j f o l4,2003______ _______________________ ® lje J I n r tla n h (D b se r u c r Page A3 Young W om an L oved L ife and M usic continued front Front Barbies we must have had every Barbie made.” Kendra ’s father Kenneth bought his daughter a 1957 Chevy Barbie car and one o f her Barbies, a 1951 special edition, turned out to be worth $5,000. But when Isadore went to sell it she found it in the dog’s mouth. The legs were detached and the body was chewed up. Isadore remembers her daughter being un­ derstandably upset. If there was anything Kendra loved more than Barbies it was music. She grew up with music in her blood. Her father started play­ ing the bass when he was 14 and never turned back. Kenneth remem­ bers as soon as she could speak she started singing. All though her school days she sung in choir. "She liked to sing that was her thing,” he said. “She had a loud voice. Just like me.” Dancing was also top on her list o f favorite activities. O ne day after a choir perform ance Jam es' parents surprised her with tick ­ ets to MC Hammer. She brought him a rose and gave it to him at the concert. "That was one o f her finest mo­ ments,” Isadore said, “She stood in the isle right in front o f him and tion with her stepdaughter. Badou said she was a sweet girl who loved to have her hair done and who accepted her four stepbrothers and sisters like her own blood. ’’She was really close to them,” she said. “ I loved her just like one o f my own kids.” K endra also has children o f - Judith Badou, Kendra James' her ow n, M elvin Jam es, 3, and stepmother M arques Farris, 1, who are now in ________________________ the care o f K enneth and Badou. danced her little heart out.” The fam ily describe M elvin as a After Kenneth and Isadore sepa­ youngster full o f life as his mother rated, K endra’s stepmother, Judith w as and M arques as alw ays a Badou moved into the picture. happy baby. Kendra was 13 and Badou remem­ The last time they saw their bers feeling an immediate connec­ mother was the day before her death. She came over to visit and kissed Melvin before leaving. Although Kendra had run-ins with the law- for drugs and theft issues, her family swears she was trying to turn her life around. They hold no doubt in their minds that she would have finished school and cleaned up. “She always told me, T m g o in g to get myselftogether,’” Badou said. U nfortunately, she never got the chance. Now her fam ily is faced w ith picking up the pieces. Her sister Karisa is coping as well as she can, Isadore said. K enneth c a n ’t help but shake his head and w onder w hy the She always told me, 7 in going to get myself together. police had to shoot his daughter. Isadore m akes a stoic effo rt to fight back tears. But the m ost unsettling thing, Badou said, are the surviving children. “They know som ething’s not right,” she said. “ It’s so sad.” Last week the family attended a prayer v igil on the North Skidmore overpass where Kendra was killed. The weather was chilly and Badou took the chi Idren to the car. She told them they could have their own prayer session inside. “ M elvin cla sp e d his h an d s and lo w ered his e y e s and then he said , ‘G od b less my m o m ,’” B adou said. “ It b roke my h e a rt.” ¡Subscribe! Fill out. Clip out & Send to: ^Jnrtlanh (fibseruer I I I I I I I I Attn: Subscriptions PQ Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 s w o s c rz /H /o n s ju st $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) N ame :. A ddress :__ T elephone :. k____ Looking for an What Part-tim e job will pay you . . e x c e I I e n part tim e jQ B ? photo m R o \ Rev. Roy L. Tate o f Christ M em orial C hurch o f G od in Christ, w ho led one o f the vigils, told The O regonian, “ It appears that w hen it com es to people o f color, it’s shoot first and get acquitted later.” N orth Precinct O fficer, Rick B e a n , p u lle d o v e r a 2 0 0 2 C h e v ro le t C a v a lie r c a rry in g Jam es, her boyfriend, Darnell W hite and the driver, Terry Jack- son, at 2:40 a.m. M onday, May 5, east o f North Interstate A v­ enue on S kidm ore Street, for failure to com e to a com plete stop. O fficers K enneth R eynolds 111 and M cC ollister also responded to the call. A s Jack so n w as taken into cu sto d y for hav in g no licen se, o f f ic e r s a n d w itn e s s e s sa y Jam es clim bed into the d riv e r’s s e a t. T h e n th r e e o f f i c e r s s tr u g g le d w ith J a m e s , w h o started the ca r w ith the d riv e r’s d o o r still open. R ey n o ld s fired a stun gun at Jam es, but the p ro b e failed to p ierce h er skin. A s the ca r beg an to m ove, M c C o lliste r fired on e fatal shot from his 9 m m in to J a m e s ’ side. Jam es had a recent w arrant for her arrest for failure to appear in court on a drug charge. “ T h a t d id n ot h av e a n y th in g to d o w ith th e s h o t,” s a id L arry . “ I th in k it te lls us w h ere w e tr u ly a re as a c o m m u n ity an d a so c ie ty . T h is y o u n g lady w as g o in g th r o u g h so m e g ro w in g p a in s , b u t n o w sh e w o n ’t h a v e a c h a n c e to tu rn h e r life a ro u n d ." M cC ollister is on paid leave w hile the police bureau conducts an internal investigation. -< • Student Loan Repayment Program (up to $20,000) • Montgomery Gl Bill (up to $276.00 per month, tax free) • Ask about our $350.00 per month (tax free) Incentive Kicker • Ask about our $5,000.00 enlistment bonus Community Casts Doubt on Police from Front only two days worth of work? Excellent Educational Assistance Program: W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bsfrs f . r Helen Sherman, a local representative o f the NAACP, answers a reporter's question during a downtown rally. The civil rights group is calling for changes in police practices and asking all concerned residents to seek justice in the police shooting death o f Kendra James. continued up to $800.00 per month for Openings Now Available In the Following Fields: • Avionics • General purpose mechanic & vehicle operations • Computer maintenance & switching ¿r • Information & inventory management • Aircraft structural maintenance • Engineering • Water and waste plumbing specialist • Security Police (Oregon ► NAT Contact your local Air National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility 5 0 3 .3 3 5 .4 0 4 0 8 0 0 .3 9 2 .1 8 0 1 w w w .o rp o rt.a n g .a f.m il Giving our best u a rte rs A tten tio n Boneless Beef Full Cut Round Steak SENIORS Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! . ' ■ I '*»¿*7 ' j j . >J Any size package. 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