Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 19, 2003, Page 11, Image 11

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    March 19. 2003
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from Metro
Prostrate Cancer
Lawsuit Filed
Against Kroeker in
Mejia Shooting
The Providence Integrative M ed i­
cine Program is offering a ne w class
for reducing the risk o f prostate
cancer on Thursday, M arch 27 from
7 p.m. to8:30p.m. at4805 N.E. Glisan
in the Providence Social Rixim. The
class, called 'C an Diet, Supplements
and H erbs Reduce the Rick o f P ros­
tate C an cer?’ w ill be lead by Dr.
M iles H assell, directo r o f the Inte­
g rativ e M edicin e P ro g ram and
Providence. For m ore inform ation,
call 503-216-4687.
Family claims
officers used
unreasonable and
excessive force
Community Wellness Fair
H olladay Plaza Park, located across
from the Lloyd C enter, will host a
com m unity w ellness fair on Friday,
M arch 28 from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m.
T here will be several guest sp eak ­
ers and w orkshops line up thro u g h ­
out the day to discuss with atten d ­
ees such topics as healthy co o k ­
ing, blood pressure and diagnostic
screening, fitness and glucose test­
ing as well as alternative and o rien ­
tal m edicine. T here w ill be refresh ­
m ents, door prizes, raffles and give­
aw ays througho u t the day. F or
more information.call503-280-2221.
(A P )— T he fam ily o f a M exican
national w ho w as killed by Portland
police last year has filed a $ 10 m il­
lion civil rights law suit against Port­
land Police C hief M ark Kroeker and
tw o officers.
T he law suit w as filed T hursday
in U.S. D istrict C ourt in Portland.
The fam ily claim s the officers
used unreasonable and excessive
force against Jose M ejia Poot, who
w as shot to death at a Portland
psychiatric hospital. T hey also al­
lege that K roeker failed to ad ­
equately train the officers to deal
w ith people suffering from mental
illness and allow ed policies that
am ount to indifference to the use o f
excessive force.
The federal com plaint m arks the
second tim e the fam ily has filed a
civil law suit seeking dam ages for
M ejia’s death.
Learn to Sing at MHCC
The M ount H ood C om m unity C o l­
lege is alw ays looking to add voices
to its com m unity-based choir. No
audition is required. T hose in ter­
ested can share their jo y for m usic
w hile learning to sight-read, im ­
prove vocal technique, explore cho­
ral literature and perf orm . The class
begins M arch 31 and m eets M on­
days from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m . at
the G resham cam pus. F or m ore in­
form ation or to register, call 503-
Help Needed for Women’s
Reed Boat Departs on Pacific Adventure
I The Viracocha Sun God, the reed boat of American adventurer Phil Buck, sails o ff Las Salinas
I beach in Vina del Mar, Chile, Monday. Buck plans to be the first person to sail across the
on page B7
1 Pacific Ocean from Chile to Australia in a reed boat. (AP photo)
Credit Union Caters to Latinos
Hacienda serves
state’s fastest
growing minority
union in Oregon.
Hispanics are the state’s
Willing to look past aclient’s fastest-growing minority, and
immigration status, and fo­ a huge potential market for
cused on the financial needs companies that tailor their
of the Hispanic community, businesses to them.
(AP) — The first tim e H acienda
refin an ced
Since opening, Hacienda has
Carlos Quezada bought a used Quezada’s loan and offered 366 members and has pro-
car, he borrowed $8,000 and
paid 30 percent interest on it
over two years. The interest
rate on his second used car
wasn’t much better — 29 per­
Portland area lending agen­
cies told the Mexico City na­
tive that the high interest was - Samuel Davila, executive dlrectorof the Oregon Commission on
necessary because he couldn’t HispanlcAffalrs
prove legal residence here and
he didn’t have a credit history. him 10 percent interest — cessed 51 loans w orth
“Lenders are afraid that dropping his $2(X) monthly pay­ $313,000.
someone without legal papers ment to $130.
It serv es c lie n ts in
will leave the country, but I
“W ithin a year I think Multnomah, Washington and
have my whole family here," Hacienda’s business will grow C lackam as c o u n tie s, but
said the 23-year-old Quezada. faster than any” of the lenders people from other parts of the
And then along came the in the state, Quezada said.
state can become members if
Hacienda Community Credit
A year might be a conser­ they have a relative who is a
Union, the first Hispanic credit vative estimate.
member and lives in one of the
We will see more and more
businesses embracing the
Hispanic consumer.
