(Elje “P orUanä ©bseruer Page B6 April 23. 2003 C lassifieds / B ids Employment REQUEST FOR BIDS Advertise with diversity in It Does Good Things For Oregon RFB#0 3 -1 0 6 2 -ZOO OREGON ZOO PAINTING PROJECT JJortlanh QObseruer Check out o ur current openings: Oregon Zoo is a service of Metro, the regional government providing services in Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties. Oregon Zoo is requesting bids for painting several locations at the zoo (RFB # 03-1062-Z00). The Scope of Work of the Bid Package outlines the conditions and description of the services. Potential bidders may obtain bid documents by contacting Ford Graphics at (503) 227-3424 or their plan center at www.fordgraoics.com. A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for all potential O L I77389 Advertising Design Generalist D o you have 6 years' experience as a Senior Graphic Designer, Associate Creative Director or Senior Art Director within an advertising agency or design firm? If so, APPLY N O W ! CLOSE DATE: OPEN UNTIL FILLED OLI 77390 call 503.288.0033 or email: ads(S portland pbserver.com Internal Auditor Use your planning, organizing, investigating and writing skills to assess and docum ent Oregon Lottery's control structure, legal com pliance, financial & operational efficiency. CPA or CIA preferred. CLOSE DATE: OPEN UNTIL FILLED prime contractors on Friday, April 25,2003, at 10:00 a.m. in the Oregon Zoo Resource Room at the above address. Attendance at this meeting is required for all potential prime bidders to comply with the Good Faith Program associated with Metro’s commitment to doing business with Minority (MBE), Women-Owned (WBE), and Emerging Small Business (ESB) programs. Sub-contractors are encouraged to attend. SWINERTON BUILDERS 3030 SW Moody Ave., Suite 250 Portland, Oregon 97201 Phone: (503) 222-2000 Fax (503) 478-2600 OR# 111561 WA# SWINTBO997JT Contact: Michelle Barnes H'ww.orefc°n'oMery,or? PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ROCK CREEK CAMPUS EXPANSION J o b L in e : (50 3 ) 5 4 0 -1 3 2 8 Bids are due to be received (postmarks not accepted) no later than 11:00 a.m., Friday, May 2,2003. at: Construction The Oregon Lottery is an equal opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer committed to workplace diversity. and Maintenance Division, Oregon Zoo, 400 1 SW Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 97221, Attn: Randy Whitworth, Project Manager SUB BIDS REQUESTED FOR M BE/ WBE/ESB for all related scopes, trades and divisions of the PCC Sylvania Campus Technology Building - PORTLAND, OREGON 50 SF Structural Steel Building above named project. All bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes which clearly identify the item(s) as stated in the RFB. Bidding documents, (including plans and specifications depicting the work) may be examined and are available Swtnerton Builders Is requesting subcontractor bids from Certified Bid Date: April 2 8 ,2 0 0 3 by 11:00 AM B idd ing d ocum ents (includ es both D raw ings and w ritten Specifications) may be examined and are available at Ford Graphics for the cost of reproduction and shipping. Sets on deposit are not available for purchase. All bidders who receive a full set of plans and specifications will be added to the Planholder's list and receive any addenda issued. Bid instructions, drawings and planholders list can be viewed on­ line at www.fordgraphics.com. Go to Oregon/SW Washington- Planwell-Public Planroom and select the project. Plans may be ordered on-line through PlanWell. Bid documents may also be viewed at the following plan centers of Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs, Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center, Oregon Contractors Plan Center This is a BOLI project. All bidders must certify that they will pay and comply with the minimum prevailing wage requirements of ORS 279.350. 2 9 0 5 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 1 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 2 4 3 7 5 ________ Metro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages minority and women-owned businesse , to access and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and services. Metro Code provisions 2.04.100 and 200 require all Bidders to follow and document a specific good faith outreach effort to State certified Minority, Emerging and Women-owned Businesses. Certification of good faith compliance and a declaration of any actual utilization pursuant to both programs are required at the time of Bid Opening. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON Request for Proposal No: R03-7745 Request for Proposal Name: Translator and Interpreter Services County-Wide Request for Proposal due by 4:00 PM on: May 16, 2003 Pre Proposal Conference: Optional, April 25, 2003, Friday @ 9:30AM, Multncmah Building, Room #315, 5 0 1 SE Hawthorne, Portland, OR Proposals will not be publicly opened and read aloud. Proposals must be sealed In their entirety, and the packaging clearly marked with the Proposer’s name, address, and RFP number. Proposals will be received until, but B I’ I L D t h x T'V k J- O H S U /P a rtn e r s h lp P r o je c t/H IV S o c ia l W o r k C a s e M a n a g e r . Provide co m p re h e n s ive case management svcs to PLWH/A BA, b ilin g u a l S p a n ish & HIV exp required, MSW pref. $31-34K w/ exc benefits. Position closes— . Fax Resum e & Cover ltr-230- 1213 OHSU isEEO. New S a la ry ra n g e is $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 to $ 8 