Committed to Cultural D iversity May 14. 2003 Mississippi Street Fair The Mississippi A venue business district is opening its doors for a com m unity celebration. The fttn starts Thursday, M ay 15 with the Boise-Eliot Multicultural Fair from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at B oise-Eliot El­ em entary, 620 N. Frem ont, with hands-on artist’s dem onstrations, student perform ances and food. O n Friday, M ay 16 there will be a talent show at the M ississippi Ris­ ing Ballroom, 833 N Shaver, from 7 ¡p m . to 9 p.m., followed by the show ing o f local film m akers work in an outdoor theater north o f the « Fresh Pot. On Saturday, M ay 17 there will be a street fair from 10a.m. to 7 p.m. w ith a best rib ’s contest, com m unity garage sale, arts and crafts, all ages bingo, food ven­ dors, perform ance stages, horses and children’s activities. Gregoryiana, 6, celebrates after winning a foot race with daycare provider David Morris. The northeast Portland man is a living testament to the new Eddie Murphy movie “Daddy Day Care." This is where the Lord led me. — David Morris, on why he decided to open up a day care service Infant Massage Class O n T uesday, M ay 20, at K aiser P erm anente’sT o w n Hall, 3704 N Interstate A ve., parentsofint'ants, can learn how to safely m assage a baby at this tw o -h o u r class. C ost to attend is $25 for K aiser m em bers and $30 for the public. T oregister, call 503-286-6816. Sabin Sidewalk Art Show and Sale O n S a tu rd a y , Ju n e 7 at th e S ta rb u c k s C o ffe e H o u se on N ortheast 15* and Frem ont, there will be a sidewalk show and sale kickoff to benefit the Sabin Elemen­ tary School art program. Students will show o ff their talents by paint­ ing on easels, there will be student art for sale and a silent auction on selected pieces. Followingthekick- off, the sidewalk sale will continue throughout the sum mer. Pet Photo Contest An imal enthusiasts can enter p ic­ tures o f their favorite, furry friends in the O regon H um ane S o ciety ’s annual photo contest. W inners w ill take hom e gift certificates for local cam era stores and will have th eir im ages featured in the H u­ m an S ociety’s sum m er m agazine 'an d p o p u larw eb site. A w ards will go to photos o f the top dog, cat, o th er anim al, funniest anim al and the best photo o fa child and a pet. E ntries m ust be labeled on the back w ith the su b m itter’s nam e, address, telephone num ber and the p e t’s nam e. T here is a $5 per household entry fee and all e n ­ tries should be sent or delivered to the O regon H um ane Society, 1067 NE C olum bia B lvd., before M onday, June 9 at 7 p.m. - » J* 1;/ r\ k ji ... 'ti P hotos by W ynde D yer /T he P ortland O bserver . David Morris races with daycare children in the front lawn of his northeast Portland home. Even though he runs three miles a day. Morris lets the kids win. Childcare provider shares similarities with Eddie Murphy character b y W ynde D ver T he P ortland O bserver W hen D avid M orris w as laid o ff from his long-tim e jo b as a shipyard forem an in 1998 he got an idea. ♦ Just like Eddie M u rp h y ’s character in the S alvation A rm y w hile he holds dow n “ D addy D ay C are,” M orris hung up his the fort. w orking tools and put on his kid gloves to “ I ’m a gourm et chef, so when she gets open up an in-hom e child-care service. hom e d in n e r’s prepared and the house is “ I w as tired o f w orking for the m an,” clean," M orris said. said M orris, w ho opened Y o u rC hild’s Day The push to open up the low er floor o f C are later that M ay. “ I prayed for som e­ their tw o-story house on the corner o f thing and this is w here the Lord led m e." N ortheast 29,h and L om bard cam e from M orris adm its his daily w ork, w hich M elanie, said M orris. T he couple has four begins w ith his first child at 5 a m., is a adopted foster children, so rather than pay sw itch in traditional gender roles, but he for outside child-care M elanie urged M or­ says h e ’s fine with that. He likes allow ing ris to stay hom e w ith the kids. his wife M elanie to focus on her career for “M y w ife has a real com passion for little Write Around Portland Benefit continued on page B5 Jobless Rate Still Rising T he Lim inal T heater at 403 NW Fifth Ave. w ill host an A nnual | Unemployment at 8 percent; highest since Feb. 2002 F acilitato r R eading to ben efit W rite A round Portland on June l2 fro m 7 p .m .to 9 p .m .T h e re w ill I be w ine, food, m usic, a raffle and m ore. W rite A ro u n d P o rtlan d fa c ilita to rs a re th e g ro u p w h o | v o lu n te e r to w ork b eh in d the sc e n e s o ffe rin g w o rk sh o p s that b rin g the p o w e r o f w ritin g to | p e o p le th ro u g h o u t th e city . A $10 donation w ill be suggested for the reading. For more inform a­ tion, cal 1503-796-9224. Summer Camp at the Zoo Children, fouryearsofage through seventh grade, can spend five ex­ citing days at the zoo learn i ng about various endangered species. The camp, w hich runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 16 through August 29, includes daily lunch breaks and instruction from the zo o 's most experienced anim al keepers. For more information or to regi ster, cal 1 5O3-22O-278I. people,” M orris said. “She d o esn ’t call them children o r kids, she calls them little people because she says they feel, under­ stand, hurt, desire, need and love ju s t like little living souls.” M orris enrolled in early childhood de­ velo p m en t co u rses th rough T he N ew U nited W ay and the Peninsula C h ild ren ’s N etw ork, a group o f childcare providers that insures all childcare givers qualify with the proper skills to teach children. photo Bv M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver O p era tio n R esto ra tio n Rasheedah Dedmon, a student from Open Meadows High School, applies a fresh coat of paint to Tom Cramer s 1,500 square foot mural "Machinery," on the Scientific Research Building at the corner of North Williams and Shaver Street. Students from the school have joined the local artist and volunteers from Metro Murals to restore the large scale mural to its original state. i t (AP) — The state’s unem­ ployment jumped to eight per­ cent last month, up from 7.6 percent in March. That’s the highest unem­ ployment has been since Feb­ ruary 2002, when the rate was 8.1 percent. Oregon’s highest rate since the ec o n o m ic d o w n tu rn started two years ago was in January 2002 when the rate was 8.4 percent. The national rate for April was six percent. The last time the national rate was higher that O regon's rate was in July o f 1994. According to economists, the number o f availabnle jobs in the state has not kept p£ with the growth rate. Oregon's civilian labor fon which includes the employ plus the unemployed, has grov over the past two years I 32,400. During that time t number o f unemployed has i creased by 43,200. In April, total nonfarm pa roll em ploym ent added on 100 jobs at a time o f ye when a gain o f 8,400 wou have been the norm. Construction was flat in Ap w hen a gain o f 1,300jobs wou have been typical. Rain in some areas may ha’ delayed the start o f the coi struction season. Manufacturing posted sim larly dismal numbers in April. Trade, transportation, an utilities added only 300 job when a gain o f 2,300 is norma