February i2 ,2003_________ Œlje Çortlanh (Observer celebrates Black History Month S PORTS C lassifieds / B ids PUBLIC NOTICE Individuals whose names are drawn at random must then satisfy the following criteria in order to be considered further: Be at least eighteen ( 18) years of age: pass the industry strength and agility test; pass the industry container lashing test; pass the industry physical examination and drug/alcohol screen; complete general safety and diversity training. Furthermore, individuals who wish to be eligible for dispatch to clerk jobs must pass the industry cognitive skills examination. Finally, individuals must produce a valid state driver's license at the conclusion of the final processing meeting. Please be further advised that w orking casuals as well as applicants for longshore work have no guarantee or expectation of any amount or type of longshore work or of any advancements or promotions within the longshore industry. Working casuals and applicants are further advised that the ILWU and PMA reserve the right to change and even rescind this hiring program, dispatching privileges, work rules, contractual provisions, work opportunity and possible future advancement or promotion in the longshore industry. (A P )— While most o f the focus was on Michael Jordan at his final All-Star game, Kevin Garnett had an unforgettable night, too. Garnett shot 17-for-24 and scored 37 points, nine o f them in the sec­ ond overtime, and was the MVP as the West defeated the East 155-145 Sunday night in Atlanta, Ga. The six-time All-Star and his Minnesota Timberwolves are of­ ten overlooked. They hope that isn’t the case in the second half of the season as the push for the play­ offs begins. “It got really, really intense,” Garnett said. "I think the second overtime was really, really, really intense.” Wait till he sees what the second half o f the season has in store. The Tim berw olves return to work Tuesday night, taking a record o f 29-20 into their matchup against the Dallas Mavericks, the team with the league’s best record at 38-10. Applicants must request, in writing, that an interest card be mailed to them. All interest cards must be completed in their entirety and be received by mail no later than 5:00 PM, Monday, March 3, 2003, by the Portland Joint Port Labor Relations Committee to be considered valid. A random drawing will be held on Friday, March 7,2003, and the selected applicants will be scheduled for further processing thereafter. Direct all requests by mail as follows: ILWU/PMA Portland JPLRC Attn: Casual Selection Program Pacific Maritime Association 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 330 Portland, Oregon 97204-3277 This will be an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action selection program. Please also be advised that this hiring program is being conducted in compliance with a voluntary affirmative action plan under which approxim ately one half of the 52 selections will be designated for certain minority applicants to address identified imbalances in the composition of the Identified Casual workforce in the Port of Portland. Additional information may be obtained by contacting Facilities Services, 100 Adams Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2001 or telephone 541-737-8410. Michael Jordan reacts after pulling the East ahead in the final seconds o f the first overtime in the 2003 NBA All Star Game in Atlanta, Sunday. But with no time left, the West's Kobe Bryant made two b f three free throws to send the game into the second overtime. The West went on to win, 155-145. (AP photo) NBA’s best take unforgettable night to double overtime Identified casual workers occupy entry-level part-time positions. They are not eligible for and do not receive welfare (medical, dental, etc.) benefits, holiday pay, ILWU-PMA Pay Guarantee Plan benefits, vacation pay, pension benefits, or any type of so-called “fringe benefits" under the ILWU-PMA labor agreement or otherwise. Sealed bids for the MU Building Elevator Renovation Project will be received by the Oregon State Board of Higher Education until 2:30 PM local time March 11, 2003. Bids will be opened and publicly read aloud on March 12,2003 at 2:30 PM local time. All bidders must be registered with the Construction Contractor’s Board. continued Jordan, Garnett Share All Star Spotlight The Portland Joint Port Longshore Labor Relations Committee is conducting a selection program for new casual longshore personnel for the Port of Portland. A random drawing will be held to select approximately 52 individuals to be considered for positions as identified casuals in the port of Portland. