Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 12, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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Jîortlaith ODbseruer
March 12. 2003
P olice
Strip Club Bribery Attempt Higher Ups Reprimanded
(A P ) — A m an w ho alleg­
edly bought green cards from
an im m igration official and sold
them to illegal im m igrants has
been arrested on charges that
he and 12 others conspired to
bribe a public official.
T h e c a s e a g a in s t Ily a
A d a m id o v , 4 3, m a n ag e r o f
U nion Jacks strip club, is the
result o f a tw o-year FBI inves­
tigation into alleged Russian
organized crim e in Portland.
It includes nearly tw o years o f
litigation and a paid FBI infor­
mant w ho continuously lied to
his handlers and eventually fled
the country with $55,000 o f the
governm ent’s money.
A dam idov, w as ordered to ap ­
pear M arch 11 before a federal
m agistrate in Chicago, where a
grand ju ry recently issued a 24-
count indictm ent.
The government charged that
Adamitlov, Dale Barron, Roman
M uklanovich, 31, all of Port­
land, and others recruited clients
from across the United States,
the former Soviet Union and else­
where who paid up to $20,000
each for a resident alien card.
In one instance, tw o defen­
dants with alleged ties to the
Russian mafia paid MuklaiK) vich
$ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 fo r resid en t alien
cards. T he schem e allegedly
ran from A ugust 1999 to O cto­
ber 2001.
Police chief action follows investigation of a cover up
(A P) — Seven Portland police
officers face disciplinary action af-
tera m onths-long investigation into
an alleged cover-up surrounding
the case o f tw o off-duty officers
convicted o f bludgeoning a m an at
a nightclub.
In a statem ent released T h u rs­
day, C h ief M ark K roeker said one
com m ander, tw o lieutenants, three
sergeants and one officer are fac­
ing sanctions ranging from d em o ­
tions to letters o f reprim and.
“All citizens have a right to ex ­
pect the m en and w om en o f the
Portland Police B ureau to provide
service w ith dignity, respect and
m o s t im p o rta n tly , in t e g r ity ,”
K roeker said.
Previously, tw oofficers— Grant
Bailey and Craig H am ptom — were
convicted o f third-degree assault
for beating the unidentified 32-year-
old man outside Stephanos bar in
front o f num erous w itnesses on
Jan. 24,2002.
A ju d g e sentenced Bailey to 18
m onths in prison and H am pton to
P olice C h ie f M ark K ro eker
2 1 m onths. Both men had resigned
from the police bureau after the
incident cam e to light.
A M ultnom ah C ounty grand jury
investigation also looked at how
fellow officers responded to the
A lthough the victim had a bro­
ken nose and bled from cuts on his
face after the tw o officers slam m ed
his head into a building, police w ho
responded to the fight did not file a
police report, grand ju ro rs said in a
letter to the district attorney.
An internal police m em o about
the fight was sent to headquarters
tw o days after the fight, but the
departm ent did not begin an inves­
tigation until more than a week later,
and only after the city’s indepen­
dent police auditor received an
anonym ous letter about the incident.
The lack o f action “in our m inds
am ounted to a cover-up,” the G rand
Ju ry ’s letter said.
But the panel said it lacked evi­
dence for a crim inal indictm ent
against officers, because police may
have m erely fum bled the case.
K roekercalled the letter released
in M ay o f last year “very tro u ­
bling,” and launched an internal
affairs investigation o f an unspeci­
fied num ber o f beat police and com -
m a n d sta ff. T h a t r e s u lte d in
T hu rsd ay ’s statem ent that seven
officers face disciplinary a c tio n .'
(5 0 3 )823-HELP 111S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204
Man Eludes U.S. Marshals
You have the desire and the drive to m ake it to the top. B ecom e a leader and
shape your ow n future in the A rm y N ational G uard. M ost G uard m em bers
serve one w eekend a m onth and tw o w eeks a year, leaving plenty o f tim e for
college o r a career. Learn the confidence and skill to lead any team and earn
m oney for college at the sam e tim e. In the A rm y N ational G uard, Y O U CAN .
T he U .S. M arsh als S erv ice and
V ancouver police, in cooperation with
C rim e Stoppers, are asking for help in
locating and apprehending Troy Everett
C overstone, a man w anted for probation
violation and a yet undisclosed investi­
A u th o rities said C o v ersto n e has
used aliases o f Troy Everett Lord and
S teven Troy M oore.
He is a 36-year-old white male, with a
dateof birth o f M arch21,1966. He is 5 feet |
11 inches tall, w eighs approxim ately 185
pounds, with blue eyes, dark blond hair,
and “T R O Y ” tattooed on his right arm.
Police said he is know n tocarry weap­
ons and has had contact w ith police
agencies throughout the m etro area.
