Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 30, 2003, Page 8, Image 8

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    ®Ije Ìjjiortianò ©baeruer
Page A8
April 30. 2003
Pilots, Charles Named Grand Floral Parade Marshals
The U n iv e rs ity o f P o rtla n d ’ s
D iv is io n
I N a tio n a l
We are very
pleased to have
the Pilots and
Coach Charles as
the Grand
Marshals o f this
yea r’s Parade.
C h a m p io n W o m e n ’ s s o cce r
team and H ead C oach C liv e
C harles have been named the
2003 G ra n d M arshals o f the
S outhw est A irlin e s G rand F lo ­
ra l Parade.
“ W e are ve ry pleased to have
the P ilo ts and Coach Charles as
the Grand Marshals o f this year’ s
parade,” Rose F estival Presi­
dent Franzen said. “ The U n i­
— Rose Festival President
Jim Franzen
ve rsity, its w o m e n ’ s s o c c e rp ro -
gram and C liv e each represent
successes that o u r entire c o m ­
m u n ity can em brace and be
the last 10 o f 11 seasons, w h ile
p roud o f.”
the m e n ’ s team has reached the
The U n iv e rs ity o f P o rtla n d ’ s
N C A A s in the last n ine o f the
w o m e n ’ s soccer team defeated
last 15 seasons.
Santa C lara in o ve rtim e , 2-1 last
H e n o te d th a t la st y e a r’ s
D ecem ber to capture the north
cham pions “ w o rke d ve ry, ve ry
P ortland c o lle g e ’ s firs t N C A A
hard” to reach the top o f the
N a tio n a l C ham p io n sh ip .
co lle g ia te soccer w o rld .
b y Charles, the 2002 w o m e n ’ s
Charles w ill ride in the parade
team advanced to the F inal F o u r
fo r the seventh tim e in nine years
tiv a l car, w h ile team m em bers
and fin ish e d the season w ith a
w ill rid e atop a U n iv e rs ity o f
re m a rk a b le
P ortland float.
2 0 -4 - 2
in an o ffic ia l P ortland Rose Fes­
o v e r a ll
The Southwest A irlin e s Grand
C h a rle s has w o n se ve ra l
F lo ra l Parade takes place Sat­
co a ch -o f-th e -ye a r honors. D u r­
urday, June 7. The 4 .3 -m ile pa­
in g his tenure at the u n iv e rs ity ,
the P ilo t w o m e n ’ s team has
made it to post-season p la y in
P hoto by S teve G ibbons /U niversitv of P ortland
rade route starts at the M e m o ­
The University o f Portland Women s Soccer Team shares grand marshal honors with coach Clive Charles. The women's team will
ride on a float behind Clive at the beginning of the Southwest Airlines Grand Floral Parade on Saturday, June 7.
ria l C o lis e u m and co n tin u e s
th ro u g h d o w n to w n Portland.
E v a lu a tin g th e B e n e fits o f E x e r c is e S ty le s
Expert looks at
aerobics versus
strength training
trunk). T his includes w alking,
jo g g in g , sw im m ing or bikin g , as
w e ll as any type o f cardiovascu­
lar machine at a gym, such as the
sarily need to be completed all at
once - it can be split up into smal ler
increments throughout the day.
Strength training is completely
treadm ill, e llip tic a l machine, sta­
tionary bike or stair clim ber.
by A imee
W ard
P rovidence F itness S pecialist
Fitness is an industry that is
The most
component o f any
exercise program is
What does it do for you? Regu­
lar aerobic exercise strengthens
prone to both gim m icks and quick the heart and lungs, decreases
fixes, and i t ’ s no w onder that blood pressure and helps lower
consumers are confused. The the risk o f heart disease, stroke
latest quandary among exercise and adult-onset diabetes. As an
gurus is aerobic exercise versus added bonus, aerobic exercise
strength training. The big ques­ bums a lot o f calories, so it directly - Aim aa W ard, Providence
tion on everyone’ s m ind seems contributes to weight loss or weight fltn a s s s p e c ia lis t
to be, w h ich is better?
maintenance. A erobic exercise
A erobic exercise is any exer­ should be done three o r more d iffe r e n t. I t ’ s a n y th in g th a t
cise that uses the big muscles o f times per week, and the 20-minute causes resistance against body
the body (lo w e r body and/or recommendation doesn’ t neces­ movements in order to strengthen
A t a time when govern­
ment resources are down
and social needs are up.
