Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 07, 2003, Page 9, Image 9

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    May 07. 2003
(The Jlortlanh (fDhsertier
« I
Mane Makes
People’s List Again
Halle Berry, the first
African American
woman to win an Oscar
for her performance in
“Monster’s Ball,’ made
People Magazine s annual
list o f the “ 50 Most
Beautiful People in the
World" for the seventh
time this year.
Page B3
Halle Berry graces last
week 's cover o f People.
For the seventh time, Halle Berry is on People magazine's annual
list o f the “50 Most Beautiful People in the World” - but making it there
repeatedly isn’t easy.
The 34-year-old actress, who s on the cover o f the issue that came out last
F riday, says she works out daily with a treadmill and weights, and maintains
a strict diet of chicken, fish, vegetables, brown rice and tabbouleh.
" I’m not obsessive, like I have to have the best butt or the best abs,
but I like the idea o f feeling strong and healthy,” says Berry, who co-
stars in the upcoming “X-Men" sequel. “ It’s important to feel good
about m yself physically. It's something I think about.”
Julia Roberts is on the "Most Beautiful" list fora record eighth
time. Also appearing this year are Ben Affleck and Jennifer
Lopez, twin teen stars Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, “American
Idol host Ryan Seacrest, singers Norah Jones and Usher, and
basketball player Tony Parker o f the San Antonio Spurs.
M tM
The Art of Thelma
Johnson Streat, Through
July 6
Out ofviewing f'oralmost 40 years, Thelma Johnson
Streat’s art displays are once more at the Portland Art
Museum. Johnson, an African Am erican artist who
grew up in the Northwest, focuses her art on the w orld’s
m ultiple cultures. The exhibit takes place at the Port­
land Art M useum , 1219 SW Park, on the third floor in
the Northwest Artist Gallery area. For more informa­
tion, call 503-226-2811
Freddy Cannon and Guests
C hart-to p p in g hits form Freddy C annon, Jay and
the T ech n iq u es and M errilee Rush prom ise a night o f
m em ories at the M em orial C oliseum , May 7 beginning I
at 7:30 p.m . T ickets are $24 including service charges I
and are a v ailab le at the Rose Q u arter T icket O ffice, at
a ll
T ic k e t m a s te r
lo c a t io n s ,
o n lin e !
ia n v . roseauarter, mm o r w w . ticktm aster. co m . Phone
purchases also available by, call 503-224-4400 a n d |
Talisman Gallery’s April Show,
April 24-May 25
groups, call 503-963-4400.
Painters Miriam Badyrkaand Allen Schm ertzler will be
featured at the Talism an Gallery, 1476 N.E. A lberta St,
April 24 through May 25. Badyrka’s work incorpo­
rates artistic patterns o f different cultures and periods
from around the world. Schm ertzler creates political art
combining painting, caricaturing and expressionism for
the purpose o f bringing political art to the public. The
gallery is open Thursdays and Fridays from I p.m. to
6 p.m., Saturdays front 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays
from I p.m. to 4 p.m.
Works o f metal from across the country will be on display
at this year s m etal-works show. Several award-winning
designers are featured, including Tami Dean, Tom Herman.
Sharon Harker and I. in Cook. The works can be viewed at
the Oregon Convention Center, Friday, May 9 and Satur
day, May 10 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, May 11
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Adm ission is free.
A film session on the people o f the Colum bia narrows
in on cultures and rights o f m inorities in the Columbia
River Basin. Docum entaries vary from a single black
m other’s attempt to im provea neighborhood to a movie
about an Asian-Indian family tom between their new
world and their traditional old world. Docum entaries
show Tuesdays at 7 p.m., at K iggin’s Theater. 1011
Main St., in Vancouver. “T urbans” will show on May
13 and "A m erican G ypsy” on May 20. For more
information, calltheC enterforC olum bia River History
The Get Rich Or Die Trying Tour, May 14
5 0C ent& T heO -U nitand DJ Chill will play at The Salem
Armory, 2320 NE I7“1 St. in Salem. The show begins 7
p.m. and tickets are $35.
Jus Family Records & DJ Chill After Party, May 14
DJ C hill will play an after-hours show following “The Get I
2 1 or older and doors open 10 p.m.
