Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 26, 2003, Page 6, Image 6

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    (T h e ■ f jo r tla n ò ( © b s e r u e r
Page A 6
March 26. 2003
Senior Transportation Group Looks to Expand
Effort may boost
shuttle rides to
A group specializing in keeping
older residents in their single family
hom es is conducting a survey to
expand transportation service for
seniors and people w ith mild d is­
abilities in inner north and n orth­
east Portland.
T he R.A .R.E. Services G roup,
m ade up o f representatives from
various senior service agencies, is
asking area residents such q u es­
tions as: W here do you need to go
shopping? W hat days and tim es o f
day do you need to go to the bank,
medical appointm ents, prescription
pickups and refills, grocery sh o p ­
ping and som e recreation? W hich
o f y o u r tran sp o rtatio n needs is
unm et?
A ccording to H arvey R ice, an
independent consultant for the ef­
fort, plans call for d istributing the
survey via area sen io r h o using
groups and aging and disability
service agencies.
Once completed, Harvey will lead
focus groups to gather m ore infor­
m ation about unm et transportation
The effort may lead to new sched­
ules for shuttles rides to n eighbor­
hood services. C urrently, shuttle
s e r v ic e s a re p ro v id e d to th e
Safew ay F ood and D rug on N orth­
east A insw orth and M artin L uther
King Jr. B oulevard every first and
third T uesday o f each m onth. The
service is collaboration betw een
the A frican A m erican C h am b er o f
C om m erce, R A Z T ransportation
and Safew ay. T he service is free to
seniors age 60 and over.
H arvey, also the Safew ay C o n ­
cierge, said the hope is to expand
and develop an effective Safew ay
shopping netw ork betw een the four
banks along M LK and non-profit
m edical services in the adjacent
neighborhoods that will im prove
the quality o f life for seniors with
photo bv M ark W ashington ZT he P ortland O bserver
RAZ Transportation Driver Gordon Young (from left) senior rider Zeola Thompson and Safeway Concierge Harvey Rice gather during the recent remodeling celebration
for the Safeway Food and Drug on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
m obility problem s.
"W ith m ore budget cuts and cuts
o f services, w e need to find w ays to
m eet sen io r’s needs to g o shop­
pin g ," H arvey said
A frican A m erican C ham ber ex ­
ecu tiv e R oy Jay said n ortheast
Portland has experienced a grow th
in senior population during the last
decade due to the opening o f Albina
C om er A partm ents, Un thank Plaza,
St. V incent de Paul A partm ents,
A llen F rem o n t P laza, M allo ry
C ourts, Irvington V illage, M cC oy
V illage, W alnut Park A partm ents,
M artin L uther King Jr. B uilding,
R o se m o n t C o u rt a n d A lb e rta
Sim m ons Plaza.
In o rd er to keep pace w ith this
grow th, program s such as Safew ay
S enior Shuttle, w hich respond to
the increasing dem and for senior
grocery shopping service w ill need
to expand, com m unity leaders said.
“W e began in A ugust 2001 with
approxim ately 30 riders a m onth
and by the end o f February 2003, we
are averaging 68 riders per m onth,"
says G ordon Y oung driver for RAZ
T ransportation T rolley.
T ro y S te e le m a n a g e r o f
A insw orth Safew ay, said a recent
rem odeling o f the store has put it a
position to m eet the needs o f m ore
custom ers.
Multnomah Pet License Enforcement Boosted Mediation Trainees Wanted
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty h a s
started m ailing infraction notices
to Portland area residents w ho fail
to license their cats and dogs.
The pets are required to be
licensed with M ultnom ah C ounty
A nim al S ervices once they have
lived in the county for at least 30
days o r have reached the age o f 6
m onths, w h ichever occurs later.
C u rren tly , o u t o f
about 148,(MX) dogs in
the county, ju s t an e s­
tim ated 37,(MX) are li­
censed. Ten percent o f
th e a p p r o x im a te ly
161,000 cats are li­
cen sed .
“H olding pet ow ners responsible
is a necessary step the county m ust
ta k e ,” s ta te d M ik e receiving repeated rem inders con­
O sw a ld , d ire c to r o f tinue to violate the law .”
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty
The county began an aggres­
A nim al Services. “W e sive cam paign to increase pet li­
have seen significant censing rates last sum mer. Educa­
increases in pet license tion and outreach efforts were ex­
co m p lian ce o v er the panded in local parks, pet food and
past six m onths and are confident supply stores, veterinary offices
the trend will continue w hen hold- and in neighborhoods through
ing accountable those, w ho after door-to-door outreach teams.
Resolutions N orthw est, a non­ Facility, 4815 N.E. 7th Ave. and are
profit com m unity dispute resolution due M arch 31.
center that has contracted with the
Interview s will be scheduled the
City o f Portland to provide m edia­ w eek beginning A pril 7. Final se ­
tion services, is seeking a diverse lections w ill be m ade by A pril 18.
p<x>l o f com m unity m em bers to train
M inorities and people w ith sec­
as volunteer mediators.
ond language skills are encouraged
A pplication packets are av ail­ to apply.
able at the N eighborhood M edia­
For more information, call Tamara
tion Program O ffice in the K ing M oland at 503-823-3152.
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