Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 30, 2003, Page 12, Image 12

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    Page B4
®lje ^ßortlartb ©bseruer
April 30. 2003
C lassifieds /B ids
Bid No: B03 7 772
Bid Title: Multnomah County Courthouse District Attorney Offices
RFB# 03-1070-ZOO
Sealed bids for the K ane Road Infill, Project No. 30 98 0 0 will
be received by J e ff Loftin, Chrll E n g in e e r II, Department of
Environmental Services at Gresham City Hall, 1333 N.W. Eastman
Parkway, Reception Desk, 2nd floor Gresham, Oregon 97030
until Thursday, M a y 22, 2 0 0 3 1 0 :0 0 A M local time. The bids
will be opened publicly Thursday, M a y 22, 2003, 2 :0 0 PM, In
Oregon Zoo is requesting bids for work in several areas of the
Eagle/Salmon Exhibit at the zoo (RFB # 03-1070-Z00). The
Scopes of Work of the Bid Package outline the conditions and
description of the services. Potential bidders may obtain bid
documents by contacting Ford Graphics at (503) 227-3424 or
their plan center at www.fordgraphics.com.
The character of work g e n e ra lly In c lu d e » the Inatallatlon o f
a p p ro xim a te ly 2 3 7 lin e a r fe et o f 8 " d ia m e te r PVC sew er
m ain. The con te m p la te d work Is lo c a te d a lo n g K ane Road
(S E 2 5 7 'h S tre e t) so u th o f P o w e ll B lvd. W ork In clu d e s
connections to existing se w e r lin e s. The major quantities
A m a n d a to ry P ro -B id C o n fe re n c e Is s c h e d u le d fo r all
p otential prim e co n tra c to rs on W e d n e sd a y, M ay 7 ,2 0 0 3 ,
at 10:00 a.m . in the Oregon Zoo Resource Room at the above
involved are:
address. Attendance at one of these meetings is required for all
potential prime bidders to comply with the Good Faith Program
associated with M etro's com m itm ent to doing business with
Minority (MBE), W om en-Owned (W BE), and Em erging Small
Business (ESB) programs. Sub-contractors are encouraged to
attend. A site visit is planned following the meeting. NOTE: if you
attended the pre-bid conference for Phase I held on February 14,
2003, or for Phase II held on March 17,2003, you are not required
to attend this meeting.
[Q u a n tity ]
¡M e a su re m e n t!
[Ite m ]
Standard Manhole
PreQuallflcation Required In class(es) of: Building Alteration & Repair
Sealed bids will be received until, but not after, 11:00 AM, by
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C e n tra l P ro c u re m e n t and C o n tra c t
Administration (CPCA), 501SE Hawthorne Blvd., 4,n Floor, Portland
OR 97214. Bids will be opened and read al 3:15 PM the same day.
8 ” sanitary sewer pipe
6 ” sanitary sewer lateral
Contract Docum ents may be reviewed at the office of the
Department of Environmental Services at the Gresham City Hall
Copies may be obtained from the Department of Environmental
Services by paying a non-refundable fee of $25 for each set of
Contract Documents requested. If ordered by mail, add a $5
processing and mailing charge. P rio r to obtaining C on tra ct
accepted) at: Construction and Maintenance Division; Oregon Zoo;
4001 SW Canyon Road; Portland, Oregon 97221; Attn: Brent
Shelby, Project Manager.
All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes which clearly
identify the item(s) as stated in the RFB. The exterior of the
envelope must be marked with RFB 03-1070 Eagle Salmon Exhibit
Phase III.
This project is the responsibility of the Construction/Maintenance
Division, Oregon Zoo, Brent Shelby, Project Manager. Bidders are
not to contact Metro or the Oregon Zoo to obtain bid documents.
All contact should be made with Ford Graphics Bid Services
department at: 503-227-3424; Fax: 503-299-6060; E-mail:
PRE-QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER m aybe required pursuant to the
Multnomah County Public Contract Review Board Administrative
Rules (AR 40.006). See Specifications for project classes of work
Prequalification applications shall be submitted through Central
Procurem ent and Contract Ad m inistration Section, 501 SE
Hawthorne Blvd., 4,h Floor, Portland, Oregon 97214, (503)
988 5111. Applications may be obtained at our office or can be
downloaded from our website at http://www.co.multnomah.or.us/
dbcs/ccca/ . Pre qualification application, must be received by, or
postmarked to, Multnomah County Central Procurem ent and
Contract Administration no later than 10 days prior to the bid due
D ocum ents, p o te n tia l bidders m u st have p u rch a se d the
c u r r e n t e d itio n o f th e C ity o f G re s h a m P u b lic W orks
S tan d a rd s as show n b y the records o f the D e p a rtm e n t o f
E n viron m e n ta l Services.