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID C o n ni I e in n u d n i it t y r Minnesota is currently tied with Utah for fifth in the Western Con­ ference, from which eight teams will advance to the playoffs. If the season ended today, the three-time defending champion Los Angeles Lakers wouldn’t qualify for the postseason. Finally over .500 with a record of 24-23, the Lakers still must catch one of the teams ahead of them to have a shot at title No. 4. Shaquille O ’Neal and Kobe Bryant displayed no fear of failing to make the top eight as they spoke with reporters for 45 minutes early Sunday. O ’Neal said he wants his legacy to be that o f a five-time champion. Los Angeles will play eight of its remaining 11 February games at home. In March, the Lakers play six home games and 10 road games. While everyone seems to be­ lieve it’s a given that the Lakers will continue to shake off their early- Fiscal Clerk Salem Area Mass Transit District has a fu ll-tim e op ening fo r a Fiscal Clerk to perform a variety of clerical and fiscal support duties fo r o u r B u s in e s s S e rv ic e s Division. Starting wage $12.96 per hour. Come in or call 503- 5 8 8 -2 4 2 4 to o b ta in o ffic ia l D istrict a p p lica tion form and d e ta ile d re c ru itm e n t announcement. Send completed application form to Salem Area Mass Transit D istrict, Human Resources Division, 555 Court St., NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR 97301-3736. O fficia l D istrict a p p lic a tio n form m ust be co m p le te d and re c e iv e d at District by 4:30 p.m. February 21, 2 00 3 . V is it o u r w eb s ite at: www.cherriots.org. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Attn: Int’l Company seeks 5 Key individuals to make $1500-$4500 PT/FT Call 1-888 685-7354 Renovation of Women’s Transition Center Houses Portland, OR Bid Date: February 20,2003 @ 11:00 A.M. sllco Advertise with diversity CONSTRUCTION COMPANY in P.O.Box83299 • Portland,OR97283-0299 (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -8 1 5 5 • Fax # 286-8079 CCB #33578 1 hc Portland ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Golden State Warriors'Jason Richardson puts away a winning basket Saturday to defend his Siam Dunk title as part o f the 2003 NBA All Star Game. (AP photo) (AP) — Jason R ichardson’s bounce pass off Carlos Boozer’s forehead was the highlight o f the afternoon. His final throw-down in the dunk contest was the perfect ending to the night. Richardson had the most dy­ namic day of any of the participants in All-Star Saturday - even if one of his opponents in the Rookie Chal­ lenge wasn’t all that happy about it. Richardson led all scorers with 31 points in the rookie game, end­ ing it by hitting a 3-pointer after he bounced a pass to him self o ff Boozer. The second-year Golden State Warriors guard then became the first repeat winner of the dunk con­ test since Michael Jordan did it 15 years earlier. Richardson finished things off with a spectacular dunk, coming in along the baseline, catching his lob pass, putting the ball between his legs and switching it from his right hand to his left before slamming it through. Multi-Cultural Hall Hosts Dinner Observer S ales t season struggles, there are no guar­ antees that Los Angeles will play good enough basketball in the re­ maining 35 games to qualify for the postseason. Included on their schedule are three games against Yao Ming and the Houston Rockets - the Western Conference team widely considered the most likely to slip out o f the playoff picture in the second half. “In the second half of the season, we should work harder because I know the team which is following us is the Lakers," Yao said. In the E astern C onference, Jordan’s Washington Wizards cur­ rently reside in eighth place with a record o f24-25. Jordan had an up-and-down fare­ well at Sunday ' s All-Star game, and the trick over the next two months will be to ratchet up his game one last time so that his final pro appear- ancedoesn'tcom e in his final regu­ lar-season game. Richardson Repeats C lassifieds as Slam Dunk Champ An Equal Opportunity Employer This is a great opportunity for the rig h t in d iv id u a l. W a s h te n a w Mortgage is looking for a highly motivated and strong customer PARKING FACILITY Operator service oriented individual. We are a N a tio n a l W h o le s a le Immediate full and part-time open­ M o rtg a g e le n d e r w ho d e a ls ings. Seeking dependable, well- p rim a rily in c o n fo rm in g groomed, positive Individuals. conventional and FHA products. $8.00 + Starting wage The person in this position would Overtime/advancem ent be responsible for maintaining potential and e xp a n d in g our b u sin e ss Medical & Dental, re la tio n s h ip s in O re g o n . 