Page Aa___________________________ (Elje Ç ortlanb (ßbseruer_________________________ M y 28,2003 I lelping ‘ Our Garden’ Grow photo by R on W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver R»v. Jeanne Walker believes lessons of life can be learned In the soil o f Our Garden, located next to King Plaza in northeast Portland. Kids learn important values at Garfield and Failing planting site Party and Plant Sale fro m noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday, June 1 at K in g Plaza, next to the garden at 3939 N.E. M a rtin L u ther K in g Jr. B lvd . The sale w ill helpO ur Garden raise the S100,000 W ith green th u m b s and d ir ty fin g e rn a ils , c h ild re n are le a rn in g the v a lu e o f patience, hard w o rk , c o o p e ra tio n , d iv e rs ity and c h a ri­ ta b le g iv in g as th e y t i l l s o il and g ro w crops at O u rO a rd e n , a n o n -p ro fit org an izatio n in n o rth­ east P ortla nd . W h ile w o rk in g to keep its garden alive, O ur Garden struggles to h o ld onto its p lo t o f land, w h ich is cu rre n tly fo r sale. The group w ill ho ld its seventh annual K id s ' needed to buy the garden plot. “ The property is located in the heart o f the very neighborhood whose children are m ost in need o f its unique service,” said ‘ O u r Garden* coordinator Rev. Jeanne W alker. The garden has the potential to g ro w in to a larger site. M ultn om a h C o un ty recently deeded the adja­ cent lot, w h ich includes a 100-year-old cherry tree, to O u r Garden. F or m ore in fo rm a tio n about the K id s ' Party and Plant Sale, call 503-598-8814. T h is L a n d Ad\ Cl Use \\ III) (li\ c is it\ 111 The Portland Observer call 5O3.3NX.OO3 3 or email; adsfi/ poi llamlobsei is y o u r COME VISIT CAPE SEBASTIAN - OR ANY OF THE OTHER 229 STATE PARKS YOU OWN. L a n d . One of the things many Oregonians love about Oregon is our beautiful open spaces, which Is why they voted to devote 1 5 percent of Lottery profits to state parks. The money Is used to maintain existing parks and buy new ones, like Cape Sebastian in Curry County. L o c a te d Just south o f G old B each on H W Y 1 0 1 , Cape Sebastian is 2 5 8 acres of spectacular coastal headland. Using Lottery dollars, the Oregon Parks and Recreation D epartm ent was able to buy the property, preserving a beautiful stretch of Oregon's coastline for public use and completing the southern leg of the Oregon Coast Trail. The park Includes two viewpoint vistas more than 2 0 0 feet above sea level and a 1 .5 mile walking trail to the beach. I t is a popular spot for hiking, beach combing and whale watching. There Is no fee to use the park, It's open year round and it belongs to you. f c OREGON LOTTERY I t does good th in g s ' LOTTERY DOLLARS SU PPO R T THE OREGON YOU LOVE T h is y e a r, over $ 3 4 m illio n in L o tte ry p ro fits w ill go to s u p p o rt O regon state parks. L o tte ry d o lla rs also supp ort ed u ca tio n , jo b c re a tio n and watershed enhancem ent p ro je c ts across the state. ¿«ittrygarntt or* kaittf oa tia ittt and ihould k* plajid for tntirtalnmrnt onlj. .. i J