A p ril 23. 2003 Stye Jlortlanò (Observer Page AS Martinez Named Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year Award honors those who work to better themselves and the community Y endi M artin ez de C astro , from the M eyer M em orial Club o f southeast Portland, w as se­ lected as the 2003 Youth o f the Year for the Boys & G irls Clubs o f the P ortland M etropolitan Area. M artinez, a senior at C leve­ land High School, has been a m em ber o f the M eyer C lub for six years. She is equally involved in school as she is w ith the com m unity. M artinez currently serves on the Senior C lass C ab i­ net and is also the Senior Class Historian. “ I am proud and happy to receive this honor and to see how proud m y fam ily is o f m e ,” M artinez said. “Now that I have seen w hat I can accom plish, I The Boys & G irls C lubs o f Portland recently held their an- ; nual Y outh o f the Y ear aw ards to honor those who have m ade tre­ m endous strides to better them - : selves and the com m unity. C h ief o f Police M ark K roeker spoke at the cerem ony to the attendees and stressed to the chi I- . dren the pow er o f integrity, the pow er o f love and the pow er o f personal goals. t Providence does ‘A Su Salud’ Stop smoking help, better nutrition tips and cancer screening offered at fair The ProvidenceCancerCenter presents “A Su Salud” (To Your Health), a health fair for the His­ panic community. Health screen­ ings and information, food and bi I ingual games for al I ages will be among the highlights o f the free, public event on Sunday, April 27 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at St. Peter Catholic Church, 8648 S.E. Foster Rd. The adoption o f a high-fat A m erican diet, targeted ciga­ rette m arketing, and low cancer screening rates increase cancer risks in the H ispanic popula­ tion. Bilingual health prom oters will b eavailableto an sw erq u es- tions and offer resources for cancer screening, tobacco ces­ sation and nutrition. A Su Salud is a collaborative effort with the Breast and Cervical Cancer Progrhm, the Oregon State University Extension and the Par­ ish Health Promoter program, a joint project ofCatholic Charities’ El Programa Hispano and Provi­ dence Portland Medical Center. For more information, cal1503- 669-8350, Ext. 231. Ifyou are bilin­ gual in English and Spanish and would like to volunteer at the health fair, please call 503-215- 6014. know that I can go further and higher to the top.” M artinez plans to attend Port­ land State U niversity next fall w here she will m ajor in Psychol- with the rest o f the people in attendance and stated that the Club has been a place that en ­ couraged her to m ake a differ­ ence in her com m unity. character that will lead her to success in the future.” M artinez will now com pete against other Boys and Girls Clubs for the O regon Y outh o f the Y ear. I am proud and happy to receive this honor. Now that I have seen what I can accomp-lish, I know that I can go further and higher to the top. -Y e n d i M artinez, Boys & Girls Club Youth of the Year ogy. She chose Portland State University in order to remain close to her fam ily in the Portland area. D uring M artinez’s speech, she shared her fun tim es at the Club “ Y endi is an exceptional role Five regional w inners selected model and leader,” said Emily from am ong the state w inners Nev, Learning C enter C oordina­ will co m pete for the national tor for M eyer M em orial Club. h o n o r in W a sh in g to n , D .C ., "She exem plifies the qualities o f w here the N ational Y outh o f the Celebrating Cinco De Mayo The University Park neighborhood 10p.m. ofnorth Portland isthrowingaCineo Area residents are invited de M ayo celebration with au­ to come to the festival and thentic Mexican food, live celebrate with family. Every­ mariachi and arts and crafts. thing is free thanks to the The Activities for the celebration’s spon­ whole family will sors, Metro, North take place Sat­ Portland Enhance­ urday, May ment Committee, 3 from 1 P ortland Parks p.m. to 3 and Recreation’s p.m. at the Youth Trust Fund, University R o o se v e lt H igh Park C o m m u n ity S c h o o l’s M u lti- Center, 9009 N. Foss. C u ltu ra lC e n te r, th e Thecenter will hostamateur boxing Multnomah County Library and the matches the same day, from 6 p. m. to McCrea Foundation. Year will be officially installed