Pasc82______________________________ (Eljv |Ltn rt lauft (ßbscruer APr|123.2003 Focus Run-DMC T op of H íp -H op Group helped take rap mainstream during the 80s w anted to do,” M cD aniels said W ednesday, “w as represent hip- hop the w ay it should be repre­ sented.” Rounding out the top 10 is Public Enem y, Shakur, the No­ to r io u s B .I .G ., LL C o o l J, Em inem , Dr. Dre, G randm aster (A P ) — The pioneering rap Flash, Salt-N -Pepa and Jay-Z. group Run-D M C tops V H 1 ’s list M cD aniels said if he w ere o f the 50 greatest hip-hop acts, co m p ilin g the list. Public E n ­ w hich includes Tupac Shakur, em y w ould be No. I b ecau se N elly, Sean “ P. D iddy” C om bs the p o litica lly ch arg ed group and M C H am m er. "sa id so m e th in g w ith (rap ). A Run-D M C’s Darryl McDaniels lot o f th ese cats now co m in g said h e ’s hum bled by the m usic into the b u siness, they are about ch a n n el’s choice. show b u sin e ss.” “ W h a t R u n -D M C a lw a y s He said he also w ould have CANNON'S RIB EXPRESS = z _ H E A T E D P A T IO N O W What Run-DMC always wanted to do was represent hip-hop the way it should be represented. put fellow o ld -sch o o l rappers Slick Rick and D oug E. Fresh n e a r th e to p , a lth o u g h they d id n 't m ake the list at all. Run-D M C - M cDaniels, Jo­ seph “ Run” Sim m ons and DJ Jam M aster Jay, or Jason Mizell - helped take rap m ainstream with m ultiplatinum records and hits in c lu d in g “ I t’s T ric k y ,” and “W alk This W ay" with Aerosmith in the 1980s. M izell, 36, w as shot to death in his Q u een s, N .Y ., recording stu d io in O cto b er. H is killing rem ain s u nsolved. M cD aniels said: “ W e ’ll try to, in the re­ m e m b ran ce o f Jam M aster Jay an d ev e ry b o d y b efo re us ... keep it re a l.” O th er acts w ho m ade the list in clu d e T he R oots, L il’ Kim, the B eastie Boys, Ja Rule, A frika B am b aattaa, De La Soul, M issy E lliott and Q ueen L atifah. Hip-hop pioneers RUN-DMC create handprints in cement as they are inducted into Hollywood's RockWalk on Feb. 25, 2002, in Los Angeles. Jason "Jam Master Jay" Mizell, left. Darryl “DMC" McDaniels, center, and Joseph "DJ Run" Simmons produced the first rap album to go gold as well as the first rap act nominated for a Grammy. (AP photo) A V A H A D L E Catering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs * BeefKihs OPEN EVERY DAY: 1 am - 9 pm, Monday - Thursday 11 am - 10 pm, Friday & Saturday 11 am - 8 pm, Sunday Fish Sandwich — $8°° Fish Dinner — $100Q FRIDAY & SATURDAY * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 503-288*3836 m (A P)— Toni Braxton is graduating from Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” to “Aida.” The sultry-voiced singer will join the cast o f “Aida,” the long-running, Disney-pro­ duced Broadway musical June 30 for a limited four-month engagement. Braxton, whose hits include “ Breathe Again,” “Un- Break My Heart” and "He W asn't Man Enough,” previously starred as Belle in the Broadway edition o f “Beauty and the Beast” in 1998. “Aida,” which has a score by Elton John and Tim Rice, opened at Broadway’s Pal­ ace Theatre in March 2000. Set in ancient Egypt, it tells the love story o f the Nubian princess Aida, sold into slavery, and her love for a handsome soldier, Radames. (*•» 1 p Singer Luther Vandross, seen backstage at the American Music Awards in Los Angeles, suffered a stroke last Wednes­ day. Vandross, who turned 52 on Sunday, suffered the stroke last Wednesday at his Manhat­ tan home, said Lois Najarian, a spokeswoman at his record label, J Records. Najarian said the singer had been in good health and recently completed work on a new album. (AP Photo) The Art of Thelma Johnson Streat Through July 6 Nothin' But New Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. Singer Vandross Has Stroke Singer Toni Braxton Will take a role in the Disney-produced musical “Aida," which tells the ancient Egyptian story o f a Nubian princess in love with a handsome soldier. (V .lll, t ¡uidí.UI A Mow« Aiew<.iN( 4 Braxton to star in Disney’s "Aida’ 30 Minutes... All New Music Releases Commercial Realtor Multi-Million S Service ''•fc P ru d en tial N o rth w e s t Proper I mps , Northwest Properties 1730 NE 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97212 CELL 503 267-7586 w t=2 An independently owned and operated member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates. Inc. ß O O K I^ S Xvooû p. ■ ‘ Sou