Page B4 <CIfe ‘j ßortlanb (Observer April 02. 2003 |J o rtla n ò (Ohscruer C IF o n Irf »/ A u t o s ' o ni in u n i t y a l e n cl a r continued from Front Blvd. on Saturday, April 5 at 11 a.m. The leader-lead group dis cussion is a must have for any one interested in knowing more about canine behavior problems. For more information, call 503- 416-2985. RIJOS IIS LXIiïlM, Mi* HUMES Ih UH WOWIIS IHIIIM, HAMIWTIRI.RS THE 2003 MERCER VMARA UDER Spring into Fitness Fair On Saturday, April 5 from noon to 4 p.m. com e to N atu re’s W ellness Center, 3535 N.E. 15'* Ave., to get samples o f fitness bars and drinks during an infor mative fair on health, fitness and getting in shape. Fitness teach ers will be on site to give free classes and d em onstrations. Enter to win a free gi ft basket and prizes by answering trivia ques tions. For more information, call 503-281-3262. K !» Price tested.........$35,045.00 Engine......... 4.6L V-8, aluminum black and heads Transmission........4-speed automatic photo bv The Mercury Marauder is definitely reminds me o fa muscle car of the 60’s. This vehicle brings back what was once the standard sedan for a family prior to 1970’s. There are very few survivors like the Marauder, (irand Marquis and Ford Crown V ictoriaof the traditional sedan since the gas crises. What were they thinking while building this automobile? Was it undercover like the FBI, the mob, or just man need for power? With the price o f gasoline rising and the fact that it only takes premium gas, I find that this will be a hard market to sell the Marauder in. The moment the engine starts one will hear the powerful roarofthe V-8 rumbling from the dual exhaust. The Marauder can be described as ‘BIG ’ and ‘BA D ’ the prefect combination. I find this vehicle to be for the Hot Rod enthusiast or the man that just needs to be a ‘M A N ’. The exterior o f the Marauder finished in glossy black paint with the non-functional parts o f the headlamp units blacked-out continuing to the rear tail lamps bezels that are dark-tinted. The 18 ‘ aluminum wheels and tires reinforce the aggressive appearance o f the Marauder. The image o f the Roman god Mercury is embossed in the cast o f each wheel and the g od’s head in the front seats back. Mercury states that the exterior is “serious but understated" and the image o f the Roman god in the cast o f the wheels “further communicates the car’s personality and heritage. The interior o f the vehicle is roomy enough for 5 large passengers with plenty o f legroom. The dash o f the vehicle gives the appearance o f the high-performance race vehicle with oil-pressure meter and voltmeter gauges located in the front ofthe shifter. Let’s not forget the trunk that has enough space lots o f luggage with an optional trunk organizer. In summary the Marauder delivers the driver excellent performance with outstanding handling. Advertise with diversity in '^Jnrtlanb (Dbserucr call 503.288.0033 Race for Roses M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Dianne O'Farrell and Dixie A. Worthington formed a block watch group with 2 5 neighbors to help keep gang violence out o f their neighborhood. They encourage residents to report any criminal activity to the authorities anonymously if they fear retribution from gang member. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and you can join the cause by participating in the Fourth A n n u al R ace fo r R o ses, Portland’s only half-marathon and a 5k run/walk on Sunday, April 6. The half-marathon will begin at 7 a.m. at Oregon Square Courtyard near the Lloyd Center followed by the 5k walk/run be ginning at 7:30 a.m. all proceeds will benefit thechildren and fami lies served by Albertina Ken- Centers and the Boys and Girls Aid Society. Register on-line at or by calling 503-531-3140. Promoting Neighborhood Peace bv S ean P. N elson , T he P ortland O bserver Northeast Precinct Sgt. Neil Crannell.ChiefNeighborhood O f ficer Roger Axhelm and Officer Wayne Alderman have helped the group o f 25 neighbors attack the problem. He praised the courage o f resi dents after the September incident for not being intimidated by the kids in the area and last week spon sored a litter, graffiti and vandalism A group o f local residents have clean up with area youth. formed the Kerby Block Watch Crannell thinks the neighbors Group to help remove the menace are handling the situation well, but o f gangs from their neighborhood. says gang-related issues remain. The effort was galvanized by a Fie reiterated that reducing crime gun battle last September between mostly results from people willing rival gangs outside a triplex at 559 to be good witnesses and over- N. Prescott. _______ ___________ come their fear o f “One faction be the gangs. gan tiring semiau “ I f y o u see tomatic weapons something, call. If and the people in you h ear about side the triplex re something, call,” turned fire,” said C ra n n e ll said . K erby B lock “The gang mem W atch G ro u p bers enjoy the no Chairperson Diane toriety and the in O ’Farrell. “Three timidation factor in — Diane O'Farrell, Chairperson for the Kerby Block Watch Group other houses be- ___________ b ein g c a lle d a sides the triplex gang member. You were hit by bullets." gangs. don’t have to give your name. Call O ’Farrell and other neighbors "The neighbors were willing to anonym ously.” became very concerned when they tell police ’this is what I saw ’. The The Kerby Block Group’sefforts learned that a woman working on thing that changes these situations have already been the subject o f a some pottery in her house had just is witnesses,” Crannell said. story on KGW ’s Newschannel 8. got up and walked into another Neighbors also went to Jerry O'Farrell has become a member of room, when a bul let struck the house, Harris, the landlord o f the triplex, the Humboldt Neighborhood Asso an incident that was much too close and said they got his word to rent ciation Board and the Portland Com for comfort. the housing to more respectable munity College Safety Committee. A uthorities say between last customers. “We want to build our blocks May and September there were five The block group is also doing its with a sense o f community pride, different shootings in this neigh part in other ways. Two weeks ago, build trust between neighbors and borhood. it raised money for disadvantaged draw patterns,” she said. We want to build our blocks with a sense o f community pride, build trust between neighbors and draw patterns. Write Around Portland Reading Write Around Portland is an or ganization that holds workshops for low-income and socially iso lated individuals to encourage them to dig deep into their end less well o f creative talent. On Tuesday, April 8 at 7 p.m. at Broadway Books, 1714 N.E. Broadway, the public is invited to co m e h ea r sto rie s o f homelessness, mental illness, HIV and poverty, by writers who bring a style and strength that affirms their equal standing in the community. For more infor mation, call 503-796-9224. Radical Women Meeting Emiko Omori, a Japanese Ameri can filmmaker who spent part o f her childhood in a ‘relocation’ cam p, w ill expose the U.S. Government’s targeting o f Japa nese Americans during World War II and their resistance to this stereotyping in the video screen ing o f her film ‘Rabbit in the M oon’ at the Bread and Roses • Center,819NKillingsworth.The . film will begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, April 9 after a Radi cal Women Meeting. A buffet with vegan and vegetarian op tions will be served for a dona tion o f $6. Formore information, call 503-240-4462. or email: ads@portland Max Electrical Lines Ready to Power Up NIE'S PIZ 300 N KILLINGSWORTH Free Delivery 286-9001 As Interstate MAX construc tion moves into its final phase, TriM et is issuing a safety reminder for those who I i ve and work around the 5.8-mile alignment. The overhead electrical wires that will power future light rail trains on the Interstate MAX alignment are currently being suspended at a minimum height o f 18' 6" above the tracks. These wires may be ener gized or “hot” at any time. Any contact with the overhead power lines can cause serious injury or death. Anyone who sees a downed power line should stay away and call TriM et’s construction hotline at 503-962-2222. A Iso remember, that even though the track area looks complete, it is still a construction zone. Crews continue to use the trackway dur ing construction. For your safety - please stay out o f the restricted trackway area and cross the tracks only at pedestrian crossings. Parkinson’s Disease Movement Class A 10-week exercise program for people in northeast Portland with Parkinson'sdisease will begin on Thursday, April 10 from 2 p.m. to 3:30p.m. at Irvington Village, 420 N.E. Mason St. The class incorpo rates techiniques from theater, dance, yoga and tai chi to increase flexibility, strength, balance and coordination and to improve com munication, voice power and speech clarity. The goal is to help d elay the p ro g re ssio n o f Parkinson's disease symptoms. Cost is $50 for 10-weeks. Formore information, call 503-413-8928. CO RR EC TIO N: In the March 2 6 edition o f The Portland Observer, the incor rect phone number was listed for Dr. Billy Flowers, Oregon's first African American chiroprac tor. The correct number is 503- 287-5504 and Dr. Flower's office is located at 2 1 2 4 NE Hancock. Pizza - by - the - Slice Calzones - Salad - Spaghetti Redeem this ad for $2.00 off any medium, large, or giant pizza O bserv er file photo by M ark W ashington Not valid with other offers Expires 3/31/03 Double J Tires New & Used Tires Overstocked & Used Tires $15 & up PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & balanced on the car, out the door - no additives. S P R IN G JOY TO THE WORLD DAY CARE NOW ENROLLING S P E C IA L W asher / D ryer R e p a ir S p ecia lists 5736 N A L B IN A OFFERS AFFORDABLE DAY CARE Front Loaders & Stacked Units FREE stock wheels w/purchase of any new or used tire - limited to sto ck on hand A G E S 2-1/2 T O 11 Y R S 3 0 Years in Business 2 Locations to Serve You 6841 NE MIK, Portland 503 283 9437 4510 SE 52M & Holgate BEFORE AN D AFTER SCHOOL CARE TEACHERS ARE CPR & STATE certified 6:00 am - 6 pm CONTACT: ANDREA IR B Y -(S Q $ ) 503-7 71 -1 8 34 4 i t 4 285-3328