Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 07, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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(Elje JJnrtlanò © bserùer
May 07, 2003
P olice
Teenager Shot in Northeast Home Invasion
T w o intruders dem anded m oney
from a 23-year-old man in a north­
east Portland hom e T hursday and
then shot his 15-year-old brother
w hen the teenager tried to stop the
assault, police said.
The brother was shot three tim es
in the upper body, suffering a non­
life threatening w ound to the top o f
a shoulder, near the base o f his
Police said the violence started
when two masked men kicked in the
door o f the hom e at 118 N .E.
Tillam ook around I a.m. Thursday.
Inside, they first confronted the
victim ’s older brother, identi tied as
D easha Allen.
Investigators said it’s possible
the shooting w as gang-related or
may have involved drugs.
Woman Shot Trying
to Drive Past Police
Traffic stop
on North
turns deadly
a rrest stem m in g from an A p ril 30
failu re to a p p e a r fo r e sc a p e and
d ru g -re la te d ch arg es.
H er fam ily is q u e stio n in g w hy
o ffic e rs d id n o t sh o o t o u t the
c a r ’s tires and w h y d e a d ly force
w as req u ired w h en p o lice c o u ld
h av e p u lled the 5 -fo o t-4 , 115-
A P o rtlan d p o lice o ffic e r fa­
tally sh o t a 21 -y ear-o ld w o m an
w hen she tried to d riv e aw ay
from a traffic stop on N o rth
S k id m o re at the 1-5 o v e rp a ss
aro u n d 3 a.m . M onday.
P o lic e sa id K e n d ra S a rie
Jam es c lim b ed into th e d riv ers
seat from the back seat o f the
c ar a fter o fficers to o k h er b o y ­
friend, D arn ell W hite, 41, out
o f the c a r and into cu sto d y .
S he tried to d riv e o f f in the
2002 C h e v ro le t C a v a lie r rental,
police said.
T w o o fficers stru g g led w ith
Jam es a n d o n e fired a n o n -
lethal ta z e r gun in an a ttem p t to
sub d u e her. W hen sh e c o u ld
not be restrain ed , a 2 7 -y ear-o ld
o fficer w h o had ju s t fin ish ed
his 18-m onth p ro b atio n fired
o n e s h o t fro m h is s e r v ic e
w eapon, p o lice said.
Jam es h ad a w arran t for her
Lumber is brought in to make
repairs to the entrance of a
home on Northeast Tillamook
after two men kicked in the
door of the residence and shot
a teenager. The victim survived
a wound to the top of a
shoulder, near the base of his
P m n o av K o s W ashington /
T he P oh i i vnd O bserver
Kendra Sarie James
p o u n d w o m a n o u t o f th e car.
S ev eral re sp o n d in g p o lice o f­
ficers said the o ffic e r re s p o n ­
sib le fo r h e r d eath b e lie v e d the
c a r h ad d riv en o r w as a b o u t to
d riv e o v e r his foot.
S tate law and P o lice B u reaq
p o licy say s that o fficers can use
d e a d ly fo rce “to p ro tect th e m ­
selv es o r o th ers from w hat they
reaso n ab ly b eliev e to be an im ­
m ed iate th reat o f d eath o r serio u s
p h y sical in ju ry .”
Prison releases save money, anger victims
Budget cutting
plan boosts time
for good behavior
(A P)
An early release plan for
prison inm ates given credit for good
behavior is saving the state o f O r­
egon m oney but it has angered
crim e victims.
“ I f s just not right," said Janet
L o v e la c e , w h o se 1 2 -y e a r-o ld
daughter w as killed in a hit-and-run state b u d g et.
accident in Ju n e 2000.
Sen. Kurt Schrader, D -C anby,
T he man co n v icted o f th e g ir l’s said locking up an inm ate costs
d eath and try in g to c o n ceal it, $62 p er day, or roughly $23,000
L ee R u ssel S tu b b s , w a s s e n ­ per year.
ten ced to 4 0 m o n th s in p riso n but
M arion C ounty D istrict A ttor­
w as freed e arly th is y e a r a fte r he ney D ale Penn said he h o p esleg -
earn ed a 2 0 p ercen t red u ctio n in islators w o n 't give p r i s o n s a
the sen ten ce fo r good b eh av io r. chance to w in bigger reductions
Ben de H aan, in terim d ire c to r in th eir sentences.
o f the state C o rre c tio n s D e p a rt­
“W e ’ve alw ays been opposed
m en t, say s e a rly re le a se c u ts to chan g in g the sentence after it
c o sts to e a se p re s su re on the is im posed," he said.
A photograph shows a
suspect in the robbery
o f the Sterling Savings
Bank at 3333 N.
Lombard on Thursday.
The FBI said the man
might have been hurt
when an anti-theft
device exploded as he
ran from the bank.
Bank Robber Injured by Device
Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health
A program of the African A m erican Health Coalition. Inc.
Sponsored by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Wellness Within REACH: Mind, Body, and Soul
Activity Calendar
Matt Dishman
NE Knott
S at
Strengtk Tramins
Strength Training
Strength Training
8-9am and 2-3pm
8-9am and 2-3pm
8-9am and 2-3pm
10:00-11:00 am
African Dance
The F B I’s V iolent C rim es Task
Force is searching for a suspect
w ho w as injured in a bank robbery.
