(Eire flortlanb (Dhseruer March OS. 2003 Page AS L ocrl Hones TesTer» fOR lltDOOR POLLUTIOil Lung Association program helps people with asthma Dust, lead, m olds, biological C o n tam in an ts and h o u se h o ld ; chem icals are a few o f the indoor pollutants volunteers check when they assess hom e environm ents through the M aster Home Envi­ ronm entalist program offered by the A m erican Lung A ssociation o f Oregon C urrently, priority for assess­ ments is being given to residents o f north and northeast Portland. The program is available to all fam ilies who have a family m em ­ ber with asthm a. “ W e’re excited about this pro­ gram,” said Margaret M cConnell, M aster Home Environm entalist .Program C oo rd in ato r. “ I t ’s a chance for fam ilies to dram ati­ cally reduce their exposure to in­ door pollutants by taking advan­ tage o f the expertise o f our volun­ teers. And in many cases, that expertise is free.” A m erican children and adults spend 90 percent o f their tim e indoors. For people with asthm a, that m eans exposure can often begin with the home environment. U.S. Environmental Protection A gency studies o f human expo­ sure to air pollutants indicate that indoor air levels o f many pollut­ ants m ay be two to five tim es and occasionally more than 100 times higher than outdoor levels. T h ro u g h th e L ung A ssociation’s M aster H ome En­ vironm entalist program , profes­ sionally trained volunteers can identify pollutants and address resid en ts’ concerns about air in their homes. The program puts em phasis on prioritizing problems and find­ ing low -cost or no-cost solutions that reduce exposure to indoor pollutants, thus im proving the health and well being o f the resi­ dents. The assessm ent can take from tw o to three hours. They are of­ fered free o f charge to fam ilies w ith a hou seh o ld in co m e o f $45,000 or less when at least one fam ily m em ber has asthm a. R esidents who are interested A pro fessio n a lly trained volunteer looks for m o ld a n d o th e r co n ta m in a n ts th a t can c a u s e breathing p ro b lem s in h o m e s. The Am eri­ ca n Lung A sso cia tio n o f Oregon o ffe rs indoor pollution te s ts to north a n d n o rth e a st P ortland re sid e n ts who have a fam ily m e m b e r with asth m a . in receiving a hom e environm en­ The M aster H om e E n v iro n ­ M u ltnom ah C o u n ty H ealth D e­ ral G as, O regon C enter for E nvi­ tal assessm ent can contact the m en talist program is an A m eri­ p artm en t, E n v iro n m en tal Ju s­ ro n m en tal H ealth, O reg o n D e­ A m erican Lung A ssociation o f can L ung A sso ciatio n o f O r­ tice A ction G ro u p , The U rban p artm en t o f H ealth S erv ice s O regon at 1 -800-LU N G -U SA or egon p ro g ram in co o p e ratio n L eague o f P o rtlan d , H ealthy A sthm a P rogram and P o rtlan d 503-924-4094, extension 18. w ith P o rtlan d G eneral E lectric, C om m unities, N orthw est N atu- C om m unity C ollege. Minority Advocate Honored A Portland attorney is being honored her commitment to social justice. Adrienne Nelson will receive the Judge M ercedes Deiz Award for promotion o f minorities and women in the law during the 11th annual Oregon Women Lawyers awards dinner on Friday, March 14, at the Portland Hilton. Oregon Women Lawyers is the largest specialty attorneys group in Oregon with nonprofit status and a membership o f women, men, law yers, ju d g e s, students and many others who are committed to improving the practice o f law and thé justice system. The group’s mission is to pro­ mote the advancement o f women and minorities in the legal profes­ sion. T he ju d g e M erced es D eiz Award named after the Honorable Mercedes Deiz, the first African- A m erican judge in O regon, is awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contribution to promoting women and minorities in the legal profession and in the com­ munity. Nelson has been a longtime ad­ vocate for minorities both in and before the law. One nominator noted, “in the course o f her career, she has repre­ sented countless members o f mi­ nority groups, including both ra­ cial and ethnic minorities, as well as sexual and gender minorities.” As a public defender working for M u ltn o m ah D e fe n d e rs, Inc., Nelson earned the respect o f col­ leagues and judges alike for her commitment to social justice and to providing professional, respectful representation to her clients. Most recently, as an associate with the law firm o f Bennett, Hartman, Morris and Kaplan, LLP, Giving our best. Adrienne N elson Nelson has continued to represent numerous minority clients in her private practice, while assuming a more active leadership role in the legal community. She has been elected twice to statewide seat in the American Bar Association House o f Delegates, where she participates in the Mi­ nority Caucus.s You have the desire and the drive to make it to the top. 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