Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 12, 2003, Page 18, Image 18

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    ®lje Jlorthmh ©bseruer celebrates Black History Month ________ February 12.2003
Page B6
C lassifieds / B
Join our TriMet
Marketing Department
Senior Promotions
b 71
M etro
G a te A t te n d a n t Cortland Center
for th e P erform ing Arts. $9.73/
hour, PT, D e a d lin e 0 2 -1 8 -0 3 .
Ta ke s tic k e ts , m o n ito rs d o o rs
during events, directs patrons and
o c c a s io n a lly p a tr o ls s p e c ia l
P a r k W o r k e r s . $8.25 $9.25/
h o u r, FT, S e a s o n a l, O p e n
C o n tin u o u s. V a rio u s po sitio n s,
based either at Blue Lake Park or
O xbow Park. A ssists in providing
a sa fe and en joya b le experience
for visitors; collects fees from park
v is ito rs ; c le a n s and m a in ta in s
restroom s, and perform s grounds
m ainten an ce including, but not
lim ite d to, m o w in g , trim m in g ,
w eeding, irrigation, a nd garb age
r e m o v a l. R e q u ir e s a b ilit y to
operate veh icles and e q u ip m en t
with m inim al tra in ing. Perform s
stren u ou s physical labor fo r long
periods. M ust be at least 18 years
o f a ge. R e q u ire s v a lid d riv e r’s
R eq u ired a p p lica tio n m a terials
a v a ila b le a t: M e tro H u m a n
R e s o u r c e s , 6 0 0 N E G ra n d
Aven ue , Portland, OR. R esum es
are n ot a cc e p te d . P le ase call
(5 0 3 ) 797-1570 if you would like
app lication m aterials m ailed to
yo u. W eb address: w w w .m etro-
A A /E E O E m p lo y e r
Salem Area M ass Transit District
is s e e k in g a n e x p e r ie n c e d
Procurem ent Specialist to join our
Business Services Division. Under
th e g e n e r a l d ir e c t io n o f th e
B u s in e s s S e r v ic e s D ir e c to r
p e r fo r m s a w id e v a r ie t y o f
a d m in is tra tiv e a n d te c h n ic a l
duties organizing and overseeing
a ll p u r c h a s in g a n d a c c o u n ts
payable activities for th e District.
Requirem ents: Bachelor's Degree
b u s in e s s
p u b lic
a d m in istra tio n , p re fe ra b ly with
m ajor course work in accounting,
finance, purchasing or econom ics
and five professional pu rch asin g
e xp e rie n c e , in c lu d in g one ye a r
e x p e r ie n c e a n d tr a in in g . T h e
annual sa lary range is $43,191 to
$56,271. The D istrict also offers
a n e x c e lle n t fr in g e b e n e fit
C om e in or call 503-588-2424 to
obtain an official application form
d e t a ile d
r e c r u itm e n t
announcem ent. Send com pleted
app lication form to Salem Area
M a ss T ra n s it D is tric t, H u m an
R e s o u rc e s D ivision , 555 C o u rt
St., NE, Su ite 5230, Salem , OR
9 7 3 0 1 -3 7 3 6 . O ffic ia l D is tric t
a p p lic a t io n fo rm m u s t be
c o m p le t e d a n d r e c e iv e d a t
D istrict by 4 :3 0 p.m . M arch 7,
2 0 0 3 . V is it o u r w e b s ite a t ” :
In this strategic and creative role,
you w ill c o n c e p tu a lize , d esign ,
im p le m e n t
m o n ito r
c o m p r e h e n s iv e
m a r k e tin g
c a m p a ig n s to s u p p o rt a g e n c y
Q ualified candidates m ust have
a bachelor's degree in m arketing,
communications, public affairs, or
a d v e r t is in g w ith f iv e y e a r s '
e x p e r ie n c e w ith p r o g r e s s iv e
r e s p o n s ib ilit y in m a r k e tin g ,
prom otions, a d vertisin g, pu blic
relations, or brand m anagem ent.
Additional years of specifically job-
re la te d e x p e r ie n c e m a y be
s u b s titu te d
fo r
d e g re e .
