April 23. 2003 (Ef¡c Jlo rtlan ò (ßbseruer Jazz Great Nina Simone Dies Singer wove turbulent times into her music (A P) — N ina S im one, whose deep, raspy, forceful voice made her a unique fig­ ure in jazz and later helped detine the civil rights move­ ment, died Monday at her home in France, according to her personal manager. She was 70. Clifton Henderson, who was at Simone’s bedside at her death, said she died of “natural causes” in her sleep after a long illness. He re­ fused to provide the name of the town where she lived. “She inspired other singers to do what they believed in,” Henderson said, saying the musician would also be re­ membered for her activism. “She’ll definitely be looked at as a civil rights movement leader.” Born E unice K athleen Waymon in 1933 in North Carolina, Simone was the sixth of Seven children in a poor family. She began playing the piapo at age 4. In the late 1950s Simone recorded her first tracks, in­ cluding “Plain Gold Ring” and “Don’t Smoke In Bed.” But she gained fame in 1959 with her recording o f “ I Loves You P o rg y ,” from the opera “Porgy & Bess.” Nina Simone, the jazz great whose rapsy, forceful voice helped define the civil rights movement, But she later wove the tur­ died Monday at her home in France. (AP photo) bulent times o f the 1960s into Be Y o u n g , G ifte d and Bowl,” and “Four Women” - reputation for chewing out her music. In 1963, after the Black.” the song with the famous line audience members who in­ church bom bing that killed Simone enjoyed perhaps her "they call me PEACHES.” terrupted her performances fouryoung black girls in Bir­ in clubs with conversation or mingham, Ala., and the slay­ loud drinking or talking. ing o f M edgar Evers, she Simone spent much of her wrote "M ississippi Goddam,” recent time in France, and in a and after the killing o f Dr. 1998 interview blamed racism Martin Luther King, Jr., she in the United States for her recorded “ Why? The King decision to live abroad, saying o f Love is D ead.” One o f greatest success in the 1960s While she had a regal pres­ that as a black person she had her most famous songs was the black pride anthem , “To and 70s, with songs like “ I ence onstage, she could often “paitfa heavy price for fighting Want A Little Sugar in My be temperamental; she had a the establishment.” One o f her most famous songs was the black pride anthem, “To Be Young, Gifted and Black. ” Page B7 South Max Approved (A P) Metro, the Portland-area regional governm ent, has approved a $ I billion plan to build light-rail lines from Portland to its southern su b u rb s. T he co u n c ilo rs u n an im o u sly supported a plan for tw o M A X routes: one along Interstate 205 from G atew ay to C lackam as Tow n C enter, and a second from d o w n ­ tow n Portland to M ilw aukie. The plan calls for buildinga new­ bridge into dow ntow n Portland, running light-rail tracks along the dow ntow n bus mall and instituting ra p id b u s s e r v ic e b e tw e e n M ilw aukie and O regon C ity. The 1-205 line w ould open in 2009, and the M ilw aukie route in 2014. M etro leaders said the region can piece together m oney for the first phase w ithout a public vote. But they c a n 't foot the $550 million bill for the second phase w ithout public support. Transit and governm ent leaders have long said they w anted to im ­ prove public transportation between Portland and the south suburbs. PCC-Cascade Hosts Job Fair riety o f applicants. Last year they saw over 3,000jo b seekers in atten­ “C ascad e’sjo b fair has a reputa­ dance, and m ore are expected this tion for attracting top notch em ­ year. ployers,” C oryell said. “ Even w hen The jo b fair is free and open to recruiting budgets are tighter, com ­ the public. panies are choosing to m aintain a For m ore inform ation, visit the presence at the fair.” fa ir’s W eb site: w w w .pcc.edu/ C oryell said em ployers gave the cascadejobfair. or contact C ascade fair high m arks in quantity and va­ C areer Services at 503-978-5600. continued from Metro Colleges Increase Minority Hiring in 10 years, about 3 percentage points below the level for w hite university sy stem 's student body stu d en ts. this year, up from less than 11 per­ W ebber-D avis said the univer­ cent in 2002. sities have m ade di versity a priority The report also show ed im prove­ for faculty and students, devising m ent in the graduation rates o f m i­ plans to recruit and retain both. nority students. The six-year gradu­ She said jo b descriptions have ation rate for all students o f color m ade a point o f saying that the w ent from 47 percent to 52 percent colleges w elcom e faculty o f color. continued from Metro o m m u n i t y a l e n n d d a a r C continued from Metro admission which includes a buffet dinner and live music. Ladybug Nature Walks Parents can discover the natural world with their pre-schoolers every Friday at 10 a m. at Hoyt Arboretum. A naturalist will hand out magnifying glasses, bug boxes and other tools to explore the soil, water, bark, flowers and animals in Portland’s parks. There is a $2 charge for each child, but adults are free. Homes for Pets Wanted The Oregon Humane Society is extending its outreach efforts to area pet stores this month. To help the Humane Society bring homeless pets into the community, call 503-285-7722, extension 204. BUSINESS directory Lose up to 2-8 lbs Every week! Call Now! 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