Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 21, 2003, Page 13, Image 13

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    May 21. 2003
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Hopes High for NBA Draft Thursday Dallas Keeps Finding Ways to Win
(AP) — Everyone wants LeBron James, the pro­
jected No. I pick in the NBA draft. There’s only one
team and city that desperately need him.
And that 'sCleveland, just a 40-minute drive from his
Akron home.
"The last time LeBron was here, we had a 1 1/2-hour
waiting list,” said waitress Cindy Grindstaff, crossing
her fingers before carrying away a tray o f drinks at a
steak house across the street from Gund Arena.
“We need LeBron," she said.
This week, almost everyone in Cleveland is saying
or thinking the same thing.
On Thursday, the Cavaliers and Denver Nuggets -
who tied for the league’s worst record - will have the
most chances (225 o f 1,000) in the NBA draft lottery,
where the top prize this year is the right to draft James,
the hyped high school hoops star from nearby Akron.
Any o f the 13 teams in this year's lottery would love
to have James, the 18-year-old who probably would
have been the No. 1 overall pick a year ago, too.
The Cavaliers covet him.
The 6-foot-8 James could immediately help Cleve­
land, possibly as the point guard they didn’t have last
season when they went 17-65.
James would help fill the Gund, which drew an
average o f just 11,497 fans this season - the league’s
lowest figure and a drop o f nearly 4,000 per game from
last season. The team w on’t disclose its season ticket
base, but it has dropped significantly in recent years.
The hometown kid would bring the franchise some
much-needed national attention.
The Cavaliers have not played on network TV in
three years, and the exposure, plus having James, could
help the club sign free agents who have been turned off
by the city’s rough winters and the team ’s rougher
records the past few years.
James, who will soon sign a multimillion dollar en-
Mavericks take
early lead in
Western finals
LeBron J a m e s so a rs u n d er th e b a s k e t. The
high sc h o o l se n io r is e x p e c te d to b e th e No.
1 pick in T hursday's NBA draft. (AP photo)
dorsement deal with Nike, Adidas or Reebok, also
could provide a shot in the arm for Cleveland’s
David G ilbert, president o f the G reater C leve­
land Sports C om m ission, w hich w orks to attract
m ajor sports events to the city, said Jam es'
influence on the business vitality m ight be d if­
ficult to quantify.
if even bright things get you down.
Happy 1st B-Day
Javlen McDonald
Love Your Family
Wally Tesfa
(A P )— The Dallas Mavericks
missed their first free throw and
made their final 49. Yep, 49 in a row.
That superb free throw shooting
- along with a few defensive gim ­
micks from Don N elson’s book o f
tricks - was how the Mavericks
pulled ofl'a stunning comeback and
beat the San Antonio Spurs 113-
110 Monday night in Game 1 o f the
Western Conference finals.
The Mavericks closed the game
with a 24-9 run after falling behind
by as many as 18 points and trailing
nearly the entire game.
Dirk Nowitzki led Dallas with 38
points, going 17-for-17 from the
line, and Michael Finley was 1O-for-
10 at the stripe while scoring 26.
Nick Van Exel was 7-for-7 at the line
for 14 points, and Steve Nash was
6-for-6 and scored 22.
NBA playofifhistory includes 10
games in which a team made all o f its
free throws, with the best o f the
bunch a 28-for-28 performance by
Phoenix in 1989.
That makes what Dallas did even
more impressive, given that they
were O-for-1 from the line after
Eduardo Najera missed the first one
with 2:25 left in the first quarter.
That was the same first quarter in
which this game looked totally dif­
ferent from the way it ended. Tim
Duncan was nearly unstoppable,
Dallas was frustrated, and it looked
as though the Spurs might turn it
into a runaway.
T he three-h o u r, one-m inute
Dallas M avericks g uard S te v e N a sh drives th e ball around S a n
Antonio S p u rs g u a rd Tony Parker in th e first h a lf o f g a m e 1 o f
th e W estern C on feren ce finals in S a n Antonio, Monday. Dallas
won, 1 1 3 -1 1 0 . (AP photo)
game sure didn’t turn out that way.
After Dallas fell behind 101-87
with 8 1/2 minutes left, the Mavs
made theircomeback, Finley ended
it by driving around his defender
and scoring on a floater over
Duncan for a 111-110 lead with 14
seconds left.
Duncan shot an airball from in
close while being double-teamed,
and Nowitzki made two free throws
with 4 seconds left for a three-point
The Mavericks wouldn’t allow
the Spurs to attempt a tying 3-
pointer, choosing instead to foul
(A P )— Trail Blazers coach Maurice
C heeks has reportedly met w ith Bos-
ÌY f o o t c
lon C cltics 8eneral m anager Chris
W allace to discuss (be B lazers’ GM
According to The Oregonian, the
two met in Los Angeles Monday night.
v J 1 ▼ 1
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It is the first known interview con­
ducted by the Blazers since Bob Whitsitt
resigned as president and general man»-
ager on May 7.
Cheeks is not in charge ofhiring a new
GM, but he has been included in the
decision making process.
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Duncan immediately after he caught
the inbounds pass.
Duncan missed both free throws
- a fitting ending on a night when he
missed seven o f 19 foul shots and
the Spurs missed 17 o f 48.
Duncan tied his career playoff-
high with 40 points and had 15
rebounds, while Tony Parker had
18 points.
Bruce Bowen, the object o f
N elson’s Haek-a-Bruce strategy -
added 13 points for the Spurs, who
were outscored 30-19 in the fourth
quarter. The referees called a total
o f 72 fouls - 36 on each team.
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