W ashington artists Ellen George and MalPina Chan will
display works from different view s o f their Chinese
heritage at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center,
5340 N Interstate Ave. George uses hand-form ed poly­
m er and M ylar m aterials to display her take on her
Chinese cultural influence. Chan brings m onoprints o f
fami ly and historical docum ents to express the struggle
betw een U.S. and C hinese cultures. Gallery hours are
T uesday through Friday, I I a.m .
through 6 p.m., Saturdays 12 p.m.
through 4 p.m. or by appointm ent. No
adm ission is charged, but donations
appreciated. For more information, call
503-823-2072 or 503-823-2071.
Lisa Marie Presley and Guests, May 10
D aughter o f the king. Lisa Presley, w ill play her own
m usic and ex p o se her soul at the R oseland T heater, on
Saturday, M ay 10 at 8 p.m . T ickets are $20 in advance
and $25 at the do o r plus applicable se rv ice charge.
T ickets available through all T ickets W est locations or
by phone, cali 503-224-8499 and 800-992-8499, online
w . tic ketsw est.co m .
Rich O r Die Trying Tour,” show at The House o f Funk.
3 8 9 1 SE Com m ercial, in Salem. Tickets are $ 10 for those |
IFCC’s Aslan Pacific Heritage Month,
through May 30
HaiR, through May 24
-North Carolina Herald-Sun
arlene schnitzer concert hall
OCAC Ceramics Sale, May 17 through May 18
Students and faculty will host the annual Oregon College
o f Art and Craft sale with 30 percent o f proceeds given for I
guest artists and 70 percent given to participating artists. I
The sale takes place at the college, located at 8245 S.W.
Barnes Rd. The sale wi II be free and open to the public from
10 a m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, Mav
Houston Goes
‘Boston Public’ I
students/seniors/groups. PCPA Box Office and all
outlets, including select Fred Meyer stores.
503.224.4400 Info/groups 8 or more: 503.245.1600
Whitney Houston will take her first
acting role in several years when she
guest-stars as herself on the FOX’s
"Boston Public." A Winslow High stu­
dent writeshera 10-page letterasking if
she'llbe his prom date, and to everyone's
surprise, she accepts.
Houston will also work with former
“American Idol" finalist Tamyra Gray,
who’s wrapping up her recurring role as
the shy but talented student Aisha.
She’s set to sing at the pront, hut when
she hears Houston her idol will be
there, she gets stage fright.
Houston does her best to help Aisha
get over her nerves, giving an unplanned
performance oF'Try Iton MyOwn,” her
latest single.
A six-time Grammy winner, Houston
has sold more than 120 million albums in
her career. Her acting credits include
“The Bodyguard,” “Waiting To Exhale”
and most recently, ABC's 1997 musical
The "Boston Public” season finale is
scheduled for Monday, May 12 at 8 p.m.
ß O O K IE S
sou\^°°d to * /00'’
Friday & Saturday.
r the soui
Mount Hood Community College The­
atre Arts Program presents a production
that mixes a corporate treasurer and a
web o f lies with humor. Thursday and
Saturday evening performances at 8 p.m.
and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. run May
2through 11 at M H CC’sStudioTheatre
located 26OOOS.E. Stark, (ieneral admis­
sion Tickets cost $8 and admission for
students and seniors is $6. More infor-
“Fagan’s work hypnotizes
and amazes”
Tickets: $18-$39 plus service charge. Discounts for
Spring Metal Work Show, May 9 through May 11
People of the Columbia River Basin, May 13
and May 20
Rock, nudity, profanity, drug refer­
ences and incense are wrapped up al I in
one production o f “ Hair.” The play
com es to Portland’s Alberta Arts Pa­
vilion after its debut 35 years ago on
Broadway. The Alberta Arts Pavilion
is located at 2 3 15 N.E. Alberta. Friday
and Saturday shows begin at 8 p.m. and
Sunday m atinees start at 2 p.m. The
perform ances end Sunday, May 25.
Tickets are $14 for general admission
and $12 for students or seniors with a
dollar o ff for a canned food donation.
For m ore information, call 503-502-
Houston on
the set of
Public. “ The
singer will
perform her
latest single,
“Try It on My
Own," during
the season
mation is available by phone at I
Randy Starr .$***
9pm - 2am
736 N Lombard
Jimmy Mak s NW 10th « Everett, 503 295-6542 for details
Portland Public Schools needs a positive change in
leadership and direction.
There Is an opportunity to
make this changehappenwith the May 20th election of
four new School Board members.
The members of Portland Association of Teachers
strongly recommend the following candidates:
1 block off 1-5 • 503.286.7520
Please vote end return your ballot right away
Thank you from your Portland leechers