(E ljv J I n r t l a n ò ( B b s e r u e r E L E C T R IC A L R E P A IR S Up Close and Personal ® £L EC TR ICfl L DKIISIOOS continued from Front 280-2551 Agnes Hoffman, PSU associate vice provost. Gaston and Bemstine, both African Ameri­ cans, were among 80 community leaders who participated in the Portland Schools Foundation event designed to engage business and civic leaders in the challenges faced by the city's public schools. illlS — \I S A Z M A S TE RC A R D — MIE UJliHWMHWIII ' RESIDENTAL "Complete Full Service " • • • • • Portland State University President Daniel 0. Bernstine is surrounded by students and sta ff at Roosevelt High School in north Portland. Bernstine was the school's “Principal for the Day, “ an event to connect community leaders with local schools. «HR TROUBLESHOOTING SW ITCH & PLUG REPAIRS W ATERHEATER W IRING F U S E B O X & B R E A K E R REPAIR L IG H T IN G R E P A IR S & IN S T A L L IO N xZ xZ xZ 24 H R E M E R G E N C Y S E R V IC E PHOTO COURTESY J. BLAKENSHIP PHOTOGRAPHY O u r 2 0 0 3 Sponsors FredMeyer Dedication to Education almost $50 million to people just like Bryant those who believe the future belongs to those school. who are educated. In 1996 w hen Bryant took over at Humboldt “It really is amazing what they do,” she said. the school was in what she describes as “Teaching is such an important job and these “chaos.” The entire staff was pink-slipped, people really work to elevate the profession.” meaning they no longer had positions at At the conference Byrant said she most Humboldt and had to be relocated to other enjoyed the vignettes each educator told about schools in the district. why they chose to teach. She said one award- In order to establish a good climate for winner was a lawyer who gave up his profes­ learning. Bryant began extensive staff devel­ sion for the classroom. Another instructor was opment exercises, restructuring o f the cur­ discouraged against teaching because she __________ riculum and outreach to was the top in her class at an parents and the com mu­ Ivy League school but de­ nity. cided to follow her heart rather Since she took over than the big paycheck o f an­ Humboldt has seen its test other line o f work. scores and teacher moral “For these people teach­ rise steadily. ing is not ju st a job - it’s a “We have great teach­ calling," Bryant said. ers, great students and Now that Humboldt is off - Humbolt Elementary great parents,” Bryant said. the low-performing school principle Judy Bryant “W e’ve really worked to­ list, she plans to keep finding gether to make sure each innovative new ways to get child is treated as an individual and not a through to her stu d e n ts-lik e last Friday’s trip conglomerate." to the Seattle Art Musuent to view the work o f It is this devotion to individualized educa­ an African American artist who documented tion and her passion for children that Bryant the civil rights movement. said was the one factor she shared with the Bryant said she likes to give her kids an other diverse Milken educators she met at a education that they can apply to everyday life conference last week in Los Angeles. and the preparation for the world o f opportu­ Each year since 1987 the M ilken Family has nity that awaits them in adulthood. secretly selected 50 educators from around “ I d o n ’t ever w ant to hear one o f my the country who each take home $25,000. In students say, ‘You d id n ’t do enough for the last 16 years, the foundation has awarded m e ,” ’ she said. continued from Front We have great teachers, great students and great parents. t^b a n k in y I A teenage girl was charged with assault Thursday, accused o f slashing the throat o f her classmate. C hristine Thomas, 15, was charged in the attack last W ednesday afternoon near the in te rse c tio n o f N o rth V a n c o u v er and Stanton Street. The 17-year-old victim suf­ fered a w ound that took 60 stitches to close. Thomas allegedly attacked the other girl with a scalpel. Just before the violence broke out, the two girls argued on a Tri Met bus and were asked to leave by security officers, police said. # PACIFIC POWER 4 PacifiCorp Company Wl PG&E Corporation City of Portland P O R T OF P O R T L A N D P o rtlan d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e STERLING SAVINGS SANK Please fill out the registration forms below and mail your check to The OAME Center. 4134 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland. Oregon 97217. If you have questions, please ca lf The OAME Center 249-7744 or fax registration to 249-2027. C h e c k O u t O u r W eb S ite h t ( p : / / w w w . u a m f .o r g R e g is tra tio n OAME Membership 200] Trade Show Booth, Ads G Luncheon Reservations The in ' x 10' IxMiih u n it includes (>' draped table. 2 < hairs, fl' high drapery along f Annual 1 1-25 Employees ......... $100 Lifetime $1,000 26-49 Employees . . $200 $2.000 50-100 Employees . . .$250 $},ooo A ssociations..............$250 $2,500 loo- Employees . . . . $500 J Corporate Sponsors..............$5.000- $7,500 Small Companies (1-25 employees) Public C N on-P rofit Agencies Larger C orporalions (25- employees) M e m ber' $125 $200 $400 Non M em ber' $200 $300 $500 Yes, I w a rn -------------- booth(s) a t _________ _ each, fo r a total o f Luncheon Tickets $45 x _____• ....................................................... 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