March 05. 2003 (Tin' JJortlanò (Bbserurr Page B3 JOY TO THE WORLD DAY CARE HOW ENROLLING 5736 N A L B IN A Ashanti, Musiq Earn Soul Train Honors (AP) — Ashanli and Musiq took top honors, while Mariah Carey and LL Cool J received career achievement awards, at the 17th annual Soul Train Awards. Ashanti won best female R&B/ Soul Single Saturday fo r“Foolish” and best album fo r“Ashanti,” „eat­ ing out works by fellow Grammy winners Erykah Badu and India Arie. Musiq won for best male R&B/ Soul Single for the second year in a row with “Dontchange." He won best album in the same category with “Juslisen.” beating Maxwell, Justin Timberlake and last year’s winner Usher. “I feel very, very very good,” Musiq said. “I feel honored and I feel grateful." “ Bump, Bump, Bump," by B2 K, featuring P. Diddy, won in the best single by a group or duo category, while B2K won for their self-titled album in the same category. Queen Latifah and Arsenio Hall co-hosted the event, which fea­ tured award presenters Baby Face, OFFERS AFFORDABLE DAY CARE AGES 2-1/2 TO II YRS •K BEFORE AN D AFTER SCHOOL CARE TEACHERS ARE CPR & STATE certified 6:00 am - 6 pm C0/V7XC7; ANDREA Rosa Parks Undecided on Oscar Appearance (AP) — A documentary about Rosa Parks has been nominated for an Oscar, but the civil rights pio­ neer hasn’t decided whether she’ll attend the academy awards. She’s been invited to attend the March 23 ceremony by civil rights attorney Morris Dees. Elaine Steele, co-founder o f the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for S elf Improvement, said the 90- year-old Parks would like to attend, and “w e’ll see ifw e’ll be able to go.” Parks is the subject o f “Mighty Times: The Legacy o f Rosa Parks,” which is nominated for a best-docu­ mentary Oscar. (503) 285-3328 MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residencial Services I • 2 Areas or more. Small Hall Free, Pre-Spray Traffic Areas • Stairs.......................$1.50 each | UPHOLSTERY CLEANING~| Ashanti Musiq Jennifer Lopez and Chris Rock. Rapper Nelly won the Sammy Davis Jr. Entertainer o f the Year Award. “W e’ve only being doing this a Nelly said. short amount oftim e, and you don’t The Soul Train Music Awards think you’ll be receiving awards celebrates artists in R&B, hip-hop, like that so early on in your career," rap and gospel music. • Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 • Loveseat $49 (AP) — Nobel Prize-w inning novelist Toni M orrison is co l­ laborating on an opera based on the life o f an escaped slave w ho tried to kill her fam ily to avoid returning to captivity. M ichigan O pera T heatre and opera com panies in Philadelphia and Cincinnati com m issioned th e w o rk by M o rriso n and A m erican com poser R ichard D anielpour. I t’s scheduled to prem iere at the D etroit O pera House in May 2005, with mezzo- soprano D enyce G raves sing­ ing the title role. < * , “ M argaret G arner" is based aA r Toni Morrison on G arner’s flight from Kentucky to the fre^stiite o f O hio in 1856. The s to ry a ls o in s p ir e d M o rris o n ’s 1987 no v el “ B e­ loved.” W hen slave-hunters tracked dow n G arner, her husband and c h ild r e n , sh e s lit h e r b a b y d a u g h te r's throat as part o f a thw arted attem pt to kill the family to avert a return to slavery. She w as found guilty o f "d e­ stroying p roperty” and returned to slavery. “ I wanted a work that had genu­ ine resonance for Detroit,” Michi­ gan Opera Theatre general director David DiChiera said Wednesday. A bout 83 percent o f D etro it’s 950,000 people are black. P. Diddy to Open for Soul Food (AP)— Sean “P. Diddy” Combs plans to open a restaurant in down­ town Detroit, an associate o f the hip-hop entrepreneur said. The Justin’s restaurant will open in four to eight months at a location yet to be determined, said Andre Suite, executive vice presi­ dent o f Justin’s. Combs will have the final word on the location, he said. “We want to be right where the rebirth is-oneoftheattractions in the downtown area," Suite said. There already are two Justin’s, Go to Paris without leaving Portland i\ r n Until March 23, the Portland Art Museum will feature 'Paris to Portland: Impressionist and Post-lmpressionis Masters in Portland Collections. ’ The show includes 165 works drawn from private collections in the Portland area and has work by Cezanne. Renoir, Monet, Gauguin, Picasso and prints by Toulouse- Lautrec, amongst others. Sean “P. Diddy" Combs will open a new Justin 's restaurant in the heart of downtown Detroit. Combs is the owner of two other Justin’s, one in New York and another in Atlanta. JN M C N T the original in New York and an­ other in Atlanta. The restaurants, which offer soul and Caribbean food, are named after Com bs’ old­ est son. Besides the restaurants, Combs owns the Bad Boy record label, the Sean John clothing line and a m ar­ ket research company. Fortune magazine once esti­ m ated th e G ra m m y -w in n in g performer’sannual eamingsat more than $50 million. Sean