Experience in project and sta ff
m a n a g e m e n t d e s ire d . O r a n y
e q u iv a le n t c o m b in a tio n o f
experience and training. H iring
ra n g e o f $ 3 ,6 9 0 -$ 4 ,6 1 2 p e r
Event Representative
A better career could be yours!
Learn about job openings
available now.
TriMet offers an excellent benefits
package. Q ualified can dida tes
m ust subm it a TriM et application
w ith a c o ve r le tte r/re sd m e no
later than February 2 1 st to the
Human Resources Dept., 4012 SE
17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202.
You m ay call 5 0 3 -9 6 2 -7 5 05 for
inform ation or visit our website at
ww w .trim et.org/jobs/.
Salem Area M ass Transit has a
fu ll-tim e o p e n in g fo r a F isc a l
A ssista n t to perform diversified
accounting duties, prim arily those
pertaining to accounts receivable
and payroll. Starting wage #14.25
pe r hour. C o n ta ct o u r H um an
Resources D ivision at 555 Court
St., NE, Suite 5230, Salem , OR
9 7 3 0 1 * 3 7 3 6 or call 5 0 3-588-
2 4 2 4 fo r O f f ic ia l D is t r ic t
a p p lic a tio n fo rm a nd d e ta ile d
r e c r u itm e n t a n n o u n c e m e n t.
C om pleted applications m ust be
received by D istrict by 4 :3 0 p.m.
on February 21, 2003. V isit our
web site at: w w w .cherriots.org.
An Equal Em ploym ent
Opportunity Employer.
City of Portland
You also can apply online a t
Bureau of Purchases
Providence | Health System
lO O
Providence Health System is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action
employer. Pre-employment drug and health screens are required.
Career O pportunities
Inform ation a b out career o p portu n ities with the
Port o f Portland can be obtained by c a llin g the Job H otline at
(503) 944-7480. H earing im paired a pp lican ts m ay call TDD,
(503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting the Port's
website at www.portportlandor.com or by calling (503) 944-7400
or by visiting the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street,
I’he Port of Portland is an
Equal Opportunity Employer
City of Portland
West Side CSO Project
Supply and Installation of Reinforcing Steel
Notice to bidders;
Im pregilo H ea ly JV will be receivin g bids fo r th e S u p p ly and
Installation o f R einforcing Steel. P r o p o s a ls a r e d u e b y 1 1 : 0 0
a . m . o n T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 1 8 , 2 0 0 3 . For in fo rm a tio n
Sealed bids for th e H ousing A u th ority o f th e C ity o f Salem will be
received by Jean Lay, C ity Recorder, Room 205, C ity Hall, Salem ,
O regon 97301, u n til, b u t n o t a f t e r 4 :0 0 p .m ., lo c a l tim e ,
M a rc h 1 8 , 2 0 0 3 .
Bids will be publicly opened and read in the City Council cham bers,
Room 240, C ity Hall, for the project sp ecified herein at 1 1 :0 0
a .m ., lo c a l tim e , W e d n e s d a y , M a rc h 1 9 , 2 0 0 3 .
B id d e r's a tte n tio n is draw n to c o m p lia n c e o f O R S 2 79.027
regardin g su b m ission o f the First-Tier S u b con tra ctor D isclosure
Form by the deadline indicated on the form . Disclosure form s are
provided within th e form al bid docum ents.
T h e “ In fo rm a tio n fo r B id d e rs ", “ B id B o n d ", C o n tra c t, a n d
Perform ance & Paym ent Bond, Plans, S p ecifica tion s, and other
contract docum ents m ay be exam ined and obtained at the office
of the P u rchasing Adm inistrator, 555 Liberty ST. S.E./Room 330,
Salem . O regon 9 7 3 0 1 3 5 0 3 , phone: (5 0 3) 588-6136.
W ork D escription: Rem odel existin g en try area, and rem oval and
replacem ent o f existing sta n ding seam m etal roof, single ply roof
and rigid insulation and fla sh in g at Prin gle C re ek Tower and
adjacent H ousing Authority Adm inistration Building.
regarding this Project, please contact Gary Anderson of Im p r e g ilo
H e a ly J V a t 5 0 3 - 5 9 5 - 4 9 2 4 . Invitation to Bid for th is project is
available at Precision Im ages and can be view ed at the local plan
centers and through Mr. Vernell W est o f V. W est C on tra ctin g and
Consulting. Those interested in subm ittinga proposal for this project
are directed to solicit M /W /ESB participation form firm s who are
capable o f providing detailing assistance.