by the President in a W hite House cerem ony in Septem ber. In addition, the w inner will receive a $10,000 scholarship from R eader’s D igest Founda­ tion, sponsor o f the program since its inception in 1947. The mission ofthe Boys & Girls Clubs o f Portland Metropolitan Area is to inspire and enable all youngpeople, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as pro­ ductive, responsible and caring citizens. For more information on the Boys & Girls Clubs o f the Port­ land Metropolitan Area, call 503- 232-0077, or visit us online at http://www. bgclubportland. org. Nonstop flights to Mexico Mexicana Airlines has announced a May 1 start date for nonstop service from Portland International Airport (PDX) to Guadalajara, Mexico with continu­ ing service to Mexico City and Morelia. The nonstop service to G uadalajara saves trav­ elers an average o f two hours travel time com ­ pared to other travel options that route through U.S. hub cities. Elapsed flying time betw een Port­ land and G u ad alajara is four hours and 30 minutes. Travel to M orelia or M exico City is ju st another short hop away. G uadalajara and M exico City are hubs for M exicana, offering abundant connecting service throughout Mexico. This is the first ever regularly scheduled nonstop air service connecting PDX and Mexico. The flight will operate on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, arriving at PDX at noon and departing at 1:30 p.m. For more information about PDX and travel tips, contact w w w .flypdx.com . or 1-877-PDX-INFO. 1000 Friends o f Oregon, adidas, Adventist Medical Center, AED Inc., Alaska Airlines, Allports Forwarding Inc., Alterm att Associates, Inc, American Industrial, American Red Cross, American Steel L.L.C., Ankrom Moisan Associated Architects, Aon Risk Services, Ashforth Pacific, Inc., Ater Wynne LLP, Basic Rights Oregon, Best Western Greenwood Inn & Suites, BOORA Architects, Inc., Bureau o f Indian Affairs, Northwest Regional Office Calaroga Terrace Retirement Community, Casa bella Oregon LLC, Cascade Microtech, Inc., Cascade Pacific Council, Boy Scouts o f America’ CH2M Hill, Cherrywood Village, Chown Hardware, City of Beaverton, City o f Gresham, City o f Hillsboro, City o f Lake Oswego, City of Portland, Clackamas ESD, Clean Water Services, CM2 - Children’s Museum 2nd Generation, CNF Service Company, Cogan Owens Cogan, Columbia Grain, Columbia Sportswear Company, Community Development Law Center, Conkling Fiskum & McCormick Consolidated Supply Co., Courtyard Village at Raleigh Hills, Credence Systems Corp., Dahlin/Fernandez/Fritz Dental Lab, Davis W right Tremaine, DCI Engineers, djangos.com, DKS Associates, DOJ, Division o f Child Support, Douglas M. Bomarito, PC., Dr. Martens, AirW air USA, Duden Neiman LLP, Durham & Bates Agencies Inc, Dynic USA Corporation, Electro Scientific Industries, Inc., Elephant's Delicatessen & Flying Elephants, Ellis Eslick Associates/Architects, Energy Trust o f Oregon, Inc.^Ferguson Wellman Capital Management, Inc., First Consumers National Bank, Fishman Environmental Services, LLC, Foster Auto Parts, Inc., Fred Meyer Stores, Inc., Gango Editions, Gardenburger, Inc., GBD Architects Incorporated^ General Tool & Supply Co., Giffin Bolte Jurgens, Glumac International, Graphic Arts Center, Growing Gardens, Hahn and Associates, Inc., Hanna Andersson Corp., Harvest Homes, Inc., HDR Engineering', Inc., Heald College, Health Net o f Oregon, The Heathman Hotel, The Nature Conservancy o f Oregon, Hillsboro Rehab & Specialty Care, Holgate Center, Holiday Inn Convention Center, Holladay Park Plaza, Inspiration Software, Inc., Intel Corporation, Interface As one o f over 755 companies Engineering, Inc., International Business Machines, IRCO - Im m igrant & Refugee Community Organization, providing more than 162,000 ISITE Design, Inc., James J. Boyle & Co., Jones & Stokes, Key Bank, KGW-TV, KinderCare Learning Centers, ln ¿ employees with commuting options, Klarquist Sparkman, LLP, KPFF Consulting Engineers, KPTV Fox 12/KPDX UPN 49, La Ouinta Inn Portland Convention Center, Lane Powell Spears Lubersky LLP, LeaseDimensions Inc., Legacy Health System, Lewis & y o u ’re making our region a better place Clark College, Lloyd Center, Lloyd District TMA, Macheezmo Mouse Restaurants, M ahlum Architects, Mallory to work, to play and to live. Hotel, Management Recruiters o f Portland, Inc., Market