John did a reported $325 million in sales in 2002. Q , 1D Smith is a Portland Psychiatrist specializing in individual psychotherapy. During the opening night o f his exhibit on March 7 from 5:30 to 7:30p.m . a panel discussion entitled ‘Art, Psychoanalysis and the C reative P rocess’ will be held with m em bers o f P SU ’s Art and Psychology departm ents. Margaret Cho‘Revolution Tour' ReparationsThursdays David Park’s new band. The Reparations, will play every Thursday at 9 p.m. with DJ Chill and special guest performers and DJs at The Red Sea, 318 S.W. Third Ave. Admission for those 21 and older is $5. PCC Kit Kat Klub Cabaret The Portland Community College Theater Arts department presents the fabulous musical, the Kit Kat Klub, at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 7 through Sunday, March 9 and Friday, March 13 through Sunday, March 15. The show features an emcee that leads the audience through a wild and decadent journey into Berlin's Kit Kat Klub in 1929. The play follows thecharacterofC liffB radshaw ashem eets Sally B ow lesandthegirlsof the Kit Kat Club. The production contains mature subject matter that may not be suitable foryoungeraudiencem em bers. Ticketsare $8 forgeneral admission and $5 for students and seniors. The play will be performed at the Performing Arts Center at the Sylvania Campus, 12000 S.W. 49,h Ave. For tickets or information, call 503-977-4949. City of Angels Mt. Hood Community College students are showcasing their talents with a winter production o f City o f A ngels,' a musical spoof o f the private eyem oviesofthe40s. Written by Larry Gelbart, thecreatorof'M . A S H .,’ the show is the interweaving o f two plots, one dealing with the writing o f a screenplay in legendary 40s Hollywood, and the other involving the enactment o f that screenplay. ‘City o f A ngels' debuts in the MHCC’ College Theater on Friday. March 7 at 8 p.m. For more information, call 503-491-7154. The Faces of Art and Psychology ‘F aces’ by G ary Mac Sm ith will be show ing from Friday. M arch 7 through M atch 28 at Portland State U n iv ersity ’s Littnian G allery. W ith the sam e unbridled, no holds-barred hum or that has m ade her famous, M argaret Cho will tackle the axis o f evil, her travels through Thialand s red light d istrict, the explosion o f child birth, bartering sex for household chores, revolutionizing your self-esteem , the joy o f bodily functions, her loosed ex-boyfriend, and o f course, her w orld-fam ous m other and much more that cannot be printed. Cho will perform in Portland on Thursday, March 13 at the A rlene S chnitzerC oncert Hall. ’ Sectional $99 & up Throw pillows $5 each |CARPET CPUPON | 1 Cleaning Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area Ioni Uomani to C ollim otc on S l im Oran Rosa Parks IRBY - 00 (Hall not included) U P H O LS TE R Y C O U P O N ~| Sofa (under 6 ft.) ! Loveseat & Chair I $119“ ! CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 Black Cultural Affairs Board Present: 1st Annual Ebony Ball The Black Cultural Affairs Board at Portland State University is hosting the "I” Annual Ebony Ball" with one of the hottest DJ in Town (DJ OG One). This is a formal dance in celebration of the last event for the calendar of Black History Month. "Sail the night away." Portland Spirit (Fountain) @ Waterfront Friday March 14, 2003 Must Board by 10:30 p.m. and lasts until 2 a.m. $15 students, $20 general, and $25 at the door. Tickets are now on sale @ PSU box office, Ticket master, and on sale in the cafeteria everyday from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. If you have any questions please call or e-mail us: Black Cultural Affairs Board 503-725-5660 bcab@mail. KMHD 89.1 FM Get The Blues... Portland Symphonic Girlchoir The Portland Symphonic (iirlchoir, a 170-member choir for girls ages six through 18, will host its annual Informance Teacher Appreciation Concert, on Monday, March 17 at 7 p.m. at the First United Methodist C hurch, located at Southwest 18"'and Jefferson. Admission to the event will bea free-will donation to the Goose Hollow Family Shelter. For more information, call 503-226-6162. I MISS Back to the Doo Wop days High school friends from D etroit’s North End. Levi Stubbs, Renoldo “O bie" Benson, Abdul "D u k e" Fakir and Lawrence Payton began m arveling their audiences w ith an infectious blend o f pure vocal pow er and sw eet harm onies in 1954. Once they signed with M otown Records in the 60s as the Four Tops, the group churned out hit after hit eventually ending w ith an induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. W ith 43 years o f playing history, the group will play at C hinook W inds C asino on Friday, March 21 and Saturday, March 22 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 to $40 depending on scat location. For more inform ation or to buy tickets, call I -888-624-6228, or Fastixx at 1-800-992-8499. 1 Friday Freeway Blues • 4 pm to 6 pm Rhapsody in Blues • 6 pm to 10 pm Blues Palace-10 pm to 2 am