April 16. 2003 (Clje ^Jortlaub (Db s er Her Page AS H ealth Toran Leads Fight Against Child Abuse Sickle Cell Drug Extends Life The first drug approved by the Food and Drug A dm inistration to ease the pain o f severe sickle cell anem ia also extends life, according to a Boston U niversity School o f M edicine study led by Dr. Martin H. Steinberg and published in the April 2 Journal o f the American M edical Association. The study found that sickle cell anem ia patients w ho took the drug hydroxyurea over a nine-year pe­ riod experienced a 40 percent re- Calls for public support of programs protecting children •v K ay T oran i A p ril is c h ild a b u s e p re v e n tio n m o n th an d u n fo rtu n a te ly , we Deed it. In fact, w e need to keep raising aw areness £very m onth and to do (nore to reduce this ca n ­ cer that plagues O regon, i A ccording to a Dept. p f H um an Services re­ port, child abuse and ne­ glect is a m ajor p ro b le m . In 2 0 0 1 ,8 ,2 3 2 children w ere victim s o f abuse o r neglect. W e’re failing to adequately p ro ­ tect o u r children and this is one category w here a failing grade is absolutely unacceptable. In a tim e when w e know m ore about how to prevent child abuse and neglect and how to intervene w hen it does occur - w e ’re falling short in the sm art, necessary and m oral investm ents to protect our children. Child abuse and neglect is We ’re failing to adequately protect our children, and this is one category where a failing grade is absolutely unacceptable. - KayToran, chief executive offlcerand president of Volunteers of American Oregon to five are identified as being at risk o f abuse o r neglect by a social w orker, healthcare orchildcare pro­ fessional o r oth er m eans. O ne o f O reg o n ’s seven C risis and ReliefNurseries enrolls thechild and parents in a set o f program s such as developm ental care, parent education and m ental health co u n ­ seling. T he child and fam ily are served, w hich provides the entire fam ily the skills they need to su c­ not som ething we m ust endure. No, ceed and avoid abusive or n eg lect­ this isn ’t ju st the w ay life is. W e ful behaviors. know from research how to prevent U n fo rtu n ately for all o f u s, O r­ m ost abuse, and w hen it does o c­ eg o n is m a k in g c h o ic e s th at can cur, w e know how to intervene in a lead to th e d ism a n tlin g o f th e w ay that stops it from happening s ta te ’s fu n d in g for th e v ery p ro ­ again. g ram s th at w o rk e ffe c tiv e ly and C risis and R eliefN 'urseries a re a efficiently. C risis and R eliefN u rs­ great exam ple. C hildren ages zero erie s. h o m e v isita tio n p ro g ram s. C A S A (C o u rt A p p o in ted S p ecial A d v o cates) p ro g ra m s an d child a b u se in te rv e n tio n c e n te rs have all e x p e rie n c e d d ra m a tic c u ts in state fu n d in g , and all an tic ip a te m ore to co m e, unless w e do so m e­ th in g now . I know O regonians care. Recent child abuse tragedies drew an enor­ m ous p ublic outcry along with pledges to get involved in prev en t­ ing abuse and neglect. Al I o f us can help prevent and stop child abuse. Y ou can m ake a di fference. First, contact y o u r state legisla- to rs(w w w .leg.state.or.us/o rcall 1- 800-332-2313) and urge them to support sm art investm ents in child abuse prevention and intervention, Crisis and ReliefNurseries, C A S A ’s home visitation program s and m ore. Letters and calls from constituents m atter to our elected officials. S ec­ ond, get involved with child abuse prevention o r intervention efforts in yo u r com m unity by volunteer­ ing o r m aking a donation. O regon still has a m ajor budget crisis, but we m ust dem onstrate our com m it­ ment to ch i Idren and ha ve the w i 11 to fund effective, proven child abuse prevention and intervention pro­ gram s. W ith your help, state lead­ ers w ill