All bidders must comply with the requirements of the prevailing
I wage law in ORS 279.350. Details of compliance are available
Bidders must prequalify with the City of Gresham by M ay 2 0 ,2 0 0 3
for Sa n ita ry Sew ers
from Multnomah County CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 4,h Floor,
Portland, OR 97214, (503) 988-5111.
This project is for a public work and is subject to ORS 279.348 to
279.380, the Oregon Prevailing Wage Law.
Contractors and subcontractors must be licensed for asbestos
abatement work if the project involves working with asbestos as,
set forth in ORS 468A.720.
All proposals must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City
of G re sh a m , m a ile d or d e liv e re d to th e D e p a rtm e n t of
Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope
plainly marked, “SEALED BID for the K a n e Road Infill, Project
N o.309800, bearingthe name and address of the bidder. The bid
must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier’s check or bid
bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid.
Bidding documents, (including plans and specifications depicting
the work) may be examined and are available at Ford Graphics for
the cost of reproduction and shipping. Sets on deposit are not
available for purchase. All bidders who receive a full set of plans
and specifications will be added to the Planholder’s list and receive
any addenda issued.
Plans and Specifications are filed with Multnomah County CPCA
and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $5.00
non refundable fee. CH ECK S AN D M ON EY O R D ER S ONLY. Plans
and S p e c ific a tio n s W IL L N O T B E M A IL E D w it h in th e
M etrop olita n , Tri-C o u n ty area. Bid list and occasional bid/
RFP d o w n lo a d s are a v a ila b le at w eb a d d re s s h ttp :/ /
I www.co.multnomah.or.us/purch/
Each bid must contain a statement whether bidder is a resident
bidder, as defined in ORS 279.029
Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Je ff
Loftin, Project Manager at 5 0 3-618-2669.
Bid* are due to be re ceive d ON ALL SECTIONS no later than
1 1 :0 0 a .m ., W e d n e s d a y , M a y 14, 2 0 0 3 , (postm arks not
Bid instructions, drawings and planholders list can be viewed on­
line at w w w , fordgraphics.com . Go to Oregon/SW Washington-
Planwell-Public Planroom and select the project. Plans may be
ordered online through PlanWell. Bid documents may also be
viewed at the following plan centers: Oregon Association of Minority
Entrepreneurs; Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center; Oregon
Contractors Plan Center.
Multnomah County Courthouse Lobby, 1021 SW 4 “ , Portland. OR. Due to
| parking and security delays getting Into the Courthouse, please arrive early
C on fe re n ce Room 2A.
The individual sections are Section A Concrete Pathwork - Pervious
Concrete; Section B - Finishes; Section C - Rock Retaining Wall
Est.Range: $ 1 5 1 ,0 0 0 - 1 6 2 ,0 0 0
I Pre-Bid Conference: MANDATORY, Monday, May 5, 2 0 0 3 @ 9 :0 0 a.m
Kane Road Infill, Project No. 309800
Bidders may pick up documents or have them shipped via United
Parcel Service by m aking prior arrangements with Ford Graphics.
DueDate: M a y 2 7 ,2 0 0 3
The City of Gresham requires all Contractors to comply with equal
opportunity policies. The City’s programs, services, employment
opportunities, volunteer positions and contracts are open to all
persons without regards to race, religion, color, national origin, sex,
age, marital status, handicap, or political affiliation.
April 28, 2003
P R E-Q UALIFIC ATIO N A P P LIC A TIO N S Q UE: M ay 1 7 ,2 0 0 3
No bid will be considered unless bidder is registered with the
Construction Contractors Board as required by ORS 701.055 or.
licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by
ORS 671.530.
No bid will be considered unless accompanied by a surety bond,
certified check, or a cashiers check payable to Multnomah County
for the am ount equal to ten percent (10%) of the aggregate
proposal. The successful bidder shall furnish a bond satisfactory to
the boardin the full amount of the contract. "ptYH«? fipvd hitnopo.», <
Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any bid not in
compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and
requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids if
Multnomah County finds it is in the public interest to do so.