Decisions Corporation, Marquis Care at Mt. Tabor, Marquis Companies, Mayer/Reed, McGarry Machine, Inc., MEI-Charlton, Inc., Meier & Frank, Menzies Ground Commuting with TriMet means few er Services, Merant, Mercedes-Benz o f Portland, Mercer Industries, Inc., Mercy Corps, Meridian Technology cars on the road. In fact, yo u ’re keeping Group, Metro, M iller Nash LLP, Moore Information, Inc., Morasch Meats, Inc., Mt. Hood Community 20,164 trips o ff our roads each day, College, Mt. St. Joseph, Multnom ah Bar Association, M ultnom ah Bible College and Seminary, Murray, which helps our community enjoy less Smith & Associates, Inc., National College o f Naturopathic Medicine, National Park Service, Department traffic and cleaner air. And, in addition o f Interior, Nationwide Insurance, Net IQ Corporation, Nike, Inc., Nordstrom, Northwest Pipe Company, to saving your employees money, it Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Northwest Resource Federal' Credit Union, NW Natural, NW Power Planning Council, ODS Health Plans, Oregon Bureau o f Labor & Industries, Oregon Department o f also eases access and parking fo r your Environmental Quality, Oregon Department o f Revenue, Oregon Dept o f Latid Conservation & Development, business visitors. Oregon Forest Resources Institute, Oregon Iron Works, Inc., Oregon Law Institute o f Lewis & Clark Law School’ Oregon Steel Mills, Oregon Telco Community Credit Union, Oregon Zoo, Oregonian Federal Credit Uniom So thanks to all o f you forgetting on Pacific Office Furnishings, Pacific Water Resources, Inc., PacifiCorp/PACIFIC POWER, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Pasco board and getting "to work’’ with Corporation o f America, Paulson Investment Company, Inc., PBS Engineering and Environmental, Pearl Bakery, TriMet. Perkins & Company, PC., Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy, Phillips & Company Securities, Inc., Photon Kinetics Pizza Schmizza, Pope & Talbot, Inc., Portfolio Financial Servicing Company, Portland Center for the Performing For information about how your Arts, Portland Development Commission, Portland M arriott Downtown, Portland State University, Portland company can become a TriMet Teachers Credit Union, Portland Waldorf School, Powell’s Books at PDX, PPI Exhibit Design & Fabrication, PreCash, commute partner, log onto Inc., PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. Providence Health System, PTIGlobal, Radisson Hotel Portland, Radisson Hotel Portland Airport, RadiSys Corporation, Rejuvenation Inc., Rick A. Yarnall, Chapter 13 Trustee, RiverPlace Athletic Club, trimet.org or call 503-962-7670. Rockwell Collins Flight Dynamics, Ron Tonkin Family o f Dealerships, Rose City Café - Portland Int’l Airport, RR Donnelley Norwest, Inc., SAFECO Property & Casualty Insurance Companies, SE Works One Stop, Sears, Sheldon Manufacturing, Inc., Shoe Mill/Lloyd Center, Shriners Hospitals for Children - Portland, SkyWest Airlines, Sockeye Creative, Solution Logic Inc., Southwest Airlines, State o f Oregon Workers Compensation Board, Stephanie Inc., Stoel Rives LLP, Supply Source^ Inc., Sussman Shank LLP, Symantec Corporation, Synopsys, Inc., Terwilliger Plaza, Tetra Tech ISG, The Collins Companies’ See where it takes you. The Governor Hotel, The Heathman Hotel, The Neighborhood Partnership Fund, The Oregon Convention Center, The Real Mother Goose, Tonkon Torp LLP, Town Center Village, Toyota Logistics Services, TransCore, Transition Projects, Inc., Transitions for Health, Inc., TriplePoint, Inc., Tripwire, Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District, Tualatin Valley Water District, Tuality Healthcare, U.S. Army Corps o f Engineers, U.S. Small Business Administration, Unicru, Inc., USAgencies Credit Union, USI Northwest, VA Medical Center, Verizon Northwest Inc., Vernier Software & Technology, Vesta Corp, Vestas - American W ind Technology, Inc., ViaSystems Portland, Inc., Viking W indow & Door Products, VitalWorks Inc., VLMK Consulting Engineers, W W Metal Fab, Wacker Siltronic Corp. Wallace Theater Corporation II, Walsh Construction Co., Washington County, Western Family Foods, Inc., Weyerhaeuser, W illiams Dailey OLeary Craine & Love, Wells Fargo Bank, Wilshire Financial Services Group, WMCI Prime Evaluations, World Forestry Center, WorldTravel BTI Thanks, Portland Area Employers! T R IM M E T I I f