Page A8 ________ ®he ?°rtlani» ©baeruer celebrates Black History Month Black Historu (Nightclub Stampede Kills 21 CZ M onth people night­ couldn’t breathe.” I* °P ‘e in the two-story night- club when someone released a Amishoov Blackwell, 30, was Firefighters responding to chemical spray into the air some­ checking his coat on the second the scene found a number of time after 2 a.m., officials ini­ floor when people started rush­ locked or blocked doors and tially estimated. They could not ing past him. The flow of the used sledgehammers and pry immediately say what the legal crowd pushed him back down bars to open some of them so capacity o f the building was. the stairs and he fell on top of that people could be rescued, “It appears a disturbance from several people, he said. He was Fire C om m issioner Jam es within led to a mass chaos where trapped on top of the others until Joyce said at a late morning people headed for the door. firefighters rescued him about briefing. Most of the fatalities appear to 30 minutes later. “There are people trying to have been crushed or had inju­ “It wasn’t nothing but two get out that could not get out,” ries due to suffocation,” said girls fighting,” Blackwell said. Joyce said. “ L ocked and police Officer Ozzie Rodriguez. “W hy’d they have to spray blocked doors are a contribut­ The club is located in the M ace?” ing factor. We can’t explain Near South Side, a commercial H ours after the disaster, how management or owner­ district near the McCormick C h iq u ita R hodes was still ship would allow that.” Place convention center. searching for her 19-year-old The locked doors are a fire Cory Thomas, 33, went to the sister, Charita. code violation, Joyce said. club to pick up two friends. As “I’ve been to every emer­ Twenty-one people were he waited outside, he saw people gency room,” Rhodes said. She confirmed dead in the tragedy inside the club start to back up was told by officials to return to at the Epitome Night Club, against the glass front door. the medical examiner’s office Chicago Police spokesman Pat “You could see a mound of around noon, when the bodies Camden said. Hospitals re­ people. People were stacking would be available for relatives ported treating at least 50 for on top of each other, screaming to identify. everything from critical inju­ and gagging, I guess from the She said Charita was holding ries to asthma-like symptoms. pepper spray. The door got onto a friend, but they were E v ery b o d y sm ash ed , blocked because there were too sep a rated in the cru sh . A peo p le c ry in g , c o u ld n ’t many people stacked up against firefighter found Charita’s cell b re a th e ,” said c lu b -g o e r it,” he said. phone, she added. Reggie Clark. “Two ladies next “I saw them taking out a preg­ The Rev. Jesse Jackson ar­ to me died. A guy under me nant woman,” Thomas said. rived at the scene early Monday passed out.” “She was in bad shape. I saw at and urged community members W itnesses reported that least 10 lifeless bodies.” to help each other. panic broke out after the guards Kristy Mitchell, 22, was one “We are asking area minis­ used pepper spray or Mace to of the people trampled on the ters to go to hospitals,” Jackson break up a fight, but authorities stairway. said. “My people are over­ did not immediately confirm “People were stomping my whelmed with the suddenness that. legs,” she said. “When they of this. At a time like this, you There were more than 1,500 pulled me up, I was dizzy and I have to lean on your faith.” co n tin u ed ± continued Robert S. Abbott fought a long battle to establish the Chicago "Defender." His commitment to su cceed with the city's only "Black" newspaper drove him to sell the first editions door-to door. Did you Know? Questions 1. Six of our nation’s Presidents were part black. Can you name any o f them ? 2. Nine African Americans have won Nobel Prizes. W ho were some o f them? 3. There are many m usicians, singers, and songw riters ot all races, creeds and colors throughout the world today. Who was the first black recording artist in America? 4. Were the first black people in America slaves? 5. W hen did the first Africans arrive in America? How did they get here and did they came straight from Africa? 6. Who was the first African American to die while fighting for Am erica’s freedom? 7. Was the President of the United States really arrested by ablack police officer for speeding? 8. Did a form er black slave really live to an age o f 137? 