(Elje Jlortlanh ©bseruer Page B4 March 19, 2003 R eligion SUNLAN LIGHTING, Inc Hard to Find lamps. D is c ip le s in on O e a i l e d to D n r o p e Fluorescent and incandescent Full Spectrum lights. Christmas lights. Colored bulbs. Globes & Deco Lamps. All Quartz halogen. Fluorescent lamps from 4” to 120” Miniature bulbs. Indoor and outdoor Floods. Appliance lamps. Sockets, glass and plastic globes, and other fixture parts. Lens. Miniature track lighting. Non neon/Rope & Path lighting Need a Bulb- it is probably in the warehouse C O M E PLAY IN TH E L IG H T B U L B PLA Y R O O M Gospel music > group will hold a Sat 10 am-4pm • 503- 281-0453 3901 N. Mississippi Ave. Church of the Living God pre-Europe concert Christian workersforfellowship next weekend The Disciples in Song, a Gospel M u sic E n sem b le d irec ted by Christor Lewis, will present their 10,h Anniversary Gospel Concert and annual pre-Europe Concert this month. The Disciples are scheduled to present a Gospel Song Gala in Valencia, Spain this April. The local anni­ versary concerts will be held on Saturday, March 29, at United M ethodist C hurch, located at Southwest 18"1 and Jefferson, and on M arch 30 at A u g u stan a L u th e r a n , located on N o r th e a s t 15th and Knott. T h ere w ill be a $ 1 0 d o n atio n req u e sted at the d o o r to su p ­ p ort g ro u p and co m m u n ity a c ­ tiv ities. 6401 N.E. 10,h Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Religious Leaders Urge Support for Uninsured Services Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Wed. Bible Study Pastor and First Lady Roy G. Moxie 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:00P.M. “ Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” A diverse group of local reli­ gious leaders came together Friday to express their united concern for the 41 m illion A m ericans and 440,000Oregonians who don’t have health insurance. At an interfaith prayer breakfast, the Ecumenical Ministries of O r­ egon and the Interfaith Council of Greater Portland led a diverse gath­ ering of Oregonians of faith tradi­ tions to highlight the moral impera­ tive of providing the uninsured with access to affordable, quality health care coverage. “The current health care system leaves many uninsured people with shame and worry,” said Hector Lopez, Director of the Interfaith For more information please call (503) 284-5171 Everyone's Welcome..... JOY TO THE WORLD DAY CARE NOW ENROLLING 5736 N ALBINA OFFERS AFFORDABLE DAY CARE It is time to use the collective voice o f the faith community to speak out on behalf o f the thousands o f Oregonians who lack health insurance. - Hector Lopez, Director of the interfaith Council of Greater Portland Council of Greater Portland. “It is worked with the sick who need care time to use the collective voice of for centuries,” Lopez added. “The the faith community to speak out moral obligation to keep our chil­ on behalf of the thousands o f Or­ dren and families healthy is one we egonians who lack health insur­ must take seriously. We must ac­ ance.” cept the responsibility to ensure all “The religious community has Oregonians have access to the care I AGES 2-1/2 TO 11 YRS (O b itu a r ie s BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE TEACHERS ARE CPR & STATE certified 6:00 am - 6 pm CONTACT: ANDREA I R B Y - Presenting ‘Wayward Saints’ Ollie Mae Knawls Ollie Mae Knawls, died March 9 at age 89. She was born Ollie Mae Williamson Jan. 28,1914, in Stephenville, Texas. She moved to Portland in the early 1940s and was a homemaker. In 1933, she married Henry; he diedin 1995. Survivors include her daughters, Hallie Mathews. Trudie Carr and Judy K. Boyer; son, Henry; sister, Classie Smiley; 12 grand­ children; and 16great-grandehildren. Remembrances can be made to the National Kidney Foundation. A funeral was held on Monday, March 17,2003, in Caldwell’s Colonial Chapel. (503) 285-3328 oast keel Callie Mae Huggins Nightly Music .kV' Starting àl I forti Fach ’ $10 _ tase^ontact Thursday Service 7 00 pm Ste' S P R IN G Callie Mae Huggins, died March 9 