Troy E- C o v e rsto n e
Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000fo r information, reported to Crime Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolvedfelony crime, any you need not give your name. Call
Crime Stoppers at 503-823-HELP.
M uslim Leader Awaits Sentencing
(AP)— A Muslim religious leader
from Portland, w ho w as arrested by
a local FBI terrorism task force last
year, w ill be sentenced M ay 12 for
having a false Social Security num ­
M oham ed A bdirahm an K ariye
p lead ed g u ilty to the ch arg e last
w eek as th e re su lt o f an a g re e ­
m ent w ith federal prosecutors. He
w as arre ste d S ept. 8 at the P o rt­
land airp o rt w hile try in g to board
a plane for the U n ited A rab E m ir­
a tes.
The 41 -year-old religious leader
was charged with m isuse o f a Social for explosives, so a ju d g e released
Security num ber and possession K ariye on bail on O ct. 12.
o f a Social Security card that was
P rosecutors and K ariye’s de­
issued illegally.
fense team , led by Stanley C ohen o f
A judge ordered him held after N ew Y ork, had held several m eet­
prosecutors said he had traveled ings since his release.
extensively to the M iddle East since
C’ohen had accused the federal
1999 and was carrying several thou­ g o v e rn m e n t o f g r a n d s ta n d in g
sand dollars and a checkbook bear­ about a m inor charge that rarely,
ing a different nam e w hen he was g e ts p u b lic a tte n tio n b e c a u se
K ariye is a prom inent M uslim .
Prosecutors also said that T N T
K ariye faces a m axim um o f five
residue had been detected in his years in prison, but federal g u id e­
luggage but a m ore accurate FBI lines call for any w here from proba­
test later discounted the first test tion to six m onths.
American Taliban Attacked in Jail
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(A P )
who want to steer away from potentially dangerous gambling patterns
Walker Lindh, the
American imprisoned
for taking up arms for
the Taliban in At-
ghanistan, was
tacked by a fellow in-
mate and slightly
bruised, his lawyer
- without traveling to a treatment center.,
authorities confirm ed
the 21-year-old Lindh
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“O ur
j y *
Jo h n W alker Lindh
w as attacked but w ould not dis-
close a possible m otive.
The incident happened M arch 3
at the m ed iu m -secu rity federal
prison in Victorville, Calif, as Lindh
was preparing to pra^t, said his law ­
yer T ony W est.
ing is that the inmate
tackled John and be
gan hitting him while
screaming obsceni
'>es before running
off," West said in a
fcred a bruise on his
forehead, the lawyer
“ Jo h n is f i n e ,”
W est said. “H e’s in
very good spirits.”
A law en fo rcem en t o fficia l,
speaking on condition o f anonym ­
ity, said: “It w as a m inor incident, a
prison fight. He got a little scraped
up, but h e ’s fine. O ne guy was
picking on him .”
The FBI said T hursday it was.
The investigation started after
the San B ernardino C ounty Sun
received an anonym ous tip early
T uesday.
“ Yes, I’d I ike to inform your news­
paper that John Lindh W alker, w ho
is incarcerated in V ictorville, w as
assaulted this night by a w hite su ­
prem acist organization that is im ­
prisoned there. T hank you," the
m ale caller said in a voice m essage.
L indh was sentenced in O ctober
to 20 years in prison after pleading
g u ilty to supplying serv ices to
A fghanistan’sT aliban governm ent
and carrying explosives in com m is­
sion o f a felony.
Chocolate Covered Mushrooms Seized
D uring the past several w eeks, P o rtla n d and D rug E n fo rc e m e n t
the P ortland P olice B ureau D rugs A d m in is tra tio n .
and V ice D iv isio n seized several
T he c h o c o la te s w ere w rapped
p o u n d s o f p s ilo c y b in m u s h ­ in colorful foil and ap p eared to be
room s d ip p ed in ch o co la te.
candy. P silocybin m ushroom s are
T h e s e iz u re s h a v e le a d to a S c h e d u le 1 c o n tr o lle d s u b ­
s e v e ra l jo in t in v e s tig a tio n s in stan ce and a c c id en tal c o n su m p ­
c o o p e ra tio n
w ith
th e tio n o f them co u ld be e x trem ely
M u ltn u m o h C o u n ty D is t r ic t d an g e ro u s and can lead to an
A tto r n e y ’s O ffic e , th e P o rt o f o v e rd o s e .
P olice are extrem ely concerned
a b o u t the p o ssib ility o f ch ild re n
m ista k in g the m u sh ro o m s fo r
h a rm le ss can d y .
A n y o n e w ith in f o r m a t io n
a b o u t the o n g o in g d is trib u tio n
o f p silo cy b in m u sh ro o m s o r any
o th e r c o n tr o lle d s u b s ta n c e
sh o u ld call the D rugs and V ice
D ivision at 503-823-0246.