story with a New Twist Remember the Peacemakers Those com m itted to non-violent and civil rights deserve honors ian who was killed in that same Alabama county by an Israeli Defense Force bulldozer driver as in that same year. Daniels, a New Hampshire she stood non-violently in front o f the home o f native, was shot dead trying to protect a young a Palestinian family? Even those whomight not A frican American woman and friend after both agree with her position must acknowledge that had just been released from prison. she was a young woman committed to peace in Where are the national monuments and mo one o f the most violent places o f a war-tom B ernice ments o f silent thanksgiving for all those who world. As she stood there in an orange fluores P owell J ackson died who were incarcerated repeatedly, who cent vest, she practiced what all non-violent This Memorial Day were harassed and beaten because o f their protestors have been taught holiday took on new non-violent work on behalf o f the oppressed your attacker in the eye with love and find that m eaning to the 160 and disenfranchised in our own nation? person’s humanity. by American families who by Earlier this year, the W orld Council o f lost loved ones in the tions o f Jean Donovan, a Catholic laywoman, Churches issued a statem ent decrying the war against Iraq. Sud and Dorothy Ursuline nun, and Maura war in Iraq. In it. Dr. K onrad Raiser, the denly for them, this was more than a holiday for Clarke and Ita Ford, both Mary knoll missionar W orld C o u n cil’s general secretary, said, barbecues and baseball. It’s appropriate that ies, all o f whom were working with the poor in “ W ars cannot be won, only peace can.” Last our nation honors those who have died in war El Salvador and were killed in 1980 by para D ecem ber, on receiving the Nobel Peace for our freedom. But why do we only honor militaries financed by the U.S.? Extraordinary Prize, form er President Jim m y C arter said, those who fought in wars for freedom, why women committed to peace for the poor in that “w ar may be a necessary evil, but it is ev il.” don’t we also honor those who make peace for war-tom land. When do we honor them? Yet we honor only war. B ill C onyard L o o k out y o u r w in d o w and p ic k out a house. N o w th in k about w h o live s there and im a g in e that th e y ’ ve been la id o f f due to to try to look at O r do we pause to remember the contribu our freedom? G iving spirit is nourishm ent for the soul and those in need com pany d o w n sizin g . H o w long co u ld they s u rvive w ith o u t a paycheck? H o w lo n g c o u ld you? It's a frig h te n in g th o u g h t, is n ’ t it? U n fo rtu n a te ly i t ’ s a new re a lity fo r thousands o f O regonians today. T hursday, June 5 is N a tio n a l H unger Awareness D ay. It prom ises to raise awareness and stim u la te new d onations to help end hunger in A m e rica . B o rn o u t o f a post Sept 11,2001 nation, last y e a r’ s firs t N a tio n al H u n g er A w areness D ay addressed the g ro w in g num ber o f people fa llin g v ic tim to the e c o n o m y’ s d o w n w a rd turn. In a d d itio n , budget cuts to the O regon D e p a rt m ent o f Hum an Resources w ere huge, hunger r e lie f o rg a n iza tio n s had less food to g ive and ch a rita b le d o lla rs w ere u n a v a il Then there are the peacemakers like Amy There is the Civil Rights Institute in Birming Ofcourse, there is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Beale who made the ultimate sacrifice for her ham, Ala. which tells the story o f not only the and the day we have set aside to honor him. But beliefs. Amy Beale was a Stanford University civil rights movement but also o f human rights Even the Society o f St. V in c e n t De Paul, su ccessfully h e lp in g the needy since 1833, has fe lt the crunch o f the present rise in able. what about those others who died for their graduate, whose Fulbright scholarship took activists. There is the Civil Rights Museum in commitment to non-violence and ci vil rights for her to South Africa, where she was studying Memphis, Tenn. located at the old Lorraine p overty. F o r exam ple, in 2002 w e gave $641,500 in d ire ct all Americans? People like Michael Schwemer, and working with those trying to put back Motel where Dr. King was killed. But as our assistance and co lle cte d and d istrib u te d o ve r 954,000 pounds o f Andrew Goodman and James Chaney who together a nation tom asunder by decades o f nation discusses whether more war memorials fo o d to a to ta l o f 230,000 em ergency contacts in six counties. went to Neshoba County, Miss, in 1964 and apartheid. While driving in Capetown, her car should be built on the Mall in Washington, M o st w ere the w o rk in g p o o r o r homeless. who were killed for their voter registration work was surrounded and she was beaten and D.C., perhaps someone should raise the ques N o w we are seeing m any seeking assistance fo r the firs t tim e - they never dream ed they w o u ld be in th is p o sitio n n o r do they in the black community there. People like the stabbed by a group o f outsiders who did not tion o f where is the monument to those who Michigan housewife Viola Liuzzo who was know her or what she had done on behal f o f that work for peace. killed in Lowndes County, Ala. for her civil community. rights work in 1965. And this year, when do we honor Rachel Or Jonathon Daniels, an Episcopal seminar Corrie, the 23-year-old young American killed k n o w w here to turn fo r help. O u r cu rre n t resources a re n 't able Bernice Powell Jackson is executive m inis to keep up the pace - some o f those w h o donated before are the ter o f the Justice and Witness Ministries fo r the United Church o f Christ. ve ry ones in need now . B u t together w e m ust fin d help fo r them and everyone in distress. W e m ust defend against increased homelessness and indigence. O u r hope is that N a tio n a l H unger j EDITORIALS for the Portland Observer 1 ■ Do you have an opinion on current events that hasn't been discussed In other newspapers? If so, the Portland Observer editorial staff would like to ! . know. Please fill our this form and attach a brief description of your editorial so we can contact you. Please Include Title, Author & Outline of : ■ Editorial: I ! I > I I ------------------- I I N a m e : ____________________________________________________________ P h o n e : _________________________________________________________ | I Send your response to: The Portland Observer Editorial Staff, 4747 NE MLK Jr. Blvd., Portland, Or. 97211 or fax 503-288-0015. I | Submissionscanalsobem adebyemailingnews@ | k - _ ------- -----------------------_ ---------------------------------- ----- --------------------_ -------- _ ----- j Aw areness D ay w ill heighten o u r situ a tio n w ith a renew ed ca ll to action. L o o k again at the house next d o o r and rem em ber, to d a y you and I m ig h t e n jo y o u r stocked re frig e ra to rs and ro o fs o ve r o u r heads, but o u r neighbors m a y not. A n d fo r us, to m o rro w ’ s w ealth is no lo n g er certain. The o n ly ce rta in ty is that a g iv in g s p irit is abundantly n o u rish in g fo r the soul and y o u r help through d o n a tio n and v o lu n te e rin g can f ill y o u r cup as w e ll as p ro vid e sustenance fo r those in need. B ill C o n y a rd is the executive d ire c to r o f the S ociety o f St. Vincent de Paul. Giving our best Great Values With Safeway Club! ______,.................... Attention SENIORS Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! . ~ \ i J Introducing 4 great new service for n’’'9 hb o itxxxf senior citizens FREE grocery shopping ' shuttle service to your nearby Ainsworth A M LK Blvd Safeway Food & D rug TW ICE a Month! 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