at age 87. She was bom Callie Mae Hartley on Aug. 3,1915, in Montgomery, Ala. She moved in 1943 to Portland and was a welder in the shipyards during World War II. Later, she was a teacher’s aide at Eliot Elementary School. In 1958, she married Floyd; he died in 1963. Survivors include her son, Willie J.; 10 grand­ children; and one great-grandchild. Willie R. Bowles ih iwiimii S îg W City Bi Willie R. Bowles died March 2 at age 73. Mr. Bowles was bom Jan. 24,1930, in Henderson, Ala. He served in the Army. He moved to Portland and was a superintendent for the Port of Portland. In 1952, he married Juliette Woods. Survivors include his wife; daughters, Deborah Berry and Karen Bowles-Scott; and one grandchild. A funeral was held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 8,2003, in New Hope M issionary B aptist Church in Portland. S P E C IA L Contact James Richardson Discount Pricing 503~978“2746 cally literalist A m erican Protes­ tan ts and Iran ian S h iites and present her view that fundam en­ talism is a m ostly 20th-century response to the w hat she calls ‘the painful transform ation of m odernity.’ She will present a lecture on Friday, April 4 at 7:30 p.m. at T rinity C athedral, 147 N.E. 19th A ve. and a sem inar on Saturday, A pril 5 from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in Kempton H allof Trinity C athe­ dral. For tickets or inform ation, call 503-478-1218. Oregon’s Oldest Licensed Pawnshop 4709 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd. FINALLY, SOMEONE AFFORDABLE! g sti"1 The C enter for Spiritual D e­ v e lo p m e n t w e lc o m e s K aren A rm strong, one o f the m ost pro­ vocative, original and inclusive thinkers on the role o f religion in the m odem w orld, to a pair o f Portland events. Arm strong will explore the his­ tories o f Judaism , Christianity and Islam and the rise o f funda­ m entalist enclaves in all three religions. Her presentation will trace the birth o f fundam ental­ ism am ong early 20th-century religious Z ionists in Israel, bibli­ NOW OPEN Front Loaders & Stacked Units All Name Brands History of Fundamentalism H. & B. Too Washer / D ryer R epair Specialists pre«, gep a* Wamer Pacific College’s theatre Friday and Saturday perfor­ department will present the play ‘A m ances are April 4 and 5 and Company of W ayward Saints’ by April 11 and 12 with a 7:30 p.m. local playwright George Herman. curtain. Sunday m atinee perfor­ This humorous parable is based m ances w ill occur on A pril 6 and upon an improvisational acting 13 at 3 p.m. W arner Pacific is lo­ style made popular by nomadic cated at 2219 SE 68lh Ave. in Port­ acting troupes in Europe at the time land. For tickets or more inform a­ of the Renaissance. tion, call 503-517-1207. Rosetta Mae Jones Rosetta Mae Jones, died March 6 at age 95. She was bom Rosetta Mae Burrough on March 3, 1908, in Waskom, Texas. She moved to Portland in the early 1930s and was a housekeeper. Her husband Romeo died in 1972. Survivors include nieces and nephews. A funeral was held Wednesday, March 12, 2003, in Killingsworth Little Chapel of the Chimes. Wednesday Musical? w 7.00 pm they need.” The m orning event also in­ cluded prayers from P astor W ill­ iam H ardy o f the A lbina M iniste- ' rial Alliance and Shahriar Ahmed, P resident o f the Bilal M osque A ssociation o f B eaverton, m usic by Em ily G eorges G ottfried with the Am erican Jewish Com m ittee, and in sp ira tio n a l w ords from M ary Jo T ully o f the A rchdio­ cese o f Portland. Tully closed with a call for all faith com m unities in O regon to jo in this cam paign and make sure that the thousands o f children w ithout health care today do not grow into adults w ithout health care tomorrow. $75 per set Service Check Lint Removal • Belt Gearcase • Fill Hoses Pump • Timer 2 blocks south of Alberta Weekdays til 6 p.m. - Saturdays til 4 p.m. Free Parking - State Controlled Rates - Se Habla Espanol www.hbloan.com Oregon Family Business for over 50 years Advertise in Portland Observ er call 503.388.0033 or email, ads (a portlundobservei.com 4 Lie. *306