Portland-area counties.
H a c ie n d a ’s three sta ff
members, along with its two
volunteers, are bilingual and
of Hispanic origin. W hen
evaluating a loan application,
they look at who might be a
flight risk and who has obvi­
ously settled in the state, re­
gardless of legal residence.
Quezada, for example, has
lived in Portland eight years
and works at a pizza restau­
rant. He is married and has
two children who were born in
When making a loan deci­
sion, Hacienda also takes into
account letters from employ­
ers and testim onies from
friends and relatives.
For identification, the credit
union accepts the ‘matricula
consular’ or a tax number, is­
sued by the IRS to workers
who don’t have a Social Secu­
rity number.
In O ctober 2001, the fam ily ac­
cepted a$750,000settlem ent agree­
m ent w ith B H C -Pacific G atew ay
H ospital and Providence H ealth
System after a filing a negligence
P ortland police shot and killed
M ejia, 29, w ho the fam ily says suf­
fered an epileptic seizure, on A pril
1, 2001, after he escaped from a
seclusion room at BHC-Pacific G ate­
w ay psychiatric hospital. H e had
threatened officers w ith a 40-inch
alum inum bar.
P o lice o ffic e rs on the scen e
d e c id e d jo in tly to u se d e a d ly
force, ev en th o u g h M ejia p o se d
no re a listic th re a t, the la w su it
c o n te n d s .
A grand ju ry cleared the officers
o f w rongdoing, and also found sig­
nificant safety lapses at the ho sp i­
tal. The com plaint also alleges that
K roeker and the officers violated
the A m ericans with Disabilities Act.
Last fall, K roeker w as sharply
criticized by L atino activists after
aw arding m edals to the police o ffic­
ers for their actions in the fatal
Job Listings Added
T he O reg o n E m p lo y m en t D e­
U sers can see the new Spanish
partm ent currently provides m any jo b listings by clicking the ‘Espanol ’
se rv ic e s to H isp an ic cu sto m e rs link.
in th e ir ow n lan g u ag e .
In the p ast, o n ly jo b title s w ere
N ow en tire jo b listin g s on the tra n sla te d . N ow the en tire jo b
d e p a rtm e n t’s
w e b s i t e , o rd e r a p p e a rs in S p an ish . M any
www .W orklnglnOregon.org. a re H isp an ic jo b se e k e rs are ab le to
tra n sla te d in to S p an ish . T he s e r­ sp eak en o u g h E n g lish to g et and
vice utilizes a state o f the art c o m ­ h o ld a jo b . but the a b ility to read
p u te r tra n sla tio n p ro g ram along the jo b listin g in S p an ish g reatly
w ith a cu sto m iz e d d ic tio n a ry o f en h an ces th e ir ab ility to find su it­
term s.
a b le w ork.
Mexicana Airlines Expands Service to Portland
Residents o f O regon and south­
west W ashington will soon, and for
the first time ever, have regularly
scheduled nonstop air service to
M exicana A irlines announced
last w eek plans to begin new n o n ­
stop service as early as M ay b e ­
tw een Portland International A ir­
port and G uadalajara w ith direct
service to M exico City and M orelia.
The flight will operate on T hurs­
days, Fridays and Saturdays using
M ex ican a’s new A irbus A 319 air­
craft w ith a capacity o f 120 passen­
gers, arriving at PD X at noon and
departing at 1:30 p.m.
“This is a fantastic new op p o rtu ­
nity for travelers from O regon and
Southw est W ashington, and we
ow e a great debt o f gratitude to
M exicana Airlines,” said Bill Wyatt,
Port o f Portland Executi ve Director. ters and calls encouraging us to pro­
‘T h is new air service offers a tre­ vide thi s air service, and we are proud
m endous conven ien ce and tim e to now be part o f your com m unity.”
savings for travelers at P D X .”
“W hile M exicana’s new service
“W e have been im pressed with w ill especially benefit those visit­
the strong sense o f com m unity that ing fam ily and friends, it also facili­
ex ists in th e g re a te r P o rtla n d / tates travel and trade opportunities
V ancouver region,” said A ntonio for regional com panies looking to
Martinez, M exicana Airlines Execu­ expand internationally," said G ale
tive Vice President o f Sales & M ar­ C astillo , H ispanic M etropolitan
keting. “W e have received many let- C ham ber Executive Director.
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