0 ,0 0 0 p er ye a r based on experience. above named project. Personal Loans Credit cards BIDS DUE: April 28, 2003 at 11:00 AM Mortgages, etc Plans and specifications are available for review in our office Good credit? Bad credit? We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, veterans and emerging small business enterprises Call today for fast approval 1 8 8 8 5 2 2 -7 9 0 7 1514 5817918 U S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR JO B S Temporary, Seasonal, and Summer Aide and Technician Jobs in the areas of: . Forestry . Range . Biology . Fire . Fishery . Wildlife Management . Recreation . Surveying • Engineering Industry Services. P le a se v is it o u r w e b s ite at w w w .w o rk s v s te m s .o rg fo r a com plete jo b description and instructions on how to apply for th is e x c e p tio n a l c a re e r opportunity. Extra Income $250-$500 A Week Helping the U.S. Government File HUD/FHA Mortgage Refunds No Experience Necessary Will Train To Work From Home Call T.P.I. Research 1-800-589 8891 M BE/W BE/ESB for all related scopes, trades and divisions of the Line of credit worksystems Inc. is seeking a Multnomah County is seeking to qualify multiple providers of translator and interpreter services on a County-Wide basis. There will be four general service categories including: Oral Interpreters, Translators, Interpreters for the Deaf, and Remote/Electronic Interpretation Services. Contract awards will not be made as a result of this RFPQ; rather providers who have qualified will be placed on one of several lists depending on service area and number of languages provided. Individual County Departments will contract with vendors from the qualified lists. The qualification period will be from July 1,2003 through June 30,2008. Swtnerton Builders Is requesting subcontractor bids from Certified M.B.N.A.com now offers BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Pacific University is looking for a c u s to m e r s e rv ic e o rie n te d in d ivid u a l to p erfo rm varie d assignments related to providing safety and emergency response services to students, faculty and staff. Qualifications include: two years experience in providing secu rity, e m ergen cy firs t aid services, inform ation services, s a fe ty c o n tro l, o r a s e rv ic e oriented field. The applicant must posses a valid Oregon Driver's License and possess, or have the ability to obtain an Oregon Private Security License, prefer Oregon DPSST certification and computer e x p e rie n c e w ith W in d o w s , Microsoft Word, and Filemaker. Apply at or send cover letter, resume and names and phone numbers of three professional references to: Human Resources, Pacific University, 2043 College Way. Forest Grove. OR 97116. D e a d lin e fo r s u b m ittin g application materials is May 2nd. V is it Jo b B oa rd at www.pacificu.edu for a complete p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n . Equal Opportunity Employer. SWINERTON BUILDERS 3030 SW Moody Ave., Suite 250 R s Portland, Oregon 97201 ____ Phone: (503) 222-2000 Fax (503) 478-2600 OR# 111561 WA# SWINTB0997JT Contact: Michelle Barnes PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYLVANIA CAMPUS EXPANSION Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enterprises and Woman-owned Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid on this work. dynamic individual for the position of Director of Business and Specifications may be obtained from: Multnomah County CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 4'” Floor, Portland, OR 97214. Phone (503) 988 5111, Fax (503) 988-3252. Bid list and occasional bid/R FP dow nload s are available at web address http:// www.co.multnomah.or.us/dbcs/cpca/ SWINF.RTON Plans available at: Walsh Construction Co., DJC Plan Center, Oregon Contractor Plan Center, Salem Contractors Exchange, McGraw-Hill Construction-Dodge, OAME (Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs), SW Washington Contractors Assn., Eugene Builders Exchange, The Plan Center-Canby, and Builders Exchange of Washington not after, 4:00 PM, by Multnomah County Central Procurement and Contract Administration (CPCA), 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., 4,h Floor, Portland, OR 97214, for: Multnomah County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals if not in com pliance with the Request for Proposals (RFP) procedures and requirements. Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 7 4 -7 6 7 6 Contact: Eric Stevens, Dean Lindstrom or Roger Welter CAMPUS SAFETY OFFICER All bidders must be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board pursuant to ORS 671.350 We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, veterans and emerging small business enterprises WALSH CONSTRUCTION CO., CCB # 11398 All bids must conform to the RFB format and be complete including the use of any required forms. Metro may accept or. reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action is deemed in the public interest. Bidders are not to contact Metro or the Oregon Zoo to obtain bid documents. All contact should be made with Ford Graphics Bid Services Dept. at 503-227-3424; FAX 503-299 6060; E-mail: planwellPdxOfordgraphics.com. BIDS DUE: May 2, 2003 at 11:00 AM Plans and specifications are available for review in our office Phot«» ttv M aik AunM ntnu Find these jobs at: www.usajobs.opm.gov OR www.nc.blm.gov/jobs -1 / Equal Opportunity Employer MULTNOMAH COUNTY CENTRAL PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION I