lune 04, 2003 2Ii|r Jlortlanb ©b»eruer B U S IN E S S d ir e c to Page BS Soaring the Shies Mariah Linden B ro k e r Cellular 503 309-8778 Office 503 254-0100 Fax 503 252-6366 1 regon 1 0 0 0 6 S E S ta rk S t P o rtla n d O re g o n 9 7 2 1 6 m a r ia h lin c n ijo r e g o n r e a ltv c o m CM* J0I Michael E. Harper, Sr. Agent 9045 SWBaibur. Suite 109 Portland, OR97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503)227-8757 STATE FARM INSURANTECXIMPANIES HOME OFFICES BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® £Kißpatoicfe*s St/ats and dftYNwtím d P f o i M . S K itp a h ick - (B/tcwn Art»» M o w : 5 0 9 -2 8 8 -8 5 6 5 • (Tac. 5 0 2 - 2 8 9 8 9 9 6 ' 407 ufrA íAlasoii. Suite t • Pottfnad. Chcqcx 972t t P hoto bi R on W ashington /T he P ortland O bserv er The CAS course is open to a maximum of 50 students and features highly individualized education, including detailed computer flight simulations. K r la L â c h e r continued Associate Broker Direct Une (503) 497-5420 E-mail: Buslness(503) 286-5477 Fax(503)220-5788 « Cell (971) 506 H0ME Cellular (971) 506 HOME Windermere/Cronln $ Caplan Wiidermere Realty Group, Inc. 8315 N. Denver Ave., Portland, OR 97217 J Boyd Picture Perfect Landscape Maintenance A good lawn starts with a early prep. Prepare your lawn for spring now! Call (503)970-5743 10% off Moss Control tt fro m Front plane with an experienced pilot. Strickland doesn’t like to em ­ phasize that part o f the program because he understands the public may be wary o f 10- to 12-year-old children soaring the skies, but he assures anyone with a doubt that these kids are good. “ Last year we had 27 kids in the air and they know what they’re doing," he said. Strickland thinks a program like GAS is most valuable in north and northeast Portland because by in­ troducing low-income children to the world o f aviation, it gives them a shoe-in to a career that is percep­ tively viewed as very high status. He said when the kids interact with real world pilotsand see what they do. is essentially the same thing they're learning, it becomes a true validation experience. “ It makes them feel good," he said. "It makes them thirjk, ’Hey. I can do that."' And that’s just what Strickland wants toletkidsknow theycando anything they aspire to do with an education. He doesn't shun sports but thinks spending after school hours working towards an academic * b ecam e on e. W hen she w as younger her brother brought home a plastic model and she took it apart and put it back together before he noticed. ’ Last year we had 27 kids in the air and they know what they 're doing. - Robert Strickland, CAS program founder purpose may be more valuable to their futures. Dea’Naisa Thomas, 11, agrees. If it w asn’t for CAS, she said she'd be at home goofing o ff or sleeping. A fter only one year in the course, Thomas is already marks ahead o f many o f her classmates and hopes to fly as soon as she’s 17 even though she has a fear o f heights. Thomas became interested in planes because her father always aspired to be a jet pilot but never “I wanted to see inside," Tho­ mas said. "But it was just empty." Dantone Lowery, 10, has never been on a plane but swears he'll get one when h e’s older. “ Instead o f driving my ear I’m going to fly my plane," he said. “It’s faster because you don't have any traffic and you don't have stop signs or red lights." The CAS course is open to a maximum o f 50 students and fea­ tures highly individualized educa- tion. Strickland said there are rarely lectures because students are ex­ pected to read their books in ad­ vance and come to class prepared forquestionsandclarification. Ifhe sees a case where it is advanta­ geous to introduce curriculum col­ lectively, he will do so, but in most cases students set their own pace. “ You really have to go about it on an individual basis," Strickland said. Students can be accepted into the free program if they are from a singleparent home, are home alone more than two hours a day, have a parent or guardian with less than a high school education, have a sib lin g w ho failed or dropped out o f school, speak a language other than English in the home or i f they come from a family with an income at or below the poverty level. For more information or toenroll a child in a Center for Airway Sci­ ence course, call 503-292-4542 or v isit the In te rn e t at E_agle ELye O p t ic a l 2808 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Suite C A 503.335 7173 PRESCRIPTION EYEWEAR LICENSED & CERTIFIED OPTICIAN Children’s Singer, Author Performs Friday DOMINIQUES / 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 HAIR DESIGN 222 N. Killingsworth ♦Teresa, Owner & Stylist ♦Deborah, Stylist ♦Horace, Barber 97217 (Vancouver) Jo s6 -L u is O ro z co , p rem ier rhymes in both English and Span­ ch ild ren 's singer and author, will ish from his most recent release perform a concert on Friday, June “ Fiestas." He is also known for 6 at 7 p.m. at the H illsboro S ta­ his two best selling books, “ De dium. C olores” and “D iez D editos". O rozco will be delighting ch il­ O ro zco 's music is a tool that dren. parents, and teachers alike introduces young kids to sub­ with traditional Latin A m erican jects such as the alphabet, num- ® C h ild re n ’s songs, gam es, and b ers, co lo rs and b o d y p arts. w hich he teaches th ro u g h so n g s. He has ea rn ed th e re s p e c t o f p a r e n ts and te ach ers in the Field o f bilingual e d u c a tio n w ho value his work for it’s ability to enhance the ch ild ren ’s know l­ edge o f language, but also ex ­ poses them to elem ents o f Latin A m erican cultures and en h an c­ ing their individual pride and self­ esteem. O rozco is an international a rt­ ist who regularly perform s for children throughout the U.S. and Mexico. As a chi Id, he was a mem­ ber o f the MexicoC’ity Boys Choir and traveled to 32 countries in Europe, the C aribbean and C en­ tral and South America. It is from that experience that he shares his cultural know ledge with children and exposes them to the cultures o f the world. Children s singer and author Jos6- Luis Orozco is coming to the Portland area for a community concert. 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