Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 07, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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    (Elfe ^ìortlanò © bseruer
Page B2
May 07. 2003
"Gotti is the public face o f Murder Inc., McGriff is the true owner o f the company...
It is well-known in the music industry that McGriff has provided Murder Inc. with ‘muscle.'"
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Investigation Connects Music Label, Drug Money
(A P) Rap industry insiders have
told investigators that the success­
ful M urder Inc. m usic label w as
b ankrolled by a notorious drug
d ealer w ho also w as involved in the
shooting o f hip hop superstar 50
T he allegations w ere detailed in
a new ly unsealed affidavit obtained
T hursday by The A ssociated Press.
The docum ent w as filed under seal
in January in a federal m oney-laun­
dering investigation o f M urder Inc.
and other rap industry enterprises. R ule and A shanti.
The affidavit, signed by an Inter­
N either M cG riff nor G otti have
nal Revenue Service agent, accuses been charged in the m oney laun­
K enneth M cG riff the convicted d erin g case, w hich p ro secu to rs
leader o f a m urderous drug gang in have refused to discuss.
Q ueens o f form ing an i I licit partner­
T he affidavit w as filed in sup­
ship w ith M urder Inc. ow ner and port o f a w arrant authorizing sei­
longtim e friend Irv G otti. It alleges zure o f bank accounts related to the
M cG ri ff provided drug proceeds as straight-to-video film "C rim e Part­
"s ta rt-u p m oney” for the label in n e rs ." M cG riffhelped produce the
the late 1990s.
movie, starring Ja Rule, Snoop Dogg
M urder Inc. is now hom e to top­ and Ice-T, w ith M urder Inc.
selling recording artists such as Ja
A ccording to the affidavit, one
inform ant told federal investigators
that w hile ‘ ’G otti is the public face
o f M urder Inc., M cG riff is the true
ow ner o f the c o m p a n y ... Itis w ell-
know n in the m usic industry that
M cG riff has provided M urder Inc.
with ‘m uscle.’”
T he unnam ed inform ants also
linked M cG riff to acts o f violence,
"in c lu d in g the shooting o f a rap
artist nam ed 50 C ent w ho w rote a
song exposing his crim inal activ i­
ties,” the court papers allege.
50 Cent to Publish Life Story
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T h e C T S sta n d s fo r C a d illa c T o u rin g S ed an d e fin itely stan d s
Franklin Told to
Clean Up Mess
out. It’s the n ew C -se rie s fo rC a d illa c m o d el line up re p la c in g the
C atera. T h e c h an g e o f m o d el also b o u g h t th e c h a n g e o f m a n u ­
factu rin g it in the U n ited S tates in stead o f G erm an y . I t’s th e first
C ad illac to o ffe r rear-w h eel d riv e sin ce 1952. T h e C T S starts
u n d e r 3 0 ,0 0 0 lo o k in g to c o m p e te w ith L ex u s, L in co ln L S and
o th e r in the sp o rts se d an s line-up.
T h e first im p ressio n is "b a t m o b ile .” It has a n ew crisp and
d ram atic sty le leap in g in to th e fu tu re m a k in g h ead s turn. C o m ­
p any o ffic ia ls ex p ect th e p erc e n ta g e o f b u y ers to w o m en .
It has an ex p a n siv e list o f featu res. T h e c e n te r co n so le fully
loaded co m e s w ith an o p tio n a l D V D N av ig atio n sy stem w ith a
B ose A u d io and 6 -D isc C D C h a n g e r d e le tin g th e c a sse tte play er.
T h e front seat is ro o m y fo r a b o v e av e ra g e h o w e v e r th ere a
lim ited am o u n t o f leg ro o m fo r the re a r p a ssen g ers, w h ich has
b e c o m e m o re co m m o n in lu x u ry v eh icle try in g to o ffe r th e full
p a c k a g e in a sm all d esig n . T he rid e o f th e v e h ic le is sm o o th w ith
lim ited v ib ratio n s felt. T h e ste e rin g o ffers th e d riv e r p recisio n
and stab ility in th e w in d in g o f th e road. T h e C T S o ffe rs efficien t
ro ad h an d lin g on eith e r w et o r d ry p av em e n t. B ra k in g p ro v id es
a short d ista n c e sto p p in g ran g e w ith a straig h t line. T h e n o ise o f
the cab in is co m p a ra b le to th at o f th e E u ro p ean c o m p e titio n . T he
V -6 en g in e leaves n o th in g to q u e stio n fo r th e d riv e r, it d e liv e rs
o u tsta n d in g p erfo rm a n c e from tak e off. T h e au to m a tic tra n s­
m ission w o rk s fast an d p re c ise ly w ith th e en g in e. D riv in g the
C a d illa c C T S is a v ery sa tisfy in g e x p e rien ce.
