Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 14, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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(Effe ^flortlanh (f)bsrruer
May 14. 2003
P olice __________________________
Multnomah County Sued Over Inmate Overdose
Family claims
methadone drug
substituted for
chronic pain
The m edication substitution was
m ade o v er B accelleri’s objections,
according to the com plaint, w hich
w as filed T hursday in M ultnom ah
C ounty C ircuit Court
A ccording to the M ultnom ah
C ounty H ealth D epartm ent, w hich
runs th e ja il’s m edical services, its
investigation into the death un­
covered no reason to reprim and
(A P )— M ultnom ah C ounty has health w orkers.
been hit w ith a S l .3 m illion law suit
C ounty officials declined to dis­
by the fam ily o f a jail inm ate w ho cuss other findings, saying they
died o f a m ethadone o verdose in fell under m edical confidentiality
his cell last month.
The family ofN ick Baccelleri said
W hen B accelleri checked him ­
jail health em ployees substituted s e lf in to serve a 30-day sentence
his regular m edication for a chronic for drunken driving on the m orning
pain problem w ith substantial do s­ o f M arch 31, he brought the p ain ­
ages o f m ethadone.
killer O xyC ontin and other medical
prescriptions, according to the law ­
suit. Few er than 48 hours later, he
w as found dead in his cell at the
Inverness jail.
He had no experience taking
m ethadone, a synthetic opiate that
p ig ,” he said.
T he law suit said th e ja il’s m edi­
cal sta ff failed to adequately m oni­
tor B accelleri’s reaction to the drug,
w hich w ould have allow ed doctors
to detect an adverse reaction.
What (health workers) really did
was make Nick a guinea pig.
-M ic h a e l Shinn, attorney for thefamily of Nick Baccelleri, man whodled
of a methadone overdose in Multnomah County's Inverness Jail
helps control addiction and pain,
said M ichael Shinn, the fam ily’s
In refusing to give Baccelleri
O xyContin, “w hatfhealth workers)
really did w as m ake Nick a guinea
Baccelleri, 48, suffered from sev­
eral m edical problem s. H ischronic
pain, Shinn said, dated to a car
w reck in G uatem ala 20 years ago,
w hen he w as w ith a church group
aiding com m unities after an earth­
His injuries from the crash w ere
so severe that doctors w ere forced
to place m etal rods in his legs and
arm s, Shinn said. The pain never
w ent aw ay and B accelleri w as
heavily dependent on O xyC ontin,
Shinn said.
On the night o f April 1, Baccelleri
called his m other from a phone in­
side the Inverness jail, Shinn said.
He w as distraught. He w as upset
that the jail health w orkers had re­
fused to give him his O xyC ontin
and feared that he w as taking the
wrong kind o f medicine, Shinn said.
Shortly before 7 a.m . the next
day, a nurse walked into Baccel leri ’s
cell to give him an insulin shot for
diabetes and found him dead.
Shinn said Dr. Jim Bane, the ja il’s
medical director, made a tearful apol­
ogy when he later visited the Port­
land hom e o f the inm ate's mother.
S h in n s a id D r. B a n e to ld
B accelleri's mother, Evelyn, his sis­
ter and brother in-law that county
officials had told him not to m ake
the visit.
“ But he told them , ’I c an ’t live
w ith this and I c a n ’t sleep,” ’ Shinn
said. "H e show ed up w ith a chap­
lain. He w as crying.”
L illia n S h ir le y , th e h e a lth
dep artm en t’s director, confirm ed
that Dr. B ane visited the fam ily but
said she d id n 't know w hat he told
Dr. Bane declined to discuss the
T exas D ru g B u st D eb acle In v e stig a te d
r 1*^1
candlelight vigil on July 22, 2001 in Tulia, Texas commemorated the town's infamous drug raid. Tulia NAACP President Freddie Brooking (left), speaking at the rally, has a son
serving a lengthy prison sentence. The crowd rallied peacefully and carried signs declaring an abuse o f justice. A young girl wears a T-shirt emblazoned with the protest
organization's title "Friends o f Justice."
(A P )— The chairm an o f the H ouse Judiciary
C o m m ittee w ill investigate a drug probe that
snared d ozens o f black residents o f Tulia in
1999, based on testim ony o f a now -discredited
police officer, a law m aker said.
