PageA2 (Elje JJortlanh (©bseruer celebrates Black History Month Advertise in ,,K' Portland Observer February 12.2003 P olice call 503.388.0033 or email: adsCtPportlandobserver.cóm ■HWfflw Sears Fraud Suspect Sought “T H IS DAY r V M V O A V • »y Vancouver police released these store surveillance pictures to show the suspects in an identity theft and forgery case. Celebrate National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Friday, February 7, 2003 Police try to identify men March to Mobilize in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS On Dec. 6 at approximately 5:50 on surveillance cam eras, but fled p.m. tw o w hite male suspects en ­ the store before they were appre­ tered Sears at W estfield S hop­ hended. ping C enter in V ancouver and O ne o f the suspects has been attempted to commit identity theft identified, but his name will not and forgery. They were caught be released at this time. Theiden- 3:30 p.m. at the Urban League Senior Center 5325 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd at Killingsworth All Community Members Are Invited tity o f the second suspect is still not known. D etectives are ask ­ ing com m unity m em bers to re ­ view the suspect photos p ro ­ vided and contact police if they recognize him. If you can identify the suspect from the photo, please contact the V ancouver Police Department Tip Line at 360-696-8148. Callers should referto D etective Boswell and case num ber VO2-23712. Free HIV Testing Confidential and Anonymous 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Multnomah County Health Department Northeast Health Center 5329 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. at Emerson Man Beat with Bat in Racially M otivated Attack Assailant told victim to go back to his country The victim is a 26-year-old land­ scaper from Aloha who police said was very fearful for his life after the incident. "He says he’s very concerned (A P )— Police are searching for forhis safety," said Detective Den­ a man who allegedly beat a Mexican nis Marley of the Beaverton Police man with a bat and told him to “go Department. back to your country.” The m an’s injuries were not se­ vere, and he was released a day later from Providence St. Vincent Medical Center after being treated Sponsored by the African American HIV/AIDS Network atch a game o f high school hoops or call the plays yourself at the chess hoard. Attend a nearby concert o r make your own music on our piano. At Irvington Village our sensitive assistance helps you remain independent. C 4 Help wllh daily activities like medication management and housekeeping will set you free to live life In a big way. Enjoy our life enriching programs. Savor new friendships over delicious meals. Relax in the security of our commitment. A S S I S E I) L I V I N (,’ with the, o ? accent on up behind the victim, took a small, dark-colored bat from behind his back and hit him on the right eye. The victim fell and blocked another blow with his arm. Kicking the victim and pinning him to the ground, the attacker yanked a gold chain worth $50 off the victim ’s neck and broke his watch while try ing to steal it. As he left, the man turned and said, “You Mexicans better go back to your country.” M arley said technicians were working to enhance a sur­ (5 0 3 ) 823-HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, veillance video from a nearby Portland, Oregon 97204 Bank of America so the attacker might be identified. Police also are working to put together a composite sketch of the at­ tacker. A reward of as much as $500 is offered for information lead­ ing to the arrest and conviction Marcus o f the man with the bat. CRIME STOPPERS Four Suspects Allude Police Authorities can find no motive for the shooting ü •d B Come see the studio and one-bedroom apartments we offer. Call today to schedule a complimentary lunch and tour, (503) 546-9292. Cfodhen pou W a helping hand, let that hand be ours in the emergency room for a swol­ len eye and sore arm. The victim told police two men drove by in a newer, midsized, dark maroon or red pickup truck with a black sticker on the tailgate. As they passed, the passenger yelled something at him, according to police reports. About five minutes later, the man with a shaved head and full beard who had been the passenger came ________ 3K I rvington V illage A Covenant Assisted Living Community 420 N.E. Mason St. Portland. Oregon 97211 (503) 546-9292 Developed and managed by Covenant • Retirement Communities* 1=7 Portland Police Bureau Homicide Detectives, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in solving a murder. On Monday, Dec. 16 at approxi­ mately 4:30 in the afternoon, at South­ east 67'b Reed way, 20-year old Marcus A. Moultrie was shot and killed, for an unknown reason, by four subjects in a vehicle. A cc o rd in g to in v e stig a to rs, Moultrie, who lived near the location where he was shot and killed, was walking home from a grocery store at Southeast 57'*’ and Harold, where he had just purchased food for his three very young children. Stay, live wire. Stay! For a copy of our safety booklet, Electricity 101, call 1-800-791-6093. # PACIFIC POWER Making it happen. A The suspect vehicle was described as similar to an early 1990s Dodge Colt, 4-door hatchback. The vehicle, which was burgundy and silver, had front-end damage, a cracked wind­ shield and “stickers" on the back. The four suspects were described as white males in their late teens to early 20’s. Electric» M all Rapist Convicted Convict faces life sentence in brutal attack in Vancouver mall bathroom (AP) — A man who previ­ ously spent 15 years in prison for rape has been convicted of raping a woman i n a restroom at a shopping mall and now faces a life sentence. A nine-man, three-woman jury deliberated for two hours Feb. 5 in Clark County Superior Court be­ fore returning the verdict in the case of Billy Jo Lynn Hcmenway, 43, rejecting his claim that the woman consented to sex. U n d e r W a s h in g to n ’s “tw o strikes” law for sex offenders, he faces life in prison without parole. Hemenway was released from prison in June after serving 15 years for a similar offense in Nevada. Defense lawyers said they prob­ ably would appeal the conviction. H em enw ay w as arrested O ct. 8, tw o d ay s a fte r a w om an v is­ itin g from the M idw est said she w a s a c c o s te d in a f a m ily restro o m on the u p p er level o f W e s tf ie ld S h o p p in g to w n V an c o u v er w here she had gone to c h a n g e h e r 1 1 -m o n th -o ld d a u g h te r's d iap er. T he w om an te stifie d T u e s­ day that H em enw ay held a knife to her th ro a t, fo rced her in to a sta ll and rap ed h er w h ile she held her baby. She said she d id n 't fig h t b e ­ cau se she w an ted to su rv iv e. “ I kept th in k in g . I ’ve got to w alk o ut o f here a liv e ,’” she te stifie d . “ I h av e to m ake him th in k th is is w hat I w a n t.” Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000fo r information, reported to Crime Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, any you need not give your name. Call Crime Stoppers a t 503- 823-HELP. safety matters Live po w er lines alm ost alw ays stay on pow er poles w here they belong, delivering the po w er w e d epend u p o n an d expect. But som etim es the weather, trees o r accidents interfere an d knock them dow n. T hat's w hen it gets dangerous. A dow n ed line can look harm less, but it can still be a live w ire - pow erful enough to kill and even energize th e ground aro u n d it. Please rem em ber th ese w ords of caution: ■ N ever touch or go near a fallen pow er line. ■ Do not touch anything on w hich the w ire is resting. ■ Use extrem e caution an d explain the d an g er to y o u r children. ■ If you see a d o w ned line, call us im m ediately, and w e'll take care of it. O r call 911, Your safety m atters to us. Moultrie was shot and killed as he walked home from a southeast Portland grocery.