March 26. 2003 2LI|e JÌortlanò (Bbserlicr Focus Dean’s Beauty & Barber Shop J DOLLARS OFF Heading Up the State Chris Rock calls his character is the “Rocky” of politics . Page A 7 ★ Tuesdays through Thursdays Senior Citizens days are Tuesday 215 N.E. Hancock St., Portland, OR (50.1)2X2-2920 € Funnym an C hris R ock sets his sights on the highest office in the land in the com edy "H ead o f State,” scheduled for release nationw ide on Friday, M arch 28. In addition to starring, the in c re a s in g ly m u lti-fa c e te d R ock m akes his directorial debut with “H ead o f S tate.” He also co-w rote the film with long-tim e collaborator and “H ead o f S tate” p ro d u cer Ali LeRoi. R ock stars as M ays G illiam , a W ashington D .C. n eighborhood alderm an, w h o ’s about to be red- lined out o f his jo b . But after the u n tim e ly d e a th o f th e p a rty --------— a vva^niii^iun u.u. politician wno is plucked from obscurity and frontrunner, Gilliam is plucked from thrust into the limelight as his party’s nominee for the President o f the United States. Lynn obscurity and thrust into the lim e Whitfield (left) plays Deborah Lassiter, Gilliam's campaign adviser, whose job it is to help him lose light as his p a rty 's nom inee-for gracefully without embarrassing the party. P resident o f the U nited States. “T his film is about the little man actress best know n for her starring T h at’s w hy the tw o collide.” is L isa C lark, played by T am ala running for President. H e 's the low roles in “E ve’s Bayou” and “A Thin Robin G ivens, known for her star Jones, a beautiful actress w hose est guy you could im agine getting Line Between Love and Hate, ” plays ring roles in “ Book o f L ove,” “A m ost recent film roles w ere T w o a shot at the biggest title in the D eborah L assiter, G illiam ’s cam Rage in H arlem ” and “B oom erang” C an Play That G am e" and “ Broth w orld. H e’s a "R ocky1 o f politics,” paign adviser, w hose jo b it is to w as R o ck ’s first and only choice to ers.” In “H erd o f S tate" she plays R ock said. help him lose gracefully w ithout play his crazy ex-girlfriend. the convenience store w orker, w ho R ock said G illiam appeals to the em barrassing the party. The co m “B asically, she dum ps m e a week steals G illiam ’ s heart. public because he has a unique edy com es out o f the natural con- before I’m asked to run for Presi- “W e had great chem istry to cam paign style. g eth er,” R ock said. “I selected her “H e tells the truth— w hich is for the role, because sh e 's a good unique in politics to d ay ," R ock actress and sh e’s ju s t so cute.” said. “H e’sn o t constricted the w ay R ounding out the m ain cast are other politicians are. so he tells it D ylan B aker (“R oad to P erdition", like it is.” as G illia m 's cam paign m anager, The film also stars equally hi lari - N ick Searcy (“O ne H our Photo” ) ous Bernie M ac, o f “T h e Bernie as M ay s o p p o n e n t and Jam es M ac Show ,” as M ay s’ older brother - Comedian Chris Rock on his role as presidential candidate Mays R ebhorn ( “F ar F rom H eaven” ) as M itch, w ho becom es his running Gilliam In “Head of State” i the head o f the political party. mate. A nother interesting choice Rock “Just like M ays, M itch tellp the flict betw een G illiam and Lassiter. dent,” Rock said. “She thinks I ’m m ade w as rapper N ate D ogg, w ho truth. He is a bold, crazy bail bonds “T h e tw o are going after tw o going to be a nothing, and the next narrates the movie. m a n fr o m C h ic a g o ,” R o c k different things. M ays G illiam has thing she knows, 1 ’ m the nominee for “N ate has long been a narrator said. “Since I c a n 't tru st anybody been hired to lose, but he w ants to President. So, she spends the whole o f hip-hop culture,” Rock said. “ By in the party, I ask him to be my Vice w in at any cost,” R ock said. “She rest o f the m ovie trying to get back giving him that role, we m ake the P resident.” w ants him to lose w ithout tarnish with me. She is perfect in the part." m ovie relevant to kids and every L ynn W hitfield, the vivacious ing the p arty ’s future chances. The other woman in G illiam 's life body. N ate is great.” d¡* 1 < Ji» W J , r - BARBERS: < ssence Hair Design k Unique Styles • All Type» o f Hair Styliste: nca Specializing In H air E x te n t icne, and H air Care a t: «324 N E Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 He tells the truth—which is unique in politics today. He's not constricted the way other politicians are, so he tells it like it is. 503-282-5992 G R A N D O P E N IN G I 11 Visit Us A t O ur N E W Location ANNIE M AE’S UNIQUEGIFTS& APPAREL 2 6 2 1 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 11 503 528-2933 Tuesday - Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 6 :0 0 p.m. Shop at Annie M ae’s Unique Gifts & Apparel A friendly, and affordable store to purchase.. Women Apparel Lady's hats Shoes Unique Jewelry Men Cultural Attire Greeting Cards Porcelain Dolls Limited Edition o f Figurines Hip Hop Duel Explodes ‘Boat Trip’ is a Story of in ‘Dakota Grand’ Misadventure and Love A look at rough-and-tumble world of rap JENTEE] ReparationsThursdays David Park's new band. The Reparations, will play every Thursday at 9 p.m. with DJ Chill and’ ___ special guest performers and DJs at The Red Sea, 318 S.W. Third Ave. Admission for those 21 and older is $5. Faces of Art and Psychology Faces by Gary Mac Smith will be showing through March 28 at Portland State