Theater Stage Keeps
Actress-Singer Busy
A break betw een theater pro­ begin rehearsals soon for a m usi­
ductions gave a form er Portland cal revue cal led “ Black and Blue.”
resident a chance to catch up with
R itch ie’s roots go deep in Port­
friends and fam ily.
land. She w as bom in the city and
A nise R itchie stopped by the isa form erC leveland High School
offices o f the Portland O bserver Rose Festival Princess. She be­
recently during a trip to the Rose gan her stage career playing the
C ity to visit her son and grand­ part o f C rystal in L ittle S hop o f
Horrors, which w as laterperform ed
R itchie is an accom plished ac­ in A sh lan d 's fam ed Shakespeare
tress and singer in the San Fran­ Theater.
cisco area. She recently starred in
R itchie has perform ed in Eu­
the production o f “The D ance on rope. She is currently w orking on
W id o w ’s R ow ” at the H ansberry her C D featuring sm ooth ja z z
T heatre in San Francisco. She will tunes.
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Rapper 5 0 Cent has
found a home for his life
story at MTV Books.
Although hip-hop writer
Vanessa Satten was to
have worked with the
Eminem protégé on the
book, initially title d No. 1
j With Nine Bullets, both
she and the title have
been dropped. MTV
Books said it is looking
at writers and possible
titles and expects the
hardcover book in stores
by December.
Actress and
singer Anise
Ritchie on the
set o f a recent
production with
her director
Buddy Butler
(left) and actor
Danny Glover.
Richie grew up
in Portland and
is an accom­
plished per­
former in the
San Francisco
Serving all who live, work, worship or attend school in the
Portland communities of Arbor Lodge. Boise. Bridgeton. Buckman north of
S.E. Hawthorne, Cathedral Park, China Town, Concordia west of N.E. 33rd
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Portland, University Park, Vernon, and Woodlawn.
(A P )— A ff er a six-m onth inves­
tigation into the cause o fa fire at her
M ich ig an m an sio n in O ak lan d
C ounty, A retha Franklin now has
10 days to clean up the m ess.
“ T he investigation is com plete,
an d now it is tim e to clea n up the
p r o p e r ty ,” K ay e C h a rtie r,
B loom field T o w n s h ip 's co d e and
o rd in a n c e d irecto r, told T he O a k ­
lan d P ress fo r T h u rs d a y ’s e d i­
tio n s.
Investigators earlier this year
ru le d th e O c t. 25 fire at th e
Bloom field T ow nship mansion w as
arson. N o charges have been filed.
Frankl in, w ho w as in Texas at the
tim e o fth e fire ,h a s lO d ay sto clean
up the site and 30 days to inform the
tow nship o fh e r plans to either reno­
vate or dem olish the house, C hartier
“ If she d o e sn ’t cooperate, the
tow nship can take legal action,”
said C hartier, adding that she ex ­
pects the singer to fully cooperate.
Singer Aretha Franklin is under
a 10-day notice to clean up her
property after the completion o f
an arson investigation into an
Oct. 2 5 fire o f her mansion in
Oakland County, Michigan.
Documentary Features Former Supreme
Mary Wilson hopes more
people will pay attention to soul
greats o fth e 1950s and ’60s with the
release o f the docum entary “Only
the Strong Survive, ” w hich pays
tribute to her, Isaac Hayes, the Chi-
Lites and other classic soul acts.
“This is a m usic o f A m erica right
here, this is R& B m usic, that people
tend to forget," the form er Suprem e
said affer the film 's prem iere Tues-
day night.
“We in A m erica have becom e so
com m ercialized. . . the turnover is so
fast that th ere’s not enough room
Soul great Mary
Wilson will be
the subject o f
the documen­
tary ‘Only the
Strong Survive'
which comes
out Friday, May 9.
for the old and the new ,” she said.
“ Y ou have to put the old out to
pasture, and th a t’s kind o f w hat has
happened, and th a t's unfortunate,
because this is great, great m usic."
T hose w ho turned out for the
after-party at B.B. King’sgotachance
to experience som e o f that m usic as
W ilson, Ann Peebles,Sam M ooreof
Sam & Dave fam e and the C hi-Lites
perform ed som e o f their hits.
“ I hope that it (the m ovie) starts
a trend that wi II help people to look
back and bring som e o f these great
perform ers to the front so people
will know w ho they are today,”
W ilson said.
"O nlv the S tro n g Survive, " d i­
rected by docum entary veterans
D .A . P e n n e b a k e r a n d C h r is
H egedus, com es out Friday, M ay 9.
New Magazine for Fashionable Teens
New and talented fashion de-
signersare featured in a new m aga­
zine for African A m erican girls and
young women.
ZURI, which is Sw ahili for beau­
tiful, aim s to increase aw areness o f
stylists and designers o f color, such
a sceleb rity stylist M isa H ylton-
The current
B rim and the c o lle c tio n so f Vusi issue o f Zuri,
M chunu and Tyrell.
A nother goal is to encourage
actress Kyla
young w om en to be fashionable Pratt ofUPN's
and stylish w hile m aintaining a
One on One.
ladylike appearance.