M ean w h ile, the ju d g e w h o c o n d u c te d e v i­
d en tiary h earin g s on fo u r o f the c o n v ic tio n s
w ro te in a co u rt filin g th at it w o u ld be a
trav esty o f ju s tic e for them to stan d b ecau se
o f u n d erco v er offic e r T om C o le m a n 's “ b la ­
tan t p e rju ry .”
C olem an’s w ork led to the arrest o f 46 people,
39 o f w hom were black, in July 1999. Civil rights
advocates have claim ed the busts w ere racially
m otivated. C olem an is white.
N o decision has been m ade on w hat kind o f
inquiry Republican Rep. Jam es Sensenbrenner
w ill do, com m ittee spokesm an Je ff Lungren
said after the announcem ent by Rep. John
C onyers o f M ichigan.
The probe, announced last W ednesday at a
forum on Capitol Hill, cam e at the request o f
C onyers and tw o other Congressional Black
Caucus members, all Democrats: Reps. Sheila Lee
Jackson o f Houston and C harles Rangel ofN ew
Y ak.
T ulia resident Freddie B rookins Sr., w hose
son is in the fourth year o f 20-year sentence,
said he w elcom ed congressional scrutiny.
“ I view it as a great step in the right direc­
tion,” he said.
Retired state D istrict Judge Ron C hapm an
ruled during evidentiary hearings in M arch that
C olem an lacked credibility as a w itness and
said he w ould recom m end that 38 convictions
be overturned and new trials ordered.
N o L e a d s in J a m M a s te r J a y S la y in g
(A P)— The city and m usic industry have
offered m ore than $60,000 in rew ards for infor­
m ation on the slaying o f rap legend Jam M aster
Jay. But nearly six m onths after his death, the
identity o f his killer and the m otive behind the
shooting rem ain a m ystery.
New York Police D epartm ent sources close
to the case concede the investigation has been
ham pered by dead-end leads and uncoopera­
tive w itnesses.
“N o one in that industry w ants to be a rat,”
said one o f the sources, w ho spoke on condi­
tion o f anonym ity.
“W e 're not at a standstill," countered police
Lt. A lfred M urphy. “W e ’re still hopeful.”
Som e blam e that lack o f cooperation on
heavy-handed police tactics.
The 37-year-old victim, w hose real nam e was
At home with Family.
Rap legend Jam
Master Jay, a.k.a.
Jason Mizell,
member o f hip hop
pioneers Run-DMC.
Nearly six months
after his execution-
style slaying, the
identity o f the killer
and the motive
remain a mystery.
(AP Photo)
Jason Mizell, w as killed on O ct. 30 by a gunm an
- m asked and w earing a black sw eat suit and
black hat - w ho fired a single .40-caliber bullet
into his head in the lounge o f his recording
studio in Q ueens.
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Aiiwncan Farwfy AM uM Inaurane» Company and da Subantviaa
Men Wanted in Fast Food Armed Robberies
Portland Police Bureau Robbery Detectives,
in cooperation with C rim e Stoppers, are asking
for the p u b lic's help in identifying and appre­
hending three m en involved in a series o f
“take-over-style" arm ed robberies at Portland
fast food restaurants.
The crim es occurred at 10 locations be­
tw een Jan. 29 and M ay 4, stretching from
Southeast 28"' and Powell to N ortheast 58'*’ and
Sandy to Saint Johns.
The suspects enter a business and take con­
trol o f the em ployees and patrons by displaying
or sim ulating handguns They then take money
from the business and flee the area on foot.
T he suspects are described as black males.
O ne is thought to be in his early 30s to40s, 5 feet
8 inches to 5 feet 10 inches tall, 200 pounds, with
a m edium com plexion and possibly a thin m us­
tache. Police said he is probably a heavy drinker
based on an odor o f alcohol in one case and
discolored “alco h o lic’s eyes” in another.
The second man is described as in his 20s to
late 30s, 5 feet lO tosix feet tall, 160 pounds, with
a w ide nose and a rough light com plexion with
possible pock m arks and dark spots or large
freckles under his eyes. A victim described him
as having “ indented freckles around his eyes
that looked alm ost like b u m s.”
The third m an is described as in his late 20s,
5 feet 8 to six feet tall and 160 pounds.
•w w « n » » m n w
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Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000fo r information, reported to Crime
Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, and you need not
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