March 12. 2003 (Cfje ^Portland (ßbseruer Page AS New Seasons Celebrates Third Birthday TO« "Mr'"8“ ' 33“ This week marks the third anni­ versary of locally owned and oper­ ated New Seasons Market. The company opened its doors in the Raleigh Hills neighborhood in 2000, ready to offer customers grocery choices, invest in the com ­ munity, support local growers and producers and make grocery shop­ ping fun and easy. Now with a fifth store set to open at Southeast 20lh and Division next year and more than 530 employees, the company is doing well while sticking to its principles. From the beginning the com ­ pany has made a point of giving back tothecom m unities in which it haS bee" a W " ' " ' ’° the C° " CO" , ‘a " ‘ «"»o rho od since it opened ove does business. In its three years of operation, the company has given $ 100,000 in cash and in-kind dona­ tions to more than 412 Portland- based nonprofits and community organizations, supporting causes from hunger abatement to wetland preservation. “ Being locally owned and oper­ Bank Executive Named to Arts Board Northwest Business forCulture and the Arts has elected David Tillery to its 32-person board of directors. T illery is a vice president and regional operations m anager for W ells F a rg o ’s H om e E q u ity Group. Based at W ells F argo’s W illia m B a rn h a rt C e n te r in H illsboro, he m anages the pro- cessing o f applications for home equity loans and lines in O regon, W a s h in g to n , C a lif o r n ia and A laska. He oversees 500 team m em bers who process more than 200,000 home equity applications annually. The former resident of Lexing­ ton, Ken. has served on many boards in the past, including the board o f a major hospital in Louis­ ville, Ken., the Lexington Public Library, and L exington Urban League. Northwest Business forCulture & the Arts is a statewide member­ ship organization of 145 businesses and corporations dedicated to building long-term public and pri­ vate investment in O regon's arts and culture. For more information, call503-228-2977. I ! ■ Dave Tillery rZXa ated means playing an active role in Market sourdough bread sold in the community,” said New Season s stores goes to the Loaves & Fishes Market President Brian Rohter. Meals on Wheels program. New Seasons Market has also Founded by three Portland fami­ sold about $2 million dollars in script lies, New Seasons Market strives to support local schools. In addi­ to combine’the sfervice and atmo­ tion to these donations, 50 cents sphere o f an old-fashioned neigh­ from each loaf of New Seasons borhood market with a selection of M '“pen "Is” ™ ftxxl and other products for today‘s lifestyle. New Seasons M arket’s stores are located in the neighbor­ hoods of Raleigh Hills, Sellwood. Concordia and Orenco Station in Hillsboro. New Seasons Market Seven Com ers will open on South­ east 20th and Division next year. C hinooíc W inds C asino Meek School Closure Stings continued from Front on N ortheast 33rd was closed. Kennedy School now serves as a McMennamins brewpub and ho­ tel. School district officials said stu­ dents at Meek will move to Vernon E lem entary at 2044 N .E. Killingsworth. Closing Meek is esti­ mated to save the district $300,000 in the next school year, officials said. The district hasn't decided on how it will use Meek in future years. There's consideration being given to plans to use the building for special education administrators or other district officials. THE FO URTO PS Friday & Saturday • March 2 1 & 22 Tickets • $25 to $40 LUAU W EEKEND It’s often easier to pick out the vehicle . . . H O T L A V A " P O L Y N E S IA N S H O W than the financing! Friday, Sunday & Monday • March 28, 30 & 3 1 Tickets • $10 For an answer you can trust, your credit union hel| ^dniiiSni^ let Serving all who live, work, worship or attend school M E N O F P A R A D IS E M A L E R EVU E Friday • March 28 Tickets • $10 in i Portland communities o f Arbor Lodge, Boise, Bridgeton, Buckman north o f S E t a /l I I A S a « W | |_ L A |V| E l l E C o rlo r^ l C r l* » IP • reoerai créa it union 2151 N.W. Front Avenue Portland, Oregon 97209 (5 0 3 ) 2 9 9 4539 ir r r i non Hsso WWW Willamettefcu com Hawthorne, Cathedral Park, China Town, Concordia west o f N E . 33”1 Avenue. Concordia University, Downtown Portland, East Columbia, Goose Hollow, Humb° |dt, Irvmgton west o f N E . 17th Avenue, Kems, King west o f N .E. 24th Avenue, Laurelhurst west o f N .E. 32nd Avenue, Northwest Portland. Northwest Industrial Portland, O ld Town, Overlook, Pearl District, Piedmont, Portland Communi,y College-Cascade Campus, Portland State University, Portsmouth, Sa wes‘ o f N E 24th Avenue- Si Johns, Sullivans Gulch west o f N .E. 20th Avenue, Sunny s,de wes‘ o f N .E 20th Avenue, University o f Portland, University Park, Vernon, and Woodlawn It’s Better at the Beach! Tickets Now 60 Days in Advance, 800-992-TIXX • 888-MAIN ACT • 996-5825