April 09. 2003 (Ebe ìportlanò ©beeruer Page B3 Focus BET Looks Good in 2003 23-year-old African American channel is having its best year (A P) T his is shaping up as a very good year for BET. Just three m onths into 2003 after a m ajor program m ing over­ haul Black Entertainm ent Tele­ vision has seen douN e-digit in­ creases in advert i s i ng and subscrib­ ers. A nd BET attained its highest ever prim e-tim e ratings in January. Then there’s B E T 's gospel m u­ sic program m ing, w hich eclipses even the popular "B E T N ightly N ew s W ith Jacque R eid." The gospel slate, w hich occupies most o f the n etw o rk ’s Sunday sch ed ­ ule, com plem ents B E T 's w eekday countdow n show , "106 & Park," w hich routinely gets b etter rat­ ings than MTV counterpart "T o ­ tal R equest L iv e," and is the netw ork’s most w atched program. “ It’s been terri fic for us," D ebra Lee, president o f the 23-year-old cable channel said in a phone in­ terview from her W ashington, D.C’., office. “ It show s us that our view ers are happy with what w e're doing in the changes that w e’re m aking in program m ing.” Rare Antelope Born at Oregon Zoo Calf will be difficult for visitors to see for the first few weeks A red flanked duiker b o m on M arch 11 m ade his O regon Z oo debut on M arch 27. D uikers are one o f the sm allest m em bers o f the a n ­ telope family. “The c a lf is inquisitive and her m om . G arnet, is very attentive as the baby explores his su rro u n d ­ ings,"said zoological cu rato rC h ris Pfefferkom . "T he c a lf is nursing, and his w eight is g o o d ," he added. Z oo visitors m ay have difficulty spotting the c a lf for the first couple o f w eeks because m others often hide their calves aw ay in a brush p ilean d only collect them w hen it's tim e to nurse. T his b ehavior is the m other’s way o f protecting the baby from predators. W ithin three to five w eeks, zoo visitors should be able to regularly see the calf. W hile not endangered, the red- flanked du ik er is conservation d e ­ pendent, w hich m eans it has high en ough p o p u latio n n u m b ers to have a sustainable population, but it is threatened. Jentink and zebra banded duikers are the only tw o duiker species currently listed as endangered, but all duiker species num bers are dropping dram atically due to the bushm eat trade crisis in photo m Africa. "P eo p le are hunting these an i­ m als relentlessly for m eat to feed their fam ilies,"said Pfefferkom . D uikers are found throughout sub-Saharan A frica, in w etlands, rainforests and heavy tim ber for­ Online Network Launched for Women of Color T he first online m onthly m aga­ zine for w om en o f co lo r that fea­ tures fashion, beauty, business and life has taken its place on the Internet. exciting content like a fashion sec­ tion w ith m onthly fashion layouts and sam ple sales, a beauty section with a hair g allery and a business section that features various en tre­ preneurial success stories. The site also features sections on natural health, entertainm ent, events, travel and leisure, parenting and a w om an-to-w om an section. M ichaei D crham /C ocrtesy O regon Z oo A red flanked duiker, the smallest member o f the antelope family, was born on March H a t the Oregon Zoo. While not endangered, the duiker population in sub-Saharan African is threatened by the current bushmeat trade crisis. The site prom ises to take w omen ages 21 to 47 to heights th e y ’ve never encountered on a w ebsite. A lready being pegged as a cross between i V i I lage.com and EI le.com. F o r m o re in f a tio n , v is it w w w .sh ad eso f w om en or em ail sh ad eso fw o m an p rtey ah o o .co m est. D u ik e rs a re c la s s ifie d as frugivores. In the wild they brow se or graze on grass, leaves, shrubs and trees, but wild fruits are the m ain com ponent o f their diet. T h e y 'v e also have been o b ­ served eating carrion and insects. so they have a protein need in their diet, which is different from most antelope. At the zoo they are fed a variety o f vegetables and a m illed grain, w hich has vitam ins and m in­ erals that they need. They are pro­ vided brow se, as well as insects like m ealw orm s and crickets for a little protein in their diets as w ell. C om e see the baby D uiker at the zoo any day after 9 a.tn. General admission is $8, $6.50 for seniors and $5 forchildrenagedthreeto 11 years old. Children under three are free. TriMet Seeks Art for Area MAX Stations Tri Met issceking artwork from the co m m u n ity re flectin g the people, places and activities o f north and northeast Portland for placem ent at its Interstate MAX statio n s. T h e artw o rk can be an y tw o ­ d im en sio n al flat m edium . A bout 24 p ieces o f art w ill be re p ro ­ duced in p o rcelain enam el on 20" x 2 2 " steel p an els and hung at n ine statio n p latfo rm s from N. A lb in a/M ississip p i S tation to the Expo C enter. Send material to the curator, Eva I .akeat 1 (MX)SW Vista Avenue#324, P o r tla n d , O R 97205 or Eva5555@hotmail. For questions call Stacey D rake Edwards, Public Art C oordinator at 503-962-2159. - I veri7on FOURTEENTH ANNUAL Inner City Blues Festival Saturday, April 19,h. MELODY BALLROOM, 615 SE Alder, 6:30 pm - 12:30 am "KEEPIN' IT REAL S u p e r P a g e s “ & S u P E R P A G E S .c o m PRESENTS It Linda Hornbuckle Band Jim Mesi Band with Mel Solomon Norman Sylvester Band with La Rhonda Steele and Raydell Clay and Linda Madison Dave Fleschner Trio and MC Paul Knauls BBQ ribs, chicken, red beans and rice on sale. Full-service bar, 21 and over. $15 or 2/S25 (CBA members $1 ofT) Co-sponsor: Cascade Blues Association Benefit for the RAINBO W C O A L IT IO N Ticket Outlets: Music Millenium, Genevas. Reflections, Doris' Cafe, Dale Ann's l.adds Inn Saturday, April 12 • 10 am - 4 pm COME HELP PACKY CELEBRATE HIS 41ST BIRTHDAY! Fun and games, elephant ears to wear, plus a giant birthday cake for all of Packy's guests! SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PACKY AT 2 PAA, THEN GET YOUR FREE CAKE Free With Zoo Admission Community Medical Outreach FREE Healthcare Clinic at Dignity Village Every Z"'1 Saturday and 4lh Wednesday o f the month Saturdays - 11-3 pm W ednesdays - 5-9 pm QUESTIONS - Call Outside In at 503 535-3890 Dignity Village is located at 9325 NE Sunderland 1 AN S®* zoo Albertsons m e t r o www oregonzoo.org • TAKE MAX TO THE ZOO! CALL 503-238-RIDE * I