9. One story tells of a Northern black seaman stealing aConfederate submarine in 1862. Could this possibly be true? 10. Are black slaves from the South really responsible for bringing rice to our dinner tables?Union officers promoted Small toacaptain, made him the commanderof the sub, and sent him back toCharleston to attack the very port where submarine was originally docked. The attack was successful and Robert Small eventually became a Brigadier General in the Union Army. Answers: 2. Nobel Prizes are awarded each year to people who have made valu­ able contributions to the “good of hum anity.” Dr. Ralph J. Bunche became the first black person to win a Nobel for his work as a United Nations mediator, which lead to an armistice agreement between Ar­ abs and Israel in 1949. Other blacks to receive Nobel honors were Albert JohnLuthuliin 1960; Martin Luther King Jr. in 1964; Sir William Arthur Lewis in 1979; Bishop Desmond Tutu in 1984; Wole Soyinka in 1986; D erek W olcott in 1992; Toni M orrison in 1993; and Nelson M andela in 1993. Toni Morrison was the first black woman to re­ ceive this prestigious award. 3. There were actually two Afri­ can American men who recorded several records for the old Victor Talking Machine in 1900. 4. People often think all black people who came to America hun­ dreds o f years ago were slaves. Actually this is untrue. The first Africans in America were inden­ tured servants. Indentured ser­ vants would work for three to seven years to pay for their trip to America and their living expenses while here, after which time they were set free. Many poor white Europeans also Ralph J. B u n ch e w a s an Am erican diplom at a n d political s c ie n tis t who b e c a m e th e first black p erso n to win a N obel Prize. worked as indentured servants as a way to get to America where they would eventually buy their own property and start a farm. 5. 1619. The first Africans in the colonies appeared mysteriously on In an effort to further improve service to the Portland-metro area and its citizens, American M edi­ cal Response has developed a new “Bariatric” ambulance to better meet the transportation needs of patients weighing up to 1,000 pounds. The word bariatric stems from the Greek word barros, which translates to heavy or large. Standard equipment in the am ­ bulance industry is pressed to accommodate these larger and heavier patients. This has been a potential safety hazard for pa­ tients and the crews who trans­ port them. AMR developed this new system to significantly de­ crease the risk, and increase the comfort and dignity of these pa­ tients. The new ambulance is larger, providing additional room for the patient and crew in the back of the unit. It will carry a flat cot that 6. During the “Boston Massacre” in 1770, at the b eg in n in g o f America’s Revolutionary War with the British, a black man named Crispus Attucks was not only the first black man to die in the war, he was the first American o f any color to die a war hero. 7. This is true. In the late 19*h cen­ tury a black policeman in Washing­ ton D.C. named Officer William West saw a speeding horse and b u g g y d a n g e ro u sly zo om ing continued fr om F ron t from Front New Ambulance for Heavy Lifting a Dutch boat called a frigate. They were traded for much needed food and the boat with its white crew sailed away, leaving the Africans in a strange land. The black men be­ came indentured servants. After they worked their way to freedom many got jobs in cities working for white people, bought a home, and started a family. Some began farm­ ing. 1. Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jack- son, Abraham Lincoln, Warren G. H a rd in g , an d D w ig h t D. Eisenhower. Lincoln’s first term vice-president, Hannibal Hamlin was also part black. It is also known that Calvin Coolidge was part In­ dian. Now some historians believe that he may have had black ances­ try too. on page A9 is wider than a standard ambulance gurney. AMR also has designed alumi­ num ramps to use when loading or unloading the patient. These ramps will allow for a smoother and more com fortable lift for the patient. The ram ps will also prevent the crew s from needing to m anually lift the patient, w hich could po­ tentially risk unnecessary inju­ ries. A lso on the unit is a spe­ cially designed w inch system to help the crew s load and unload the patient. This will reduce the strain on the crew s and act as a safety to prevent the gurney from getting out o f control. AMR anticipates running up to two calls per day in the Portland- metro area with the new Bariatric Unit. 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