Page B4 (Elie rt la ttò (Dbseruer April 23. 2003 R eligion Shipyard Worker, Little League Coach Dies G eorge Carney, was bom on Jan. 2 6 ,1915 in Huttig, Ark., the son o f Will C arney and Buehla Mac Hemy. On March 24, 1933 he m ar­ ried Osie Brandom in W ilm ot, Ark. She was a devoted and loving wife for 70 years. Carney m oved his fam ily to Portland in 1944 and lived in Vanport. He retired from the Local 296 and the shipyards after 50 years o f service. He was a baseball coach for Peninsula L ittle L eague for many years and was a m entor for all ofgrandsons, great-grand­ children and great-great grand­ children. Carney has been walking with the lord Jesus C hrist for a long time as a m em ber o f New United Christian Com m unity Church. Survivors include his wife; Evelyn Torrence celebrates her birthday with Pastor C.T. Wells o f Emmanuel Temple Church at the church's first annual seniors' retreat April 11 in Springfield. Seniors: ‘ Not Tired Yet’ George Carney a t his residence during a recent wedding anniversary celebration. c h ild re n , G e o rg ia A n d rew s, A lvin C arney, M orris C arney, K am ek a C a rn e y -T h o m p so n and Nina Ruth Storey; cousins, M a b ie W o o d s, R o s a lie JOY TO THE W O R LD DAY C A RE NOW ENROLLING 5736 N ALBINA Hollow ay and Charles Bridges; d a u g h te r in -la w , G le n d o ra M iner-H art, 32 grandchildren, 65 great-grandchildren and 33 great-great grandchildren. C arney w as preceded in death by his long time friend, Pete Cannon, and three chil­ dren, William LeeCamey, Helen McGee and Theo Carney. (O b itu a r ie s David Rajen Prasad OFFERS AFFORDABLE DAY CARE David Rajen Prasad died M arch 6, 2003, at the age o f 53. Mr. Prasad was bom May 17, 1949, in Sam abula, Fiji. He im m igrated to Portland in 1972, where he was a m achinist for G raphic Package Paper Mill. In 2001. he married Satya Lal. Survivors include his wife; daughter, Regina; son, Rekesh AGES 2-1/2 TO 11 YRS BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE TEACHERS ARE CPR & STATE certified 6:00 am - 6 pm CONTACT: ANDREA 1 R R Y -(5 Q 3 ) 285-3328 2621 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 9721 I 503 528-2933 Tuesday - Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. A friendly, and affordable store to purchase.. Women Apparel Lady's hats Shoes Unique Jewelry Men Cultural Attire Greeting Cards Porcelain Dolls Limited Edition o f Figurines a Weddings & Receptions” Ramada Inn and Suites Portland Airport 6221 NE 82nd Ave Portland, Oregon 503-255-6511 • Complementary Honeymoon Suite for Bride and Groom • Special room rate for W edding Party Guests • Two Ballrooms available to'a'ecommodate 200-300 Guests • In-House Catering. Rehearsal Dinners, & On-Site Coordinators • Conveniently located near the Portland International Airport Call now to reserve your space today! The Ramada Inn and Suites Portland Airport Phone 503-255-6511 Church of the Living God Christian workers for fellowship 6401 N.E. 10th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Services Pastor and First Lady Roy G. Maxie Sunday School Morning W orship Evening W orship Wed. Bible Study 9:45 A.M. 11:30A.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. C h u rc h C a le n d a r Gospel Music Extravaganza Young People and Willing Workers o f Oregon First Jurisdiction will present a gospel music extravaganza entitled “Stir Up The Gifts” on Saturday, Apri 126 at 7 p.m. The extravaganza will be held at Salvation and DeliveranceCogic, 5736 N Albina. For more information, call 503-283- 3558. Warner Pacific Choir and Wind Ensemble and M ankuar Singh; brother, V ijendra; and one grandchild. The Warner Pacific College and Wind Ensemble will be in concert on Sunday, April 27at 3 p.m. in the McGuire Auditorium, 2 2 19S.E. 68th Ave. The concert will feature music by Beethoven, Craig Courtney, Hack Shrader and Moses Hogan. The Concert Choir will be joined by the Chancel C hoirofO ur Savior's Lutheran Church in performing selections from John Rutter’s "Requiem.” Tickets are $8, $3 for students and seniors, and $7 for family members. For more information, call 503-517-1061. Services have been held. Irene Arnold She was bom Irene Bellamy on Dec. 3,1917, in Seale, Ala. A licensed practical nurse, she had lived in Portland for five years. Her husband, Ernest, died in 1997. Surv ivors include her son, Jam es Sr.; sisters, Irma Evans, Eva Terry and Vivian Dowdell; three grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. Shop at Annie M ae’s Unique Gifts & Apparel E m m anuel T e m p le fo u n d e r Bishop A. A. W ells and evange­ list A nita W illiam s, w ho helped the group focus on health, spiri­ tuality and fellowship. A fter the retreat, the seniors felt they were closer to the prom ­ ises o f G od. A nother retreat is planned for next year. "R icky” ; sisters, Kamla Battan, Vidya Kumar, Kiren Singh Irene A rnold, died April 10 at age 85. ANNIE MAESUNIQUEGIFTS&APPAREL T h irty s e n io rs fro m th e Emmanuel Tem ple Church in north Portlandfollow edthe“We Are N o, Tired Yet” them e o f their senior retreat during a Apri I 11-13 w eekend getaw ay to the Com fort Suites in Springfield, O re. The seniors w ere jo ined by A funeral was held Saturday, April 19,2003, in F.D. Mason Children’sChoirandYouth Chorale Made up o f three choirs with more than 115 singers from- Portland metropolitan-area elementary, middle and high