recognize that an early in­ vestm ent in child abuse prevention saves taxpayers in the long run, as well as saving o u r ch ild ren ’s lives. Program s protecting our children from abuse sh o u ld n ’t have to beg and borrow to get the jo b done. A ll i f them d ep en d on state fu n d in g fo r a p o rtio n o f th e ir s e r­ vices. T h is support w ill m a k e c e r- tain o u r m ost p re cio u s O regon re so u rc e - o u r ch ild re n - hav e the c h a n c e to g ro w up safe and h ap p y an d b eco m e p ro d u ctiv e, th riv in g O reg o n ian s. I en co u rag e CooKedCat''S" "T Í« » » -" Let us do the cooking Saturday. We invite you to join us for Deep fried Catfish Fillet Dinner $10 Or Big Mama's Home Style Fried Chicken $7 2 Side Dishes included. Side choices are: Potato Salad, Tossed Salad, Rice and Gravy or Collard Greens and Cornbread. y o u to g e t in v o lv e d in y o u r co m m u n ity ’s ch ild abuse p rev en ­ tio n an d in v en tio n e ffo rts, this m o n th a n d all year. Bread is included toasted & buttered upon request. Kay Toran is the chief execu­ Sweet Potato Pie & Various Cakes will be available. tive o fficer and president o f Vol­ unteers o f American Oregon and theformer director o f the Oregon Office fo r Services to Children and Families. Time 11:00 am until Run out! co n tin u ed fr o m F ront turing som e o f O reg o n ’s top co m ­ panies all in one room . Featured pavilions include hom e and g ar­ den, travel and tourism , arts and entertainm ent, lifestyle, health and fitness, hom e electronics, festivals and attractions. Local sports enthusiasts wil I also be able to keep busy at the bash. For only $1 a sw ing, g olfers get a chance to win $35,000 in the Hole- In-O ne-G olfC hallenge, presented by Pacific Power. N orthw est A d­ venture Sports experts wi 11 dem on­ strate and help the public partici­ p a te in a c ti v it ie s s u c h as w indsurfing, kayaking, rock clim b­ ing and m ore. O n Saturday only, the D epart­ ment O f Skateboarding and C heck­ ered F lag E vents w ill co n d u ct dem os, stunts and interactive fun gam es for the w hole fam ily in the C onvention C enter’s A ction Room. Kids will enjoy the B urgerville A m azing M aze and The C h ild ren 's A ctivity C enter. The tw o venues Postwar Iraq Plans Begin The interim adm inistration could begin handing pow er back to Iraqi a free Iraq and a dem ocratic Iraq wi 11 officials w ithin three to six months, begin today?” said G am er, w ho but form ing a governm ent will take turned 65 T uesday and w ore a twin longer, said Maj. G en. T im C ross. A m erican and Iraqi flag pin on his blue shirt. - W hite H ouse envoy Zalm ay Khalilzad told delegates that the United States has “no interest, absolutely no interest, in ruling Iraq.” • “ W e w ant you to establish y o u r ow n d em ocratic system based on Iraqi traditio n s and values,” K halilzad said. “ I urge you to take this opportunity to cooperate w ith each o th er.” Participants included K urds, Sunnis and Shiites from inside the country and others w ho spent years in exile. U S. officials in­ vited the groups, w hich picked their ow n representatives. U.S. officials hope m ore Iraqis jo in the process and stressed that this w as ju st the first o f m any such m eetings in Iraq. T he m eet­ ing concluded with the delegates voting by show o f hands to m eet again in 10 days. • mane power A n a tio n a l c o n fe r e n c e is planned to select the interim ad­ m in is tra tio n , p e rh a p s w ith in w eeks, a senior U.S. official said NIOC H I0 N IT on condition o f anonym ity. con tin u ed at6 :3 0 p .m .,Q u arterflash w illo p en for the C herry P o p p in ’ D addies, w ho will w rap up the festival w ith a perform ance from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. The O regon C o nvention C enter w ill be open to the public both Friday and Saturday from noon to 10p.m . F o rm o re inform ation, visit th e event w eb s ite at w w w .oregoncc.org. ¿A MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE P A T IO N O W jQ . Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residential Services * | CARPET CLEANING ($25 each area7*| • 2 A reas o r m ore. S m all H all Free, P re-S p ray T raffic A reas • S ta ir s ...........................$ 1 .5 0 each RIB EXPRESS If , Contact Sis Pat: (503) 281-1059 CANNON'S A T I D a te - 348 N Fremont Street Portland, OR 97227 I5j^ III 1 9 /0 3 0A / The Open Door House of Prayer Convention Center Throws Expansion Party w ill feature educational activities perform ances, a m aze and a Lego train display with an area w here tiny tots can construct m asterpieces o f theirow n. W hile kids play in the A ctivity C enter, parents can enjoy adult bev­ erages at the S pring B eer and W ine Fest o r brow se the C en ter’s $ I m il­ lion internationally acclaim ed pub­ lic art collection. M usicians to perform follow ing the PCC Jazz Band on Friday will be the Scott F isher Project w ith Lea K ruger, from 4 p.rn. to 5 p.m ., then the Jazz A llstars from 5:30 p.m. to 6 :3 0 p .m . From 7 p.m. to 8 p.m . the T he B obby T orres E nsem ble will take the stage and Pink M artini will finish o ff the evening from 8:30p.m . to 10p.m . O n Saturday, the m usic starts w ith Little Sue from noon to I p.m . followed by local drum m ing legend O bo A ddy, w ho will show case his beats from 1:30p.m . to 3 p .m .F ro m 3:30p.m. to4:30p.m .,PortlandTaiko will precede the Blues A llstars, w ho w ill play from 5 p.m . to 6 p.m. Then duction in deaths This latest research has im por­ tant implications for the treatm ent o f sicklecell anemia. “ Presently only a minority o f eli­ gible patients are taking hydroxyurea. O ur study strongly suggests that adults with sickle cell anemia and com plications, like frequent painful episodes and the com m on pneum o- nia-like events, take hydroxyurea under the supervision o f a know l­ edgeable physician,” said Steinberg. A V A II A H I I | UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ) Catering & Take-Out ■ S ofa (u n d e r 6 ft.) $69 L o v eseat $49 O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs J 1 S ectional $ 9 9 & up • T h ro w p illo w s $5 each |C A R P E T C P U P O N | I 1 Cleaning Area J ■ (Hull Pre-Spray Traffic Area $35 not included) OPES EVERYDAY: I lam - 9 pm, M onday - Thursday II am - 10 pm , Friday & Saturday 11 a m - 8 pm, Sunday Fish Sandwich — $8°° Fish Dinner — $10°° FRIDAY & SATURDAY ’ I -- --------------------- — — — — y — — — UPHOLSTERY COUPON I | I ------------------------------- 1 I Sofa (under 6 ft.) I | | GOO 1 1 1 ! Loveseat & Chair fr o m F ront * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5410 N.E. 33 rd 503-288-3836 THE BIO BASH « APRIL 18 & 19 CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 Ftetif. FWdr.ts * W ueuM Now wilk f.» N NOON-1OPM ♦ FREE ADMISSION SPIRIT MOUNTAIN MUSIC STAGE Friday April 18 ♦ PCC Jazz Band ♦ Scott Fisher Project with Lea Krueger ♦ Jazz All Stars ♦ Bobby Torres Ensemble ♦ Pink Martini Saturday April 19 ♦ Little Sue ♦ Obo Addy ♦ Portland Taiko Drummers ♦ Blues Allstars b OTHER EXCITING ACTIVITIES « £ ♦ Marketplace Tradeshow ♦ Spring Beer And W in e Fest presented by Safeway ♦ $35,000 Hole-ln-One Golf Challenge presented by Pacific Power ♦ N W Adventure Sports ♦ Internationally Acclaimed A rt Collection ♦ The Action Room ♦ S p o rtC o u rt* Activities ♦ Children's Activities • Burgerville Amazing Maze • LEG O Train Display ♦ Meeting Room Activities ♦ Quarterflash • Organic C hefs Area ♦ Cherry Poppin' Daddies • Community Involvement Nothin' But New Monday thru Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. K IV I H O 30 Minutes... All New Music Releases • Celebrate Green OREGON CONVENTION CENTER EXPANSION CELEBRATION RTER It WWW.OREGONCC.ORG I t