Page B6 (Elje sportiani» (Bbaeruer March OS. 2003 S ports Local Playoffs Schedule Woods Breaks Another Record with Win Boys Class 4A Basketball Playoffs Thursday games •H illsb o ro or David Douglas at Woodburn, TB A • Bend orCentral Catholic at Grant. TBA •Sprague or Lake Oswego at Pendleton, 7 p.m. •Tigard or Benson at Sunset, 7:30 pan. Saturday games •S p ra g u e , Lake O sw ego o r Pendleton at Jefferson, T B A •H ills b o ro , D avid Douglas or Woodburn at Putnam, TB A •T ig a rd , Benson or Sunset at Reynolds, T B A •W est Linn, C hurchill or North Medford at South Salem, T B A • Bend, Central Catholic or Grant at Grants Pass, T B A •State Tournament at Memorial Coliseum, Tuesday, March 11 through Saturday, M arch-15, T B A Tiger Woods always knew the final piece ofhis W orld G olfCham pionships collec­ tion would be the toughest for him to win. David Toms made sure o f that. Leading by as many as five holes, Woods recovered from a few shaky shots and held offa gritty charge by Toms to win the Match Play Cham pionship, making him the first player to capture all four o f the WGC toumamentsA “This is the hardest to win,” Woods said. “Yeah, it’s physically grueling, but I think it’s more mentally grueling because o f the ebb and flow o f match play. If we had to do this every week, every pro’s playing career would be about 10 years.” The final match m ust have felt like a ---------------------------------------- ----------- lifetime T'&er Woods celebrates a victory Sunday over David Toms in the final of . „ . , , , the Accenture Match Play Championship at La Costa Resort in Carlsbad. Alter announcing he would not play the calif. (AP photo) Golf Leader Honored Wells Carries Blazers Past Detroit Robert Clark Sr. of Portland (right) is presented an award for his efforts on behalf o f junior golf from Ron Rawls of the Oregon Profes­ sional Golfer's Association. Clark is the state's first and only African- American PGA ___ professional. Girls Class 4A Basketball Tournament All games played at University o f Portland Chiles Center Wednesday games: • Lake Oswego vs. Tigard, 7 p.m. • Hermiston vs. Jesuit, 8:45 p.m, Thursday games: •W ilso n o rC e n tra l Catholic vs. • Glencoe or Oregon C ity, 3 p.m. • Willamette orCrescent Valley vs Lakeridge or Roseburg, 7 p.m. •L a ke Oswego o r T igard vs. Hermiston or Jesuit, 8:45 p.m. Portland Youth G o lf Associa­ tion founder and president Robert Clark Sr. was recently honored for his w ork w ith youth. For the third straight year, Clark has been awarded the Junior G o lf Leader for the Oregon chapter o f the Pacific Northwest Section o f the Professional G olfer's Associa­ tion. The recognition is for his ef­ forts at promoting and developing ju n io r golfand reflecting the ideals o f those who w ork w ith youth. Clark is Oregon's first and only A frican-A m erican PGA profes- Semifinals Friday games: •T B A , 7 p.m. •T B A 8:45 p.m. Championship Saturday game: •T B A , 8 p.m. Third Place Saturday game: •T B A ,6 p .m . sional. Currently, the youth association is actively raising funds to build a ju n io r g o lf academy at Heron Lakes G o lf Course in north Portland. Clark is looking fo r comm unity financial support to help service the 1,500 youth expected to be served by the academy to be known as “ The First Tee o f Greater Port­ land." For more inform ation on ju n io r g o lf or to support the new acad­ emy, call 503-286-651 Oorgo online at B U S IN E S S directory “M IS S IO N A R Y G O S P E L S IN G E R ” (AP) — The last thing the reeling Detroit Pistons needed was a former player scoring a career high against them. Bonzi Wells scored 37 points Sunday night, leading the Port­ land Trail Blazers to a 103-86 victory over Detroit and ex­ tending the Pistons’ losing streak to seven games. Wells took plenty o f pleasure from adding to the Pistons’ woes. “It feels good, especially against the team that drafted me and let me go,” Wells said. “You definitely want to let a team know who gave up on you that you can play in this league." The Blazers have won four in a row. Wells was at the center o f the latest victory, scoring 18 points in the third quarter to help the Blazers pull away. But it w asn’t just his offense that impressed teammate Scot­ tie Pippen. “He had a great game offen­ sively, he did a lot o f good things S P R IN G out there,” Pippen said. “ De­ fensively, his offense kind o f overshadowed what he did de­ fensively. He was very active. And he had a tough task, guard- ingCorliss Williamson.” Guarding the Pistons hasn’t been such a difficult job re­ cently. They finished their West Coast trip 0-5. D etroit h ad n ’t lost seven straight since Dec. 16-28,2001, a streak that also began with? five straight losses in the West S P E C IA L W asher / D ryer R epair S pecialists Front Loaders & Stacked Units IIN AU Y. SOMEONE AFFORDABLE! All Name Brands esti*10 $75 per set Service Check C o n ta c t Ja m e s R ic h a rd so n Discount Pricing Kenneth D. Scott Sr. R O S E E. F R A N K S Lin t Removal • Belt Gearcase • F ill Hoses Pump • Tim er 503-978-2746 E _ a g le E L y e O p t i c a l Sales Consultant Booking Inform ation 5 0 3 -3 3 5 -0 7 0 1 Email: TWa of Naw CD: Ona Sweet Day Northwest Angels For All Your Musical Needs Call DAN FRANKS or ROSE E. FRANKS E-Mail: scott 2808 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Suite C A 503.335 7173 (503) 646-0516 . (800) 367-3640 Fax (503) 643-9934 . Cell (503) 869-3559 PRESCRIPTION EYEWEAR LICENSED & CERTIFIED OPTICIAN 10760 SW Canyon Rd. Beverton, OR 97005 Free Financial Advice Problems paying bills? Tired of financial struggle? 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Agent 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suits A (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 &BA B T-Shi 2 0 4 R Klllingetnrth (Vancouver St.) i C U S T O M FRIMT1D G ARM ENTS M O U S E RAOS PUZZLES EMBROIDERY BILK B O R IE N NUMBERS QUICK OIFTB Portland, OR97211 Portland, OR 9 7 217 IH 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 10% off Moss Control Immediate Response J Dubai Desert Classic next week because it’s “not a safe en vironm ent,” W oods - w ho was 4 up after the m orning round - kept that m argin w ith 11 holes to play. Tw o sloppy bogeys and a few clutch birdies by Toms brought high drama to La Costa. Woods, who never trailed, finally closed him out w hen Tom s took four shots to reach the 17th green and W oods saved par from a bunker, holing a 3-foot putt. “He never real ly got all the momentum,” W oods said after a 2-and-l victory. “He got a lot o f it, but not all o f it.” Woods won for the 36th time on the PGA Tour and earned $ 1,050,000. Since return­ ing from his two-month break for knee surgery, he has won twice and tied for fifth in three tournaments. pkele fifís » bile Jet R ill! s e i-t a g - lE ie p h e n e >•>-814-1910 lax