Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 23, 2003, Page 16, Image 16

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®l|e JJortíanó ©baeruer
April 23, 2003
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Ilir JJurtlattò (Dhscruer
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Fast Ball Impact!
«z A
u to s
I ll'll« '' <>\ |\t|||M , MW tu litu s in UH «OKIIIS II UHM, MISI I U IIIIIKS
The 2003 Nissan Xterra
Price Tested: $27014.00
T ransm ission: Automatic
The Nissan Xterra sports a rugged exterior with a thick tubular
aluminum roof rack and step rails to match. The appearance o f the
vehicle is muscular with the sense o f functionally including the first
aid kit in the rear door. The interior offers plenty o f room for front and
back passengers. The front seats provide good lumbar support with
a comfortable fit. The center console has a modified cockpit style,
however the shifter is on the high side. My first impression o f the
vehicle was that it was ready for the off-road adventure. I l offers the
consumer functionally for those active in outdoors recreation but for
the everyday driving it does not have the car-like handling. With thè
High School
Star Dazzles
S a m m y S o s a o f th e Chicago C ubs recoils S u n d a y a s a fa stb a ll from S a lo m a n Torres o f th e
P ittsburgh Pirates sh a tte rs his h elm e t. S o s a left th e g a m e, apparently okay. (AP photo)
Blazers Must Unlock Scoring Deficit
Davis says
Dallas’ defense
shouldn’t be a
(AP) — Statistics indicate the
Dallas M avericks have drastically
improved on defense. Portland cen­
ter Dale Davis thinks otherwise.
“Some o f the things they do are
a little different, but they’re pretty
much the same Dallas team," Davis
said. “It shouldn’t be a problem.”
But the M avericks’ defense was
a problem for the Trail Blazers in
Game 1 oftheir first-round series.
After scoring 31 points in the
second quarter, Portland had just
34 in the second half, turning a 10-
point lead into a 10-point loss as the
Mavericks won 96-86 Saturday with
game two o f the best-of-seven se­
ries scheduled Wednesday night,
also in Dallas.
To Davis, that only proves that
the Blazers have some kinks in their
offense to work out. Game 2 in the
pretty good. When wi
stand around, w e’re no
that good o f a team. Wi
have to move the bal
and play together."
The Blazers know tha
breaking down Dallas
defense is the key to vic­
tory. They scored 73 anc
88 in two regular-seasor
losses to the Mavs anc
had 100 and 112 in twc
Game 1 followed that
same pattern.
“I think they kind ol
buckled down a little
more,” Portland coach
M aurice Cheeks said.
“They made a concerted
effort to try to defend
and rebound the ball.
When they stepped up
their level, we didn’t step
B lazer Dale Davis
up ours.”
best-of-seven series is Wednes­
Nelson expects the Blazers to
day night.
bounce back - hard.
“We just have to move the ball
“T hat’s been their motto all
and keep cutting on them,” he said. along," he said “That’s fine by us.
“When we do that, w e’re usually T hat’s playoff basketball.”
Engine: 3 .3llterS O H ( l2-valveV 6
High sch o o l all-star LeBron
J a m e s m a k e s h is m o v e to
th e b a s k e t during th e Jordan
Capital C lassic in W ashing­
ton, D.C. Thursday. Ja m e s,
s e le c te d th e g a m e s m o s t
valuable player, is e x p e c te d to
forego college a n d e n te r this
J u n e 's NBA draft w here h e 's
p ro jected to b e th e top pick.
(AP photo)
concern on safety in SU V ’s it surprises me that Nissan bui It the Xterra
with high ground clearance. When turning com ers I almost feel liku
it would tip over if the wind blew to hard. However it does have a quiet
ride on the freeway. Surprisely the Xterra exceeded the original
expectations and hopes o f Nissan. It has been a huge success since
it’s introduction in 2000.
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Kenya Rules Again in Boston Marathon
Robert Cheruiyot won the Bos­
ton M arathon by 23 seconds
M onday to give K enya its 12th
v icto ry in 13 years. R u ssia’s
S v etla n a Z ak h a ro v a w on the
w o m en ’s race to prevent a sec­
ond consecutive K enyan sweep.
C heruiyot (pronounced cheh-
R E E -yot) finished in 2 hours, 10
m in u te s, 11 seco n d s to earn
$80,000, an olive w reath and a
bow l o f b e e f stew. It was ju st his
second career m arathon, having
won his debut in Milan in Decem­
In M ilan, he finished w ith the
sam e tim e as tw o others but was
declared the w inner by an edge.
This tim e, he w asn ’t challenged
over the final five m iles to win by
m ore than two city blocks.
miles. “I said, ‘OK, I’ll win this."
“ I w as ready to face anything,"
C h e r u iy o t is th e e ig h th
said C heruiyot, who felt he had a K enyan to win Boston since his
chance to win at about 15 1/2 country began its dom ination in
Cheruiyot o f
Kenya raises his
arms as he
crosses the
finish line at the
107th running o f
the Boston
Marathon in
Boston Monday.
(AP Photo)
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A ll S t a r F o o tb a ll C la s h S c h e d u le d
An all star high school football
game will take place in Vancouver
this summ er thanks to local spon­
T h e in a u g u ra l S o u th w e s t
W ashington All Star Football
gam e w ill be held July 12 at 7:30
p.m. at K iggins Bowl. The con­
test is being m ade possible with
support from the G atew ay Shrine
Club, V ancouver School District,
the G reater St. H elens and Trico
L eague, lo cal m e rch an ts and
M asonic Lodges in the greater
V ancouver area.
The player selection process has
already begun among the 2A, 3A
and 4A schools. The West Team
will be represented by players from
Columbia River, Skyview, LaCenter,
Battje Ground, H udson's Bay, Fort
Vancouver Ridgefield, and Wood­
land. The East Team will be repre­
sented by players from: Mountain
View, Evergreen, Camas, Prairie,
Washougal, Heritage, Stevenson
and White Salmon.
The team rosters will be an­
nounced on May 15and tickets will
go on sale June I.
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