schools, the Oregon Children’s Choir and Youth Chorale will present their spring concert, "Just a Note,” at 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday, April 27 at the First Christian Church, 1315 S.W. Broadway. The children will showcase some o f the songs performed during theirsum m er tour o f Prague and Austria. Tickets are $ 10 for adults and $5 for seniors and children under 12. Funeral Hom e in Y oungstow n, Ohio. Burial arrangem ents Maranatha Church Silent Auction w ere m ade by K illingsw orth Little Chapel o f the Chimes. The Maranatha Church, located at 422 N.E. 12* Ave., will hold a silent auction from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Satu lay. May 3. The auction will feature books, baby items, gift baskets, household items, porcelain dolls, gift certificates, baked goods and a car wash. All proceeds will benefit the church's Christian Education Department. For more information, call 503-288-7241. Terry Davis Returns to Conduct Citywide Youth Mass Choir The Portland Metropolitan Youth Choir o f the Gospel Music Workshop of-America (GM.WA) will behavingtheir Annual Gospel Music Youth/ Young Adult Workshop Apri I 23ri -2 5 * 6:00 PM nightly. The W ednesday April 23rd session will be at the Morning Star Baptist Church, 106 NE Ivy, Rev. A. Wayne Johnson, Pastor, and the Thursday and Friday, April 24th & 25lh Ses­ sion will be held at the New Hope Baptist Church, 3725 N. Gantenbein, Portland, Oregon, Rev. Robert C. Jointer, Pastor. Terry Davis This workshop is open to all children/youth/young adults ages 6-25, as well as all musicians and directors. The guest conductorisTerry DavisofColumbus, Ohio. Mr. Davis is formerly o f Portland, Oregon, where he served as music director for the Northwest Community Chorus (Gospel Christmas choir, Oregon Symphony w ith guest conductor Dr. Charles Floyd). Additionally, he served as musician and music director for various churches, groups and choirs in the Pacific Northwest. Mr. Davis is an accomplished musician, director, and recording artist. Most recently his recording can be heard on the Gospel Music Workshop o f America Youth C h o ir- Live in Minneapolis, 2001, entitled “ For Your Glory Lord". There will be classes in voice, music theory, and much more. The W orkshop choir will be in Concert Saturday, April 26*, 6:00 PM at the New Hope Baptist Church. For registration information or additional information, please call 503-225-4908,503- 3 13-8576, o r503-698-5447. Onsite registration begins at 5:30pm each evening o f the workshop. "W7iere there is no vision, The People perish. ” For more information please call (503) 284-5171 To reach a diverse audience advertise in lhe Portland Observer Everyone's Welcome..... call 503.388.0033 or email: I Pre-Mother’s Day Revival The Powerhouse Temple Church o f God in Christ, located at 4525 N. Williams, will host a Pre-M other’s Day Revival nightly beginning at 7 p.m. from Sunday, May 4 through Friday, May 9. Prophet Ronnie Nichelson will set attendees free from witchcraft, drug and alcohol addiction, depression, sin and other ailments o f the spirit. For more information, call 503-282-6800. Bethel A.M.E. Cathedral Choir The 25-year-old Bethel A.M.E Cathedral Choir, under the direction o f Rochelle McElroy, wil I put on aconcert at 4 p.m. on Sunday, May 4 at 5828 N.E. 8* Ave. The choir will present a wide repertoire o f traditional and contemporary music. The public is invited to this free event. For more information, call 503-287-9583 o r503-698-1550. Poetics of Peace On Friday, May 9 the Mosiac Multicultural Foundation will present author, mythologist and storyteller Michael Meade in an evening o f poetry, stories, songs and ceremonies that draw on many creative traditions that respond to the crisis o f war, the loss o f culture and the spread ofterror. Meade and special guests will speak at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 1126SW Park Ave. Formore information, call I- 800-233-6984. Carl Gross Memorial Lecture The Center for Spiritual Development welcomes back Marcus Borg, a leading figure in the search for the historical Jesus, to give the Carl Gross Memorial Lecture at Trinity Episcopal on Friday, May 9 at 7 p.m. B org’s lecture isentitled “Christ and Culture Today: A taleofT w oC ities.” Borg will also host a lecture on Saturday, May 10 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-478-1218. Hope House Ministries Anniversary In celebration o f three years o f service to the community, Hope House Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facility will host a banquet at the Holiday Inn, 1021 N.E. Grand Ave., on Saturday May 10. The benefit dinner is a fundraiser to enable the Ministry to continue to provide one-year residential treatment and spiritual guidance to low-income adults desir­ ing freedom from addiction. Tables for 10 guests can be purchased for a $350 tax-deductible contribution. For more information, call 503-287- 0060. ‘Come Together and Worship Tour’ Multi-platinum, multi-Grammy award winning and reigningGospel Music Association Artist o f the Year Michael W. Smith will perform with Third Day and special guest speaker Max Lucado when the ‘Come Together and Worship T our' makes a stop in Portland at the Rose Garden Arena on Thursday, May 22 at 7 p.m. Tickets are on sale at all Ticket Master locations for $25 and 30. To charge by telephone, call 503-224-4400.