50¿ Grand Marshals Back From France Coach Clive Charles and his NCAA championship team honored Local audiences await The Jefferson Dancers See story, page A8. See story, Metro section, inside / 0 P n rtía n h (Obsmu'r .itv n ncpc’ ‘City of fR Roses Volume X X X III i . . .. Established in 1970 • N um ber 18 www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • April 30. 2003 -j-.Weekin TheReview Iraqi Lynch helper given asylum y - M oham m ed al-Rehaief, an Iraqi law yer w ho helped U.S com m an­ dos locate and rescue prisoner o f w ar Jessica L ynch has been granted asylum in the U nited States along with his family, Home­ land Security Secretary T om Ridge said Tuesday. “Mr. al- R ehaief should know Americans are grateful forhis bravery and for his com passion,” Ridge said. Magic Man ’ Ohio residents oppose Army’s disposal plans People w ho live in a suburban D ay to n , O h io n eig h b o rh o o d w here the A rm y wants to dum p hazardous w aste say their home should have never been picked because o f w ho lives there. A third o f the residents are black an d a third are poor - a racial and economic makeup the community hopes wi 11 hal t the mi I itary’s plan. J Local magician sets sights on Las Vegas stardom Wireless 911 Service W ireless industry officials said they w ill m eet federal deadlines for providing enhanced 911 ser­ vice that lets em ergency o p era­ tors locate cell phone users w ho call forhelp. W hen someone dials 911 on a traditional phone, em er­ gency operators can trace the call to a street address. But cre­ ating a system for locating cell phone users w ho call 911 has been a challenge for wireless com ­ panies, regulators and w orkers at the nation’s more than 7,000emer­ gency dispatch centers < >• 13 Iraqis killedin protesterflreflght U.S. paratroopers fired on anti- A m erican protesters during a n ig h ttim e d e m o n s tr a tio n F allujah, Iraq, and a hospital re­ ported T uesday that 13 Iraqis w ere killed and 75w ounded, in­ cluding three young boys. S o l­ diers said arm ed m en had m ixed into the crow d and fired at them from nearby buildings. Man accused in sex slave case competent for trial T he retired handym an accused o fh o ld in g at least five w om en as sex slaves in an underground bunker in Syracuse, N.Y. has been found com petent to stand trial, a defense attorney said. John Jam elske, 67, is being held in ja il w ithout bail on charges o f I kidnapping, rape, sodom y and sexual abuse. He w as arrested A pril 7 after a 16-year-old girl told authorities he had held her hostage for nearly seven m onths in a concrete dungeon he built under his back yard. . , . . „ x F hotos by W ynde D yer and G unther J ose F rank /T he P ortland O bserver Local magician Antwan Towner dazzles his audience at Billy Reed's. Towner produces a deck o f cards from his mouth while Milt Ross (left) puzzles over the foam balls Towner has previously made multiply and disappear. by W yn de D yf . r T he P ortland O bserver A ntw an T ow ner started turning m agic tricks on the streets o f Portland even before he could do algebra. W hat started as a hobby at age eight has becom e 20- year-old T ow ner’s main obsession and his main source ofincom e. T he Portland native, w ho spent part o f his childhood in area foster hom es, now perform s roam ing m agic acts for B illy R eed 's custom ers on Sunday and M onday nights. But catch him w hile you still can, T ow ner might disappear to the Las V egas m agic spotlight, that is. “ I w ill be one o f the top m agicians in the w orld one day,” he said. “ If I stay on the ball, in 10 years I’ll have m y ow n show in V egas.” Au V if R on W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver \P tenants pay only 30 percent of their incomes i 2 ' ynde D yer P ortland O bseryer i the m an in charge o f the largest pro­ o f affordable housing options in O r- , H ousing A uthority o f Portland Ex- ve D irector Steve R udm an has a per- attachm ent to the slogan ‘Portland - t Ci Í on page AS PCRI offers rental housing well below market rate photo by 9 continued Housing Agents Fight Displacement Quakes hit Pacific Northwest A n earthquake w ith a p relim i­ nary m agnitude o f 4.8 hit deep beneath the O lym pic M ountains early last Friday, jo ltin g m uch o f w estern W ashington. N o m ajor injuries or dam age were reported, but the quake w as felt across the O lym pic Peninsula and in Se­ attle, 43 miles to the east. Friday’s quake w as three tim es as deep and 30 tim es m ore pow erful than a 3.9 m agnitude quake near Port­ land on Thursday. T ow ner’s fascination w ith m agic started around about the age o f five. He w as living in a foster hom e w ith a w om an he fondly rem em bers as ‘ M iss Elsie. ’ She let him w atch the magic acts o f w orld fam ous D avid C opperfield, David Blaine and Lance Burton on television and T ow ner w as hooked. The City T hat W orks.’ W ith a background in urban policy plan­ ning, R udm an said he knew Portland was the place he w anted to be w hen he moved to the Rose City from Pennsylvania in 1978 to take continued y f ,,n page .46 by W yn de D yer T he P ortland O bserver The gentrification o f north and n o rth e a st P o rtlan d is som ething o f a double-edged sw ord fo r P C R I D irecto r Maxine Fitzpatrick, who never anticipated the role she w ould play in pushing low -incom e residents out o f inner city a r­ eas as a result o f her efforts to help them. Fitzpatrick m oved to P ort­ land in 1993 to takeover PCRI, a non-profit com m unity d e ­ velopm ent corporation that had recently purchased 272 PCRI Director Maxine Fitzpatrick played a major role rental properties in north and in the revitalization of north and northeast Portland. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver northeast Portland w ith the plans o f turning the derelict properties into affordable housing units. influx o f new residents to the area. The goal w as one w ith good intentions “ W e helped a few people out, but not and som e positive outcom es, but Fitzpatrick nearly as m any as w ere forced to relocate," said P C R I’s renovation o f the units caused Fitzpatrick said. “Som egentrification is good, many longtim e inner north and northeast continued on page .47 Portland residents to be forced out by an