U niversity’s Littman Gallery. Smith is a Portland Psychiatrist specializing in individual psychotherapy. Bosko VIP Lounge Party On Thursday, March 27 Bosko, one o f the northw est's most talented musicians, will showcase his skills with Cool Nutz, Maniac Lok, Brotha Luv, The Reparations and DJ Chill at The Red Sea, 318 S.W. 3"1 Ave. Bosko has produced songs for Tyrese, E-40, Limp Bizkit, Jim m y Cozier, Tupac and the Outlaws, Junior Mafia, The Lunizand many other groups. The show starts at 9 p. m. with $ 10 admission for those 2 1 and older. NW Photography at the Talisman A show featuring two northwest photographers, Dan Bronson and John MeAnulty. will open at the Talisman Gallery, 1476 N.E. Alberta, on Thursday, M arch 27 with a reception from I T ak e a v acatio n cruise y o u ’ll n ev er fo rg e t w ith “ B o at T r ip ” , a h ila rio u s high-seas voyage o f love and m isadven ture starring A cad em y A w ard w inner C uba G o oding, Jr., H oratio Sanz, Vi vica A. Fox and Roselyn Sanchez. H oping to get his mind o ff his ex-girl Cuba Gooding Jr. stars in "Boat Trip, ” along friend Felicia (Fox), with Vivica A. Fox. heart-brokenJerry(G oodingJr.)de-& to be gay. But m atters get com pli- cides to join his best friend N ick cated when both Jerry and G abriella (S anz) on a tropical singles cruise for start to feel the heat o f m utual at a week o f sun and possible rom ance. traction. A nd w hen Felicia unex But when Jerry and Nick realize pectedly appears on board hoping they've been accidentally booked to win her ex-boyfriend back, Jerry on a gay cruise, all they can think o f is suddenly faced with the decision is jum ping ship - that is, until Jerry o f a lifetime. falls head-over-heels for Gabriella Brim m ing with fresh laughs and (Sanchez), a gorgeous dance instruc w inning p erfo rm an ces from its tor who. after a string o f bad boy knock-out cast, “ Boat T rip " is a friends, has given up on love. sexy, uninhibited rom antic com edy H oping to get past G ab riella’s about follow ing your heart - no stalw art defenses, Jerry pretends m atter w here it leads you. AFFORDABLE LOCK & KEY ___ M bl _______ tiny spinning ball that the w hite kids in Kentucky m odel their lives after, the one that pays for many em perors’ new robes while gradu ally eroding itself in the process.” W hen Dakota gets his biggest break yet his article ignites a feud with M irage that escalates into in creasing violence and ultimately becomes a battle for D akota's pride and the honor o f music journalism . .M E M W E L C O M E I'KfSS t O ils SPECI.U S2S" 1 1 C an one brave A frican A m eri can w riter take on the star-m aking m achinery o f m usic journalism and hope to survive? In the rough-and-tum ble w orld o f m ultiplatinum rap artists and the cow ed and com plicit m usic m aga zines that have grow n up around them , m illions o f dollars - and one honest, disillusioned w riter's life - are at stake. K enji Ja sp e r’s new novel, “D a kota G rand,” is the story o f a p as sionate young m usic w riter w ho leaves his Southern roots behind to co v er the glittering and o cca sionally violent w orld o f rap m usic in N ew Y ork City. T he young, talented, som etim es deeply troubled rappers - and the m ythology that m usic w riters have built up around them - are used to m ove product and feed fa n s’ insa tiable appetites for celebrity. B ut successful freelance w riter D akota G rand is bone tired o f living hand-to-m outh and hopping from bed to bed “on Planet H ip-H op, the W A L K -IN S A.I). Williams Tyrone Frazier (new stylist) FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Two Locations: 503-284-9582 Oregon City 503-656-2116 Portland Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE 4» Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residencial Services I C A R P E T C L E A N IN G j$ 2 5 e a c h a re a ) I • 2 A reas o r m ore. S m all H all F ree, P re -S p ra y T raffic A reas • S ta ir s ........................... $ 1 .5 0 e a c h r 5:30p.m. to9:30p.m . Bronson explores the beauty of life by capturing infrared lifeonfilm to create surreal landscapes and figure studies with a sensuous yet classic quality. McAnulty shows the beauty of nature with highly saturated images o f the northwest and southwestern deserts. U PH O LSTER Y C L E A N IN G • S o fa (u n d e r 6 ft.) $69 • L o v eseat $49 • S ectional $99 & up • T h ro w p illo w s $5 each C A R P E T CO UPO N Joe Mus Paintings I he Alberta Arts Pavilion and Our Dream Gallery will feature the paintingsof Joe Musall month long at 2 3 15 N.E. AlbertaSt. There will be a Last Thursday opening for the artist on Thurs day, March 27 from 6p.m . to9p.m . For more information, call 503-282-7700. I 1 Cleaning Area J Pre-Spray Traffic Area ■ (Hall not included) Tim Acock Photography Photographs by Tim Acock will be showing at the Guardino Gallery, 2939 N.E. Alberta, beginning with a Last Thursday art reception on Thursday, March 27 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Acock is an Alberta Street neighbor who focuses hi s lens on the street at night and uses the ambient light of street lamps and store windows toilluminate features that go unnoticed during the day. Also showing with Acock are Rachael Chenven Powers mixed media constructions. For more information, call 503-281 -9048 A ■oo U P H O LS TE R Y CO UPO N I Sofa (under 6 ft.) I , Loveseat & Chair $119“ : ( ALL FOR APPOINTMENTS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9