Outside Inn has received
promising support through
a $1 m illio n grant from the
Federal D e p a rtm e nt o f
Health and Human Services
Transitional Living Program
for runaway and homeless
According to o fficials o f
the downtown shelter, eco­
nom ic uncertainties and
high unem ploym ent has
greatly increased the need
for transitional housing for
homeless youth w o rkin g
towards self-sufficiency.
The new funds w ill sup­
port six transitional hous­
in g u n its fo r homeless
youth ages 16 to 21. It w ill
also pay for sta ff to help
provide 24-hour supervi­
sion and fo r the support
services needed for these
youth to achieve indepen­
dent living.
Since 1968, Outside Inn
has provided medical, men­
tal health and social services
to low-income individuals
and homeless youth. Pro­
grams include transitional
housing, employment train­
ing, risk prevention and a
day program.
osteoporosis), and also burns
calories. Strength training should
be done tw o o r more times per
week, w ith focus on overall body
training - that is, a well-rounded
erate m ix o f four sim ple things:
aerobic training, strength train­
ing, stretching, and a healthy,
moderate eating plan.
B ut be advised - the m ost im ­
portant component o f any exer­
cise pro g ra m is co nsistency.
Health and fitness really is a life ­
long com m itm ent. I t ’ s not excit­
ing, and i t ’ s not headlining the
news, but i t ’ s what w orks in the
long-term .
Call 1-800-488-CARS
to d o n a te y o u r u n w a n te d car, tr u c k o r b o a t.
Get free towing, , a possible tax deduction and the
good feelini ; of helping save lives affected
by kidney disease.
for Under
Age Kids
Federal grant
pays for
homeless and
runaway youth
the muscles. Strength training program that includes resistance
can be accomplished by using exercises fo r all parts o f the body.
dum bbells, comm ercial w eight
The com bination o f aerobic
machines at a gym , dyna-bands, exercise and strength training is
isometric exercises w ith a thera- proven to w o rk best and is what
ball or simple “ body as resis­ most fitness experts recommend.
tance” movements like curl ups, The increased metabolism caused
p u ll ups, push ups or squats.
by regular strength tra in in g con­
Strength training is beneficial tributes to a higher calorie output
to everyone, w ith no exceptions. during aerobic a ctivity. A w e ll-
It increases metabolism by in ­ rounded and effective exercise
creasing lean muscle mass, in ­ program should include a m od­
creases bone d e n sity (w h ic h
helps to decrease the chances o f
P o rtla n d c a ll 9 6 3 - 5 3 6 4
National Kidney
Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health
A program of the African American Health Coalition. Inc
Sponsored by the CDC (Centers tor Disease Control and Prevention)
Wellness Within REACH: Mind, Body, and Soul
Activity Calendar
M on
U D n I h m
77 NE Lud
W ed
8 -9 » ad 2 -3 »
Strength Trinai
8-9» ad 2 -3 »
Slreegtk T r«» t
F ri
T h u rs
if even b rig h t things get you dow n.
.xrengin iraaiag Africa Dace
8-9» ad 2 -3 » 1000-1100»
R ihwb
float® Sie,
□avauOB mal J
at iarakee
2 0 0 -3 0 0 »
6 3 0 -7 3 0 » .
Begia 4/16/03
nain brakes
fa n 's
Rodi Cenrh hornin
3535 KE ISA.
730-830 »
Walking Gro«»
1 Meet menale the
(Neel «side Ike
Lfeyd federo
Lloyd Ceder«
from of Semi
ko« of S e n )
nt A r m i
(C m )
t --- Li —
A— L:
: J___
126 KE Akte
4635 IC » A m
join o u r
Must be 21 or older to participate Please check with AAHC before showing up to the first class
503-413-1850. Please receive approval from your doctor before beginning exercise class.
All classes are free of chargel
African American Health Coalition, Inc.
2800 N Vancouver A v e . Suite 100 •
www aahc-portland org
research study
Have you or someone you care about
been experiencing some or all of the
following symptoms for at least a
few months?
All office visits and medical evalua­
tions related to this study will be
provided to qualified participants
at no charge.
To get more information about taking
part in this study call:
Loss of interest in daily activities
Difficulty concentrating
If so, participants between the ages
of 18 to 64 may qualify for a research
study of an investigational drug for
the treatment of DEPRESSION
Portland, OR 97227 • Phone 503-413-1850
E-mail: kdempsey@aahc-portland.org • Web:
d epr essio n