401K avail. Wholesale mortgage and sales Drug test/Background Check experience required. To apply New hires must have acceptable please send your resume to: documentation to confirm both identity and eligibility to work. Washtenaw Mortgage Apply 12:00-12:30 PM, Tues 3767 Ranchero Dr. & Thurs at Ann Arbor, Ml 48108 City Center Parking Fax: 734 662-9517 130 SW Stark, Portland Email: Hr@washtenawmortgage.com from Metro Valentines Day Ball OF CASUAL LONGSHORE HIRING PROGRAM IN PORT OF PORTLAND Please be further advised that any complaints concerning the hiring process, including any claim regarding the non selection of an applicant, must be filed as a grievance with the Joint Port Labor Relations Committee under Section 13.3 of the Pacific Coast Longshore and Clerks Agreement within ten (10) days of the incident giving rise to the complaint. Failure to file a timely grievance means that the complaint will be treated as invalid. Please also note, however, that any grievance challenging the adoption or use of the affirmative action plan will not be processed or acted upon. Page B7 call 503.288.0033 oremail: adsiSportlandobservercom The Oregon Multi-Cultural Hall o f Fame will be inducting a new group of athletes whose lives exemplify the success made by minorities in the Northwest community into its honor roll. The third annual induction dinnerw ill be held Sunday, Feb. 16at 6p.m. at the Mucho Grande restaurant in the Ramada Inn located at lON.Wcidler. The Oregon Multi-Cultural Sports Hall o f Fame is supported by private donations. For more information regarding the induction dinner and how to contribute to this growing organization, contact Thad Spencer at 503-221 -0288. AFFORDABLE The A frican A m erican M en ’s Club will hold it's annual V alen­ tines Ball, featuring the Kirk G reen Band, on Friday, Feb. 14 from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the Melody Ballroom , located at 615 SE A l­ der St. Sem i form al attire is re ­ quires w ith form al attire o p ­ tional. Tickets can be purchased at C an n o n 's Rib E xpress, H air Creations, O ne Stop M usic, E-Z Nail o r any Fred M eyer Fastixx Location. Linnton Center Benefit Darcelle XV, Portland’s premiere drag queen will, headline a ben­ efit to aid the Linnton C om m u­ nity C enter on Sunday, Feb. 16 with an Italian style dinner at 6 p.m. and a perform ance by the D arcelle XV and Co. perfor­ m ance troupe at 7:30 p.m. The evening o f glitz, glam our and com edy will benefit the recently reopened L innton C om m unity center w ith the hopes o f raising $30,000 the facility needs for repairs. T he center is located roughly one m ile northw est o f the St. Johns Bridge on US High­ way 30 at NW 107th. For more inform ation, page Pat W agner at 503-323-0213. King School Chili Benefit N atu re’s on Frem ont will host a Chili Benefit for King E lem en­ tary School on Saturday, Feb. 22 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Come to 3535 NE 15th Ave. and by a bowl o f chili, cornbread and a soda for only $4. For inform ation, call Jerome at 503-288-3414. Free CPR Classes The A m erican H eart A ssocia­ tion is offering free CPR classes on Saturday, Feb. 22 at O M SI, Clackamas Community College, and V ancouver’s N orthw est R e­ gional T raining C enter, 11606 N.E. 66th St., Suite 103. A Span­ ish language CPR class will be held at the sam e tim e at C entro C u ltu ral, 1110 N. A dair, in C ornelius. R egister online at http://local.am ericanheart.org or by calling 1-800-452-9445. Hospice Training Available Kaiser Permanente provides free hospice training to volunteers willing to give physical and em o­ tional support for term inally ill patients in the Portland area and p r o v id e r e s p ite fo r th e ir caregivers. The training is in P o rtla n d o n T u e s d a y s an d Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. through Feb. 27. For m ore inform ation, call K aiser hospice volunteer coordinator Juanita Oliver at.503-499-5285. Privilege & Power Workshop In celebration o f Black History Month, Lewis and Clark College w ill host a w orkshop on P rivi­ lege and Power, led by Paul Ki vel and V ictor Lee Lew is, that ex ­ plores the definition of white privilege and how it m anifests through m ale dom inance, g en­ der, race and sexuality. The w orkshop will be held in Stamm West in the T em pleton Student C enter on T hursday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. For more information, call 503-768-8166. Homes for Pets Wanted The O regon H um ane Society is extending its outreach efforts to area pet stores this m onth. To help the H um ane Society bring hom eless pets into the co m m u ­ nity, call 503-285-7722, ex ten ­ sion 204. Dean’s Beauty & Barber Shop .1 DOLLARS OFF Tuesdays through Thursdays LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Two Locations: Portland 503-284-9582 Oregon City 5 0 3 -6 5 6 -2 1 1 6 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) I Senior Citizens days are Tuesday 215 N.E. Hancock St., Portland, OR (50.3)282-2920 BA RBERS: A.I). Williams Richard Edwards I yrone Frazier (new stylist) W A L K -IN S W ELCOM E PRESS fc CI'RLS SPECIAL SÖ " This Special ends a t the end o f February —