W itnesses believe the robber w as
hurt w hen an anti-theft device ex­
ploded as he ran from the bank.
T he robbery happened at the
S terling S avings Bank located at
3333 N. Lom bard at about4:15 p.m.
T hursday. T he robber entered the
bank and stood in line w ith other
custom ers. A s he approached the
tel ler desk, he show ed a si I ver hand­
gun and dem anded m oney. A s he
w as running aw ay, the anti-thefl
device exploded. A uthorities said
he m ight have sustained b u m s in
his groin area and buttocks area.
The robber is described as w hite
man in his late 40s w ith a very thin
build, dark hair, about 5' 6" tall,
w earing a fake beard, a baseball cap
w ith the le tte r“ M ” on it, dark long-
sleeved t-shirt, light colored pants,
and sunglasses
T he FBI asks anyone w ho m ay
have contact w ith an individual
seeking o r needing m edical treat­
m ent for such injuries to call 503-
224-4181 o r9 1 1 immediately.
a te a M M W M IM M M M M M IM N N M M N M M M N M M M I
(hicago Step
63)0-7:00 pm
Salvation Army
5325 N Wiliams.
3535 NE 15th.
Penins Ja Park.
700 N Portland
Water Aerobics
Tai Chi
2 3 ) 0 -3 3 )0 pm
6:30 • 7:30 pm
2:00 - 338) pm
Water Aerobics
Body Conditioning
7:30-8:30 pm
7:45-8:45 pm
9:30-10:30 am
Walking Croup »
Walking Croup #
Walking Croup
6:00-7:00 pm
6:00-73)0 pm
12:30 pm
Salvation and
Low Impact
Low Impact
7 :1 5 -8 :1 5 pm
7 :1 5 -8 :1 5 pm
9:00 -10:00 am
Nnrn •
5736 N A b iu
Mallory Avenue
Christian Chvch
126 NE Abets
H«hiad Unted
Check of Christ
4635 NE9tk Ave.
Community Prayer
5:30-6:20 pm
5:30-6:20 pm
(starting 5 /1 2 /0 3 )
(starting 5 /1 2 /0 3 )
and 6:30-7:30 pm
6:30-7:30 pm
and 6:30-7:30 pm
6:00-7:00 am
6:00-73)0 pm
6:00-7:00 am
6:00-7:00 pm
Whide Track
Wl. management
Wt. management/
9 :0 0 -1 0 3 8 ) am
93)0 -10:00 am
"M u st be 21 or older to participate. Please check with AAHC before showing up to the first class
503-413-1850 Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class.
All classes are free of charge!
( #meet Inside Lloyd Center in front of Sears)
African A m erican H ealth C oalition, Inc.
2800 N Vancouver Ave . Suite 100 • Portland. OR 97227 • Phone 503-413-1850
E-mail: kdempsey@aahc-portland org • Web: www aahc-portland.org
DNA Links Inmate
to 1986 Murder
(A P)
An inm ate w as arrested
on m urder charges T hursday after
D N A ev id en celin k ed h im to a 1986
strangling in north Portland, au­
thorities said.
Leon Lamont Phillips, 53, w ho’s
in the O regon State Penitentiary, did
not know the victim, SaraZirbes, but
he did live near her when the attack
occurred, police said.
A state law that w ent into effect
in January 2002 requires collection
o f DNA sam ples from every felon.
Z irbes, 30, a W isconsin native
w ho was taking S panish courses at
P ortland S tate U n iv ersity , w as
found inside her hom e »n Nov. 21,
1986. Herpartlyclad body with hands
bound, was found by neighbors.
Once the state crim e lab recorded
a DNA m atch that linked Phillips to
Leon Lamont Phillips
Z irb es' killing and sexual assault,
Portland hom icide detective Cheryl that they ju s t d id n ’t let it go.”
K anzlerreopened the investigation.
Zirbes moved to Portland in 1980
P h illip s, a c c o rd in g to c o u rt with friends, held jo b s as a w aitress
records, w as arrested in 1987 on at several taverns and had w orked
unrelated robbery and sexual a s­ as a com puter operator. She planned
sault charges. He is serving a sen­ to becom e a Spanish teacher.
tence o f m ore than 20 years.
She enjoyed backpacking and
Vikki A m ato.Z irbes' best friend, cam ping, and played guitar and
said she w as shocked w hen she sang at local bars.
recently got a call about the case.
“T he best new s out o f all o f this
"F m sorry it took so long, b u tl’m so is know ing h e ’s been in prison this
pleased the police reopened this whole tim e and, thankfully, has been
case and spent tim e on it years o ff the streets, unable to hurt oth­
later,” she said. “ It’s rem arkable ers,” A m ato said.
Arson Charges Filed in Two Fires
O ne man and a teenager are fac­
ing arson charges stem m ing from
tw o sep arate fires in southeast
H enry A. T o w n se n d , 19, is
charged w ith arson and crim inal
m ischief. H e ’s accused o f using
gasoline to set fire to a 1991 Cadillac
Deville parked in the drivew ay next
to a house w here tw o occupants
w ere sleeping. The April 19 fire
occurred at 2:33 a.m . at 17441 S.E.
D ivision St. R obert Lee M ilhause.
28, is accused o f using an incendi­
ary device to set fire to an occupied
apartm ent at the D am in Station
A partm ents located at 16000 S.E.
A lder St.