Barriers Hinder Advancement D espite the gro w th o f d iversity as a business im perative, m in o ri­ ties still find m any ob stacles that are slow ing their career ad v an ce­ m ent, according to a recent poll released by D iversity S earch .co m . E ighty-nine percent o f respon­ dents said that w o rkplace barriers still exist and 74 percen t felt that general stereotypes and p reco n ­ ceptions o f m inorities exist. W hile D iversityS earch candi­ dates noted that they value corpo­ rate di versity and affinity program s and use this as key criteria w hen considering em ploym ent o p p o r­ tu n itie s, re sp o n d e n ts also b e ­ lieved that there is a lack o f m inori­ ties on boards o f directors (58 percent), an insufficient am ount corporate culture at their co m p a­ nies (58 percent) and feeling o f exclusion from inform al netw orks (53 percent). “ Many corporations are actively seeking to recruit, hire and retain broad diversity talent,” said Jessica O w ens ofD . Partnership Matches Jobs with Prospects PORT OF PORTLAND Career Opportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944- 7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port’s website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visit­ ing the Port's office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer c a r > for « v e ry o n « HOMason a u to g ro u p Experienced Sales People Wanted WE HAVE THE BEST PAY PLAN! ACCELERATE YOUR INCOME EA R N U P TO 4 0 % SALES C O M M IS S IO N Thomason Auto Group is one of the top automotive retailers in the Pacific Northwest with over 10 locations servicing the Greater Portland area. Thomason Auto Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Asbury Automotive Group, one of the largest automotive retailers in the US with respected dealer platforms in ten states. GET IN THE DRIVER’S SEAT We are seeking highly motivated, experienced, and diverse sales professionals. Bilingual/BiculturaI applicants encouraged to apply. With career opportunities in sales, finance, and management, the time is perfect to join the Thomason team. CARS FOR EVERYONE • Super selection of New and Used vehicles • Extensive Advertising • Plenty of Traffic • Multiple Financing Options • Volume Leader Competitive Total Compensation Plan Thomason Auto Group offers a full benefits package with the Best Sales Pay Plan, including: • Spiffs and Bonuses • Cutting-edge corporate sales training • Career path development & management training • Paid vacations • 401K Retirement Plan • Factory Spiffs • Family Medical, Dental, Vision, Disability & Life • And much more... CONTACTUS1 E/ew' our employment opportunities a t 19375 SE McLoughlin Blvd. Gladstone, OR 97027 Phone: 503-722-4927 Equal Opportunity Employer. We value and celebrate diversity in our workplace. Drug Free Workplace. THOMason «a M ® T&gSf1* L o o k in g ^ ^ e x c e lle n t part time J Q Q ? & P hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver A com puter with hundreds o f jo b referrels is an im portant resource for Terry M oho who steps up to the counter at the Oregon Em ploym ent Division office on North Webster. Area businesses count on a partnership with state jo b counselors to find propsective em ployees who m eet certain jo b skills. Arm Yourself With a First-Rate Resume Y our resum e has only a few sec­ onds to im press - o r to end up in the trash. A strong resum e needs a solid foundation, and no am ount o f trick­ ery can m ask po o r organization. Start w ith these basics. C ontact Inform ation: L ist yo u r contact inform ation at the top o f the resum e. Include your full nam e, m ailing address, phone num ber and e-m ail address. If you have a p er­ sonal W eb site, include the URL only if the site show s o ff yo u r skills o r applies to your career goals. O bjective: The o bjectives sec­ tion gives recruiters an im m ediate sense o f w ho you are and w hat y o u ’re looking for, w ithout forcing them to w ade through the entire resum e, lfy o u decide to include an objective, stress w hat y o u ’ll add to the com pany, not what you ’ re look­ ing to take aw ay. Experience: List your experience chronologically, w ith y o u r m ost recent jo b first. If yo u r latest ex p e­ rience w asn ’t the m ost im pressive, arrange yo u r list by im portance. Include the com pany nam e, loca­ tion, your title and dates o f em ploy- What Part-tim e job will pay you m ent. A lso, g iv e a b rie f description o f yo u r accom plishm ents. R em em ber these tips: Em phasize your m ost im portant responsibi I it ies even i f they w eren' t yo u r prim ary duties. U se active voice. S trong sen­ tences are those in w hich a subject perform s an action (acti ve voice) as opposed to an action being per­ form ed on the subject (passive voice). “ I planned an event,” cre­ ates a stronger im pression than “An event w as planned by tne.” Im press em ployers w ith cause- effect relationships and tangible results. Q u antify y o u r ach ie v e­ m ents w ith percentages and num ­ bers like “increased enrollm ent 20 percen t” and “supervised three- person staff.” U se d escriptions to highlight yo u r sense o f initiative. Paint your­ se lf as a “go-getter” w ith strong verbs like “proposed,” "launched" and “m anaged.” Skills/Interests: T o d ay ’s w ork­ ers are m ore tech-savvy than ever, so m ake sure you m ention your technical and com puter skills. List program m ing languages, softw are program s and operating system s y o u ’ve used as well as certifica­ tions you have. D on’t forget “soft skills” like foreign languages and public speaking. Always include mem berships in professional organizations, be­ cause it show s you’re serious about your career. M entioning your in­ terests is optional. Listing activi­ ties and hobbies can portray you as a well- rounded person, but it can raiseeyebrows.too. Be careful what you list. (Y ou should probably keep your passion for professional w res­ tling to yourself.) Education: List your m ost re­ cent education first and work back­ w ard. State your degree, m ajor, m inor, dates o f attendance and the sch o o l’s nam e and location. Y ou m ay also w ant to add your G PA (if3 .0 or higher). References: D on’t w aste v alu­ able space on references. Em ploy­ ers assum e y o u ’ll provide them upon request. Finishing T ouches C reate several versions o f your resum e, each tailored to the type o f position y o u ’re applying for. W riting m ultiple resum es can be tim e-consum ing, but it’s a sm all price to pay for the jo b you want. W ith so m e self-e v a lu a tio n , careful organization and savvy choice o f w ords, your resum e will rise to the top o f the pile on any recru iter’s desktop. up to $ 8 0 0 .0 0 p e r m o n th for only two days worth of work? Excellent Educational Assistance Program: AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TRAINEES I Wantpd. -< • Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $20,000) • Montgomery Gl Bill (up to $276.00 per month, tax free) • Ask about our $350.00 per month (tax free) Incentive Kicker • Ask about our $5,000.00 enlistment bonus Openings Now Available In the Following Fields: No exp. needed. Paid training for qualified H.S. grads willing to relocate. Ages 17-34. Excellent benefits including tuition assistance. Climb the tower and learn with the recognized leader. 1 -877-646 62SO • Avionics • General purpose mechanic & vehicle operations • Computer maintenance & switching • Information & inventory management • Aircraft structural maintenance • Engineering • Water and waste plumbing specialist • Security Police Contact your local A ir National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility r u e ! lo in ! m u r e Ml' \