April 30. 2003 ___________U p ' p o rtla n b (Obscrupr Page B3 Focus Zitjtji) Marley Moves on Io Roch Ztggy M arley . .V ™ fin d s a n e w s o u n d w ith th e s o lo a lb u m h e r e le a s e d earlier th is m o n th . (AP P hoto) (A P) For m uch ot his life, Ziggy M arley has carried the burden o t being Bob M arley s son, but the singer’s first solo album strays far from his father’s reggae beat. w D ragonfly, an 11 -track CD released earlier this m onth by Private M usic, is all about rock ‘n ’ roll. The C D features guitarists Flea, John F rusciante ot the Red Hot C hili Peppers and M ichael L inziger. as w ell as DJ C hris K ilm ore o f Incubus. * Public Enemy to Take on the President (A P) — Hip-hop pioneers Public E nem y are still fighting the pow ers that be. T he group, know n for anthem s in clu d in g "D o n 'tB eliev eth eH y p e" and "Fight The Pow er,” will takeon President Bush w ith th eir new C D - D VD , "S o n o f a B ush," scheduled for M ay 6 release. T he title track , w h ic h first a p ­ p e a re d on la s t y e a r ’s "R e v o lv e rlu tio n ," c ritic iz e s both th e c u rre n t p re s id e n t an d h is ta th e r - A m ong the lyrics: “ H ave you forgotten I been through the first term o t rotten/T he father, the son/ and the holy Bush... I told y ’all X H ip-hop p io n e e r s P ublic Enem y. w hen the first Bush w as ta p p in 'm y phone... C a n ’t truss ’em .” T he gro up jo in s o th er artists in- eluding the D ixie C hicks and the B eastie B oys w ho have spoken out against the president. C o m e d ia n J a im e Foxx g o t in s o m e tro u b le w ith h is s i s t e r o v e r th e w e e k e n d in N ew O rlea n s. Foxx w a s c h a rg e d with tr e s p a s s in g , d istu rb in g th e p e a c e , b a tte r y o n p o lic e o ffic e r s a n d r e s is tin g a rr e st a fte r r e fu s in g to le a v e H a rra h 's c a s in o n e a r th e French Q uarter. (A P) — Com edian Jam ie Foxx pleaded innocent M onday in New Orleans to misdem eanorcharges that he fought with police officers after they ordered him to leave a casino. T he 35-year-old w as arrested o v er the w eekend and charged w ith trespassing, disturbing the peace, battery on police o fficers and re­ sisting arrest. A fter a b rie f tim e in jai I, he was released on $ 1,900 bond. Foxx and his sister, Diedra Dixon, allegedly entered H arrah 's casin o n ear the French Q u arter and re- "A s an artist I have to lead and move forw ard - I dictate w hat the m usic is, not public opinion," M arley said. " I 'm ju st m aking sure that the m usic and the legacy d o n 't stay still.” "D ragonfly" is M arley's first album without the M elody M akers, a band that included his brother Stephen and sisters Sharon and Cedella Marley. The M elody M akers disbanded to pursue different career paths. W hen daddy w as doing his thing, it w as different than any other thing that w as going o n ," he said. " I 'm on the sam e trail and like any true artist I w ant to break barriers.” Foxx Pleads Innocent in Alleged Fight Comedian and sister allegedly refused to leave a casino, resisted arrest M arley, 34, describes the transition from reggae as evidence o f h ij grow th as a m usician. H e'll open his 22-stop U.S. tour to prom ote the album on May 17 in San Diego. He lives most ofthe year in Miami, but also has a home in Kingston. rusea em ployees request to show identification. The tw o w alked to­ w ard a gam bling table, and Foxx splashed w ater from a fountain, p olice said. He and Dixon, 25, refused to leave w hen asked by security guards, w ho called police. The tw o then fought with officers w ho arrived to escort them outside, police said. Dixon w as booked on trespass­ ing, simple battery on officers, resist­ ing arrest and aggravated battery.' She spent several hours in jail before being released on $6,000 bond. T he district atto rn e y ’s office, h asn ’t decided w hether to pros­ ecute her, and has tw o m onths to decide. IT'S TIM E FOR A C H A N G E! Portland Public Schools neads a positive change in leadership and direction. There is an opportunity to make this changehappenwith the May 20th election of four new School Board members. The members of Portland Association of Teachers strongly recommend the following candidates: RICHARD GARRETT**JOHN BALL DAVID WYNDE**EAMON MOLLOY ' * , (1. Hr A? Please vote and return your ballot, ngriawey Thank you from your Portland teachers fJory. f IwWi.ui A i A mmm Moat «(*. Wally Tesfa R esidential & Grandma’s Prayers C om m ercial R ealtor CANNON'S M u lti- M illion $ Service RIB EXPRESS Prudential M o rfh w n i P tv p v rln c (FO RM ERLY CH UCK HINTON'S) Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs T h e b o o k G ra n d m a s P ra yers b y s i s t e r s Y vo n n e a n d L a v o n n e B u rk e h o n o r s th e sp iritu a l in flu e n c e o f th e ir P o rtla n d g ra n d m o th er. 1730 N E 10th Ave. Portland, O R 97212 C E L L 503 2 6 7 -7 5 8 6 w tesfa@ p ru -n w .co m pru -nw .com An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Inc. M onday th ru Friday 8 :3 0 a.m . to 9 a.m. K IV I \d\ertise ¡with diversity it; HOURS: M on.-Thurs. I lam -9pm Fri.-Sat. 11 am-10pm Sun. I lam -8pm Authors will share story at Reflections hook signing A P ortland area w o m an 's sp iri­ tual influence on her g ran d d au g h ­ te rs is th e in s p ira tio n b e h in d “ G r a n d m a ’s P r a y e r s ,” a n ew ch ild re n 's book to be enjoyed by people o f all ages. Area residents are invited to meet the authors, Y vonne and Lavonne Burke o f Seattle, duringa book sign­ ing and reading at the R eflections Book Store, 446 N. E . K i 11 i ngs w orth, on Saturday, M ay 3 from 4 - 6 p.m. N o rth w est P ro p erties "R Portland Observe call 5 0 3 .2 8 8 .0 0 3 3 CATERING EVENTS LARGE AND SMALL Fish Sandwich — $8°° Fish Dinner — $10°° FRIDAY & SATURDAY * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 503-288-3836 Hasher or Dryer Broken? ß O O K I^ S S o S ' foo " > j CALL JAMES RICHARDSON OF J.R. Washer/Dryer Repair Specialists Inc. 503-978-2746 ALL NAME BRANDS INSURED & BONDED Friday & Saturday .. DJ Michael Vance 9pm - 2am 736 N Lombard • I block off 1-5 • 503.286.7520 A A