This is a BOLI project. All bidders must certify that they will pay and
comply with the minimum prevailing wage requirements of ORS
All bidders must be registered with the Oregon Construction
Contractors Board pursuant to ORS 671.530.
Clackamas County Public Services Building
Bid Package #2A - Structural Shell Permit
(Concrete, Structural Steel & Steel Decking)
Bids Due: May 9,2003 at 2:00pm
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s)
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age,
religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status.
Bid Package #D - Piling, Shoring and Mass
Bid Documents - W illamette Print & Blueprint (5 0 3 /2 2 3 -5 0 1 1 ) or
Pre-Bid: May 1, 2003 at 1:30pm
Bids Due: May 15, 2003 at 2:00pm
Hoffman Intends to bid Concrete Work.
Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically
encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access and
participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services.
The Portland Development Commission and Housing Authority of
Portland are soliciting proposals for Special Needs and Affordable
Rental Housing. This solicitation will make available $ 1.3 million
of financial assistance for the construction or rehabilitation of
housing; 92 p roject-based S ection 8 vouchers tow ard the
replacement of 92 housing units being removed as part of the
New Columbia redevelopment project; and 250 project-based
Section 8 vouchers to provide federally funded housing assistance
for low income housing. A copy of the requirements for submitting
a proposal may be obtained by accessing the PDC and HAP websites
at h ttp y/w w w .p d c.M * o r h ttp ://w w w .h a p d x .o rg . For more
information please contact Amy Stuenkel (PDC) at (503) 823-0929
or Rose Bak (HAP) at 503-802-8565. Proposals must be submitted
Andy Wilch, Interim Director, Housing Department
Portland Development Commission
1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 7000
Portland, OR 97201-5304
Initial proposals will be due to PDC on May 23"* by 5:00 pm
The Portland Development Commission strongly encourages the
participation of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business
contractors in its projects. The successful contractor must be
certified by the City as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer
and be licensed to do business in the City of Portland.
Michael E. Harper, Sr.
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503)221-8888
8 0 5 SW Broadway, Suite 2 1 0 0 - Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 - CCB License # 2 8 4 1 7
Mfe are a n equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from a ll
Interested firms Including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled
veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
OtherSubcontractlngOpportunltles Internethttp://www.hoffm ancorp.com
L o o k in g ^
^ e x c e lle n t
part time JQ ß?
What Part-tim e job will pay you
up to $ 8 0 0 .0 0 p e r m o n th for
only two days worth of work?
Student Loan Repaym ent Program (up to $20,000)
M ontgom ery Gl Bill (up to $276.00 per month, tax free)
Ask about our $350.00 per m onth (tax free) Incentive Kicker
Ask about our $5,000.00 enlistm ent bonus
Openings Now Available
In the Following Fields:
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• Aircraft structural m aintenance
• Engineering
• W ater and waste plum bing specialist
• Security Police
Contact your local Air National Guard Recruiter to determine eligibility
Portland. OR 97219
FAX: (503)227-8757
2 4 H o u r G o o d N e ig h b o r S e rv ice ®
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
9045 SW Barhur. Suite 109
/ t i v l I itin I t i i n i e
i r \ . iliin i, il lim it'd
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100
Portland, OR 97205
Tel 503/221-8811
Fax 503/221-8888
CCB License 152410
Excellent Educational Assistance Program:
H o ffm a n -A n d e rs e n , A J o in t
V e n tu re
m a
Located In Northeast Portland this
position provides strength based ,
case management and supportive
counseling to adults with s e ve re .
m e nta l illn e s s as p a rt o f a n .
in te rd is c ip lin a ry te a m in a
re c o v e ry o rie n te d tre a tm e n t
p ro g ra m .
R e q u ire s
e x p e rie n c e w ith a d u lts w ith
s e v e re m e n ta l illn e s s and
e x te n s iv e k n o w le d g e and
e x p e rie n c e w ith th e A fric a n
American community.
Interested applicants should fa x ,
their resume to 503-690-9605 or
mail to: Tualatin Valley Centers,
14600 NW Cornell Rd, Portland,
9 7 2 2 9 A ttn :
Hum an’
Resources. To learn more about
Tualatin Valley Centers please
v is it
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s ite
Equal Opportunity Employer
\dvertise with diversity in
""Portland Observer
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