Church Connects Religion to Activism Pastor leads sermon on maintaining spirit in protest (AP)— Rev. Margaret Marcuson stepped up to the pulpit and po­ litely introduced herself. Then she screamed. “How,” she yelled into the crowd. 'H ow can you be an activist — without wearing yourself out, with­ out burning yourself out?” I Marcuson became silent, and for a; moment it seemed as though she Had nothing more to say. People sitting in the pews became still. A baby in the eighth row stopped slicking his thumb and looked up at hjs mom, confused. ; Marcuson finally spoke, using a sjow, deliberate voice: “The les­ sons I’m teaching you today can extend to all areas of life, so I want you to pay attention.” M arcuson spoke at the A insw orth U nited Church of Christ, whose congregation mem­ bers last fall voted against a pre­ emptive strike against Iraq. Since then, congregation mem­ bers have helped organize anti-war protests, marched in them, orches­ trated vigils and letter-writing cam­ paigns. The purpose of Marcuson’s ser­ mon was to offer spiritual advice on maintaining this pace of activism. Ashley Cooper rubs his eyes while praying at Ainsworth United Church o f Christ in northeast Portland on Sunday. (AP photo) Church-goers seemed to need little encouragement. Congregation members say they see activism as part of their spiritual journey. “Religion is conscience,” said Ashley Cooper, a member of the congregation. “It gives you the moral basis to respond to war.” Cooper, who flew helicopters in combat missions during the Viet­ nam War, said he knew what war was like. “You have to have a good rea­ son to fight, and I’m not convinced we have one,” he said. The Ainsworth church is sym­ bolic of a tradition of activism that has been part of Portland’s person­ ality for decades. President Bush’s father, former President George Bush, called the city “Little Beirut” because of the hostile reception he got here from protesters. The Ainsworth church wears its activism like a badge of honor. On the entrance walls are post­ ers about poverty, prejudice, dis­ ease and war. The church began about 20 years ago when two congregations, one white the other black, merged. The congregation’s now roughly one third white, one third black and on third Hispanic, said president Linda Jaramillo said. The Sunday service began with a mix of hymns and gospels, which were sung in both Spanish and English. After the music, Marcuson be­ gan her sermon. Her theme was “How do you become a healthy activist?” Marcuson said activists need clarity — they must "know their convictions and know whom they serve.” People can gain this clarity through prayer, by listening to themselves, by "being the change you wish to see.” She urged members to gain this clarity by praying every day this week. Marcuson said activists must connect to others, especially those with whom they disagree. “You can’t love humanity and not love people.” She urged the congregation to get to know people they disagree with and offer to help them out. Finally, she said activists must continue working. When they get tired, they should take the long view. “Yes, things look dark today, but God’s perspective is eternal,” she said. “Children laugh 200 times a day,” she said. “Guess how many times a day adults laugh?” “Four,” someone called out. Marcuson chuckled. “No, but sometimes it seems like that. It’s more like 15.... So why don’t we make it more like 200?” She said activists who keep their sense of humor also keep their drive. << Michael E. Harper, Sr. Agent 9045 SW Buttar, Suite 109 SIXTEFARM INSURANCE«IMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. 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This I be­ lieve is a serious mistake as the world’s way is directly opposed to God’s way (James 4:4). In the w eeks to com e, I hope to draw a line of distinction be­ tween man’s science (1 Tim6:20) and G od’s true ways and means of healing. Do you have the perspective o f your value and The greatest medical book ever written is the Bible — G od’s ba­ sic instructions before leaving earth to his children (Matt. 18:13, 19:14). Much of the sickness and dis­ ease I see on a daily basis sad­ dens and frustrates me because most of it is preventable. T h is sad fa c t has prompted me to write. The problem, as I see it began early in the 19th c e n tu ry w hen the church separated itself from the health work and message. There is acon- necting like between the “Fruits of the Spirit” and G od’s “Health Laws” and its the characteris­ tic of temperance! See Galatians 5:22,23 and Genesis 2:16,17KJV. W hen it com es to health, disease and sick­ ness, does God still heal? If you think not, then consider “For I am the Lord, I change n o t...” Malachi 3:6. Also, Paul reminds us “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, to- ______________ _____________ day, and for ever” (He- brews 13:8). Finally,Ecc.3:14tells self worth to God? C onsider us “I know that, whatsoever God these th re e very im p o rta n t doeth, it shall be forever: nothing facts. These facts are o f such can be put to it, nor anything vital im portance to God that He taken from it....” does them Himself, elim inating God has given us many ex­ the possibility for error and mis­ amples o f His mighty healing takes. powers, including II Kings 20:1- First, the book of Genesis tells 7, and John 9:6-7. Christ even us, “God form ed m ankind from commissioned His disciples, to the dust o f the ground” (G en­ among other things, heal the sick. esis 1:26,27; 2:7). Secondly, He Matt. 10:8, Luke 9:1-6,10:9. Are wrote the Ten Com m andm ents you a disciple o f Christ? Or was with His own finger, not once Jesus partial and gave those spe­ but twice (Exodus 31:18,34:1). cial powers to the disciples of His Finally, God, Himself in the per­ day only? son o f Jesus C hrist came to this No, God has not changed, nor earth to redeem each and ev­ has He changed His methods of eryone of us. healing. It is the church that has Next to your Salvation, health changed. Today the church is is the greatest blessing God has adequately preaching the mes­ for you (III John 2). sage of salvation but has relin­ Dr. Rick Lee is a practicing quished the task of meeting the traditional naturopath in Port­ needs of humanity to county, land. You can contact him at state and federal agencies, in­ rleeoh wc@juno. com Next to your Salvation, health is the greatest blessing God has for you. 5736 N ALBINA “Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” For more information please call (503) 284-5171 OFFERS AFFORDABLE DAY CARE Everyone's Welcome..... AGES 2-1/2 TO 11 YRS A dvertise in The Portland Observer call 503.388.0033 or email: ads(?’ BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE TEACHERS ARE CPR & STATE certified 6:00 am - 6 pm CONTACT: ANDREA IR R Y - (503) 285-3328 Muslims Voice Anti-War Sentiments In a joint statement released on the first day of war, several of America’s largest Islamic organiza­ tions outlined their view of the war on Iraq. The joint statement was signed by The Muslim American Society, Islamic Society of North H. & B. Too NOW OPEN Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. 2 blocks south of Alberta Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m. Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Español Oregon Family Business for over 50 years Lie. #306 4 America, the IslamicCircleofNorth America, the Islamic Association of Palestine and the United Asso­ ciation for Studies and Research: “We receive with sadness the news of the invasion of Iraq. We reiterate our position, and that of the great majority of religious lead­ ers and the international commu­ nity that this invasion is not justi­ fied and is not in the interest of the United States and world peace, security and the rule of law. “We ask the American adminis­ tration, the US Congress, and all peace-loving people to do all they can to end this violence and mini­ mize human suffering. “We express our grave concern about the expected fallout of this invasion, especially the loss of human life on all sides, the destruc­ tion of the infrastructure of Iraq and chaos and instability in the coun­ try. “We exhort all our fellow Ameri­ cans, regardless of their position, to express their views vigorously but peacefully and lawfully. “We call on law enforcement authorities to take all possible mea­ sures to prevent and discourage hate crimes and hate speech and to protect people’s First Amendment right to dissent.” For more information on the Muslim American Society, call 703- 998-6525 or visit