®tje JIortíanó (Observer Page A4 celebrates Black History Month O pinion February 19. 2003 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer 71,6 Portland Observer E D IT O » -I N - C h I E E , P u » L I S H E * C * E A T i r * Charles H. Washington l) i » e c T o * Paul Neufeldt __________ USPS 959-680_________ E d it o * Established 1970 A s s o c ia t e Michael Leighton 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., D u t iie u t io s Portland. OR 97211 M en a g e * Mark Washington E d it o » Wynde Dyer W n T * » , P h o t o g k a p h e k David Plechl P o sthaste * : Send address changes to P o rtla n d Observer PO Box 3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 P e rio d ic a l P o s ta g e p a id In P o r tla n d . OR 503-288-0033 • FAX503-2880015 • EMAIL: i i S u b s c rip tio n s a re $ 6 0 .0 0 p e r y e a r eusun ads9Dortlandobserver.com The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. All created design display ads become the sole property of the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition of such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN W HOLE OR IN PART W ITHOUT PERM ISSIO N IS PROH IBITED. The Portland Observer—Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication—is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Repre sentative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. Working Poor Face Staggering Attack E. C ummings Perkins Loan, Gear-Up and Trio Community Development Block ward Byrne, V iolence A gainst Unfortunately, I must agree with During a difficult economic pe initiatives. Grants to low- and moderate-in Women, Juvenile Justice Incentive, Mr. Dionne. riod when tens of millions of Ameri As the country attem pts to come communities would receive and Local Law Enforcement grants. The H onorable E lijah E. can families are struggling to make struggle out of an economic reces $438 million less than would be As the columnist, E.J. Dionne Jr., Cummings represents Maryland's ends meet, the Congress is being sion, the President’s budget would needed to equal 2002 funding. Com has observed. President Bush “ . . . Seventh Congressional District in asked to approve Bush Adminis cut funding for job training and munity Oriented Policing assistance is doing all that he can to benefit the the United States House o f Repre tration proposals that would cut, employment programs to $713 mil would be slashed - and the Bush eco n o m ic elite s and, through sentatives and serves as Chair o f level-fund or radically modify many lion less than the amount that would Administration would also have us stealth, to undercut governm ent’s the Congressional Black Caucus o f the federal programs that are maintain 2002 purchasing power. It eliminate the federally-funded Ed commitment to the least fortunate." in the 108th Congress. critical to tens of millions of Ameri ajso would eliminate Youth Oppor cans. . tunity Grants, fail to raise the maxi The President also is proposing mum awards for Pell tuition grants $1.5 trillion in additional tax cuts and freeze funding for the Child that would be of little benefit to Care and Development Fund. anyone other than the most afflu Rep. Elijah E. Cummings The Bush A dm inistration is ent members of our society. For seeking authority to shift the re example, an average black house income students, would still be less sponsibility for Medicaid to the The NECA-IBEW Electrical JATC (MAH1004) hold would receive only $25 this than one-half o f wha’ is needed states and place a cap on the federal year under the President’s plan to (and $6.2 billion less than the Con dollars that the states would re will accept applications on the following dates: eliminate income taxation on stock gress authorized in 2001 for next ceive - placing at risk the health of July 7 through 11, 2003 - 10am to 4pm dividends - an average Hispanic year). the more than 4.5 million African- A m erican house July 14 through 18, 2003 - 10am to 4pm A m erican chil hold w ould gain dren w ho cu r only $30. rently participate Please check our web site for current information. Faced with these in Medicaid and www.nietc.org realities, reasonable the C h ild re n ’s p eo p le ca n no H ea lth In s u r longer avoid asking ance Program. Apply At: NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center to u g h q u e s tio n s S e c tio n 8 16021 NE Airport Way Portland, Oregon 97230 about the housing vouch This Is an equal opportunity industry; minorities and females President’s “com ers w o u ld be are encouraged to apply. passion.” transformed into - Rep. Elijah E. Cummings, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus«|* H as the Bush a block grant pro Administration de gram, endanger Call for further information at: clared economic war on Am erica's The budget would also starve ing federal housing assistance in 503-262-9991 working poor? other key federal education pro the future. HOPE VI funding for the Under the President’s proposed grams by failing to maintain the rehabilitation or reconstruction of IB E W federal budget, overall funding for funding levels that Congress ap severely damaged housing units ORt-.CiON C O L U M B I A R the No Child Left Behind Act would proved in 2002 - including the 21 st would be eliminated and other key ELECTRICAL TRAINING CENTER be $9 billion less than the amount Century Learning Center, Teacher federal assistance for public hous that Congress authorized for 2004. Quality, Education Technology, ing would not keep pace with infla Title 1 funding, so critical to low- Impact Aid, Vocational Education, tion. by R ep . E lijah Want to Become an Electrician? Openings available for Inside Electrical Apprentices t Administration proposals would cut, level-fund or radically modify many o f the federal programs that are critical to tens of millions of Americans. NECAl It’s often easier to pick out the vehicle . . . 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Sullivan's Gulch west o f N.E. 20th Avenue, Sunnyside west o f N.E. 20th Avenue, University o f Portland, University Park, Vernon, and Woodlawn. In C e le b r a tio n o f B l a c k H i s t o r y M o n th Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, perfumed the tint successful heart operation in 1893 M adam e CJ. Walker, first self mode American wom an m illionaire • H ym an 5. Thomas, invented the potato chip, originally known as the Saratoga chip • M a tth e w A. Henson, first m an to set foot on the N orth Pole • /essie la ru e M ark, first wom an Purchase any Basket Meal and recieve a FREE Chocolate Hazel Shake when you present this ad to earn a doctorate in botany • Isaac M urphy, won the very first Kentucky Derby • Dr. Charles Drew, discovered the m ethod for preserving blood plasm a • lew el LaF ontant M ankarious, first wom an to argue a case before the U.S. Supreme Court • Yvonne Clark, first woman to earn B.S. in chemical engineering a t Harvard • Louis Armstrong, first to sing in "scat- ting" style • Otis Boykin, invented guided missile device • lane W right, pioneered several advances in the field o f chemother apy • Frederick Mckinley /ones, inventor of portable X-ray machine • W illiam A Hinton, developed first test for syphilis N orbert Rillieux, developed the first system for refining sugar inventor o f the baseball chinguard • LD. • J. Boone, invented the first ironing board . Frank G ra n t Newman, inventor o f the hairbrush • Shelby /. Davidson, created the first adding machine • W illiam Warwick C ardoio, pioneered the study o f sickle cell anemia • Kurds Blow, first rap artist at your Convention Center Burgerville A vailable only at C onvention C enter B urgerville T hrough F E B 2 0 0 3 ' búk ’ ü .’LV/ í TF' kV/’orey_o“ Zo w w w .burgerville.com I 1135 N E M artin Luther K ing Jr. Blvd. *«<»»*■ Koi/ can't talk about Black history without talking about American history. Let s remember the African Americans who helped build America. Q Washington Mutual