A public m e eting o f th e B ud get C om m itte e o f the Tri-C ou nty
M e tro p o lita n T ra n s p o rta tio n D is tric t (T ri-M e t), G ta cka m a s,
M ultnom ah and W ashington Counties o f O regon, to discuss the
budget for the fiscal ye ar Ju ly 1, 2003 to Ju n e 30, 2004, will be
held in room C o f the Portland Building, 1120 S.W . Fifth Avenue,
Portland, O regon. The m eeting will take place on the M arch 26,
2003 at 9 :00 a.m . The purpose of the m e eting is to receive the
budget m essage and to receive com m ents from the public on the
budget. A cop y o f th e budget docum ent m ay be inspected or
obtained on or after March 26 at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue, Portland,
Oregon betw een the hours o f 8:00 a.m . and 5:00 p.m., M onday
through Friday.
T h is is a p u b lic m e e tin g w e re d e lib e ra tio n o f th e B u d ge t
Com m ittee will take place. Any person m ay appear at the m eeting
and discuss the proposed program s with the Budget Com m ittee.
David Auxier, Budget O fficer
5736 N. Albina, Portland, OR 97217
(State Certified, CPR Trained, and C rim inal H istory Check)
For m ore in fo rm a tio n , please contact Andrea Irby at
P h o n e :5 0 3 -2 8 5 3328 • FAX 5 0 3 -2 8 3 -8 5 02
Bids m ust be subm itted on the bid form s furnished to bidders. Bid
form s shall be subm itted in a sealed en velop e pla inly m arked
B ID O N P R O J E C T /P C T L O B B Y R E M O D E L A N D R E -R O O F IN O -
B ID N O . 0 2 3 2 0 6 " , and show the nam e and business a ddress of
the bidder.
Any objections to or comments upon the Bid specification must
be subm itted in writing to the office o f the Purchasing
Administrator, City Hall, Room 330, 555 Liberty Street S.E.,
Salem, Oregon 97301. They must be received no later than
MABGIL&-2SQ3 ® 5.-0Q P.M., ten (10) City business days
before the bid closing date.
A V O L U N T A R Y P R E -B ID C O N F E R E N C E will be held at H ousing
A u th o rity East W ing, 3 6 0 Church S tree t SE., S a lem , O regon,
p r o m p tly a t 1 : 0 0 p .m . o n T u e s d a y , F e b r u a r y 2 5 , 2 0 0 3 .
A tour of project site(s) will follow the pre-bid conference. O nly one
orientation will be held. R equests fo r individual conferences and
site visits by proposers will not be accom m odated. The entire pre­
bid conference is expected to last a pp roxim a tely one (1) hour. A
surety bond, cash ier check, or certified check o f th e bidder in the
am ount o fte n percent (10% ) o f the bid m ust be attached to each
proposal as bid security. U nsuccessful b idders will have th eir
secu rity refunded to them when the contra ct has been aw arded.
No bid, exceed in g $ 2 ,00 0 will be received or considered by the
Salem Housing Authority or any of its officers unless the bid contains
a sta te m en t by th e bidder (b y sig n in g his prop osa l) th a t th e
provision s o f th e D avis-B acon Act (40 U .S.C . 276a) sh all be
com plied with. Every contractor or su b con tra cto r Is r e q u ir e d to
post the app licab le prevailin g w age rates in a conspicu ou s and
a ccessib le place in or a b out the w ork site fo r th e du ration o f the
job . C ontractors and subcontractors w ho intentionally fail to post
th e PW R can be m ade ineligible to receive a n y public w orks
contra ct for up to three years.
The successful B idder will be required to fu rn ish and pay for
sa tisfa ctory Perform ance and Paym ent Bond, in th e full am ount
o f th e C ontract.
The Salem Housing Authority is an Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity/
Affirm ative Action Employer,
• Statistics Analyst
Salary $2,597 $3.724/month
Announcement »0CDT3134 Salem
A tte n tio n is c a lle d to th e p ro vis io n s fo r e q u a l e m p lo ym e n t
opportunity, M BE goal of 20% , insurance requirem ents, and the
paym ent of not less than the m inim um salaries and w ages as set
forth in th e Specifications.
• Motor Carrier Specialist
Salary $2,664 - $3.699/month
Announcement #0CDT3034 Salem/Portland
(2 6 hrs/w k - benefited)
Equal O pportunity Em ployer
Tualatin V alley C en ters offers a
c o m p e titiv e s a la ry , e x c e lle n t
benefits and has a te rrific staff.
In te re s te d a p p lic a n ts m a y fa x
re s u m e s to 5 0 3 -6 9 0 -9 6 0 5 or
m ail to TVC, 14600 NW C ornell
Rd, P o rtla n d . O R 97229 Attn:
H um an R e s o u rc e s .
P le a s e
include in yo u r cover letter the
p o s itio n fo r w h ic h y o u a re
applying. To learn m ore about TVC
please check ou t ou r web site at
w w w .tvcenters.org.
1120 S W F ifth A ve, Room 750 P o rtlan d O R 97204
CT-CBÜ3NES5 ç t“ *
An Equal O pportu nity Em ployer
Provides ou trea ch to the African
Am erican c o m m u n ity to provide
in fo r m a tio n a b o u t p r o b le m
g a m b lin g and fa cilitate referrals
, to problem g am b lin g trea tm e nt.
Requires thorough understanding
o f th e
A fr ic a n
A m e r ic a n
com m u n ity and a ddiction s: the
a b ility to p ro v id e fo rm a l a n d
inform al outreach activities which
w ill in c re a s e r e fe r r a ls to th e
treatm ent program .
For contracting and vendor opportunities with the
City of Portland, please log on to the Bureau of
Purchases Web Page:
Call 5 0 3 -2 1 5 -5 7 7 0 or visit the
Providence Employment Center,
1235 NE 47th Avenue, Suite 200.
This is an excellent opportunity for
one w ho can actively build and
strengthen relation sh ips in th e
c o m m u n ity th ro u g h e v e n t and
program im plem entation. Your
presentation skills will build public
c o n fid e n c e a n d s u p p o r t fo r
v is ib ility o f T riM e t g o a ls a n d
Q ualified candidates m ust have
a bachelor’s degree in m arketing,
com m unications, public affairs or
a related field. You will have three
y e a r s ’ e x p e r ie n c e in e v e n t
planning, com m unity organizing,
c o m m u n ic a tio n s , o r p r o d u c t
m anagem ent. Additional years of
specifically job re la te d experience
m ay be su bstituted fo r a degree.
Or any equivalent com bination of
tra in in g and experience. H iring
range of $3,O 94 -$ 3 ,8 6 8/m onth
_______ CITY OF PORTLAND_______
As perm itted by state law and required by th e U.S. D epartm ent of
H ousing and Urban Developm ent:
- Planning Data Analyst
These are just a few of the current job openings
available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job information
are available at: a) local Employment Department
field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page
at: www.oregonjobs.org
The State of Oregon and all its divisions are
proud to be equal opportunity employers.
Salary $2,357 - $3,375/month
Announcement »0CDT3313 Salem
• Research Coordinator
Salary $3,661 - $5,242/month
Announcement HOCDT3315 Salem
• Access Management Planner
Salary $3,486 $4,991/month
Announcement HOCDT3317 Salem
joining the Oregon Department of Human Services (OHS), the
statewide health and human services agency. We help Oregonians
be independent, healthy, and safe. We are absolutely committed to
ongoing innovation in the delivery of services, and we are committed
to recruiting developing and retaining a diverse workforce.
Salary $3,009 - $4,437/month
Announcement #0€DT3010 Albany
■ Electrician
Lead Worker
Salary $3,698 $4,265/month
(+5% Lead Differential,
Announcement #0C0T3052 Grants Pass
• Roadway/Highway M aintenance Specialist
• Physician Specialist
Salary $2,115 - $2,925/month
Announcement »OCDT30O7 McMinnville
Staff Psychiatrist
Salary Range: $114.000 $121.843 annually
Announcement «UC3093839 - Pendleton
Open until filled
Interest will not a ccru e on retainage, and
c. Bonds or se cu rities m ay not be su b stitu ted as an alternate
form o f retainage.
The Salem H ousing Authority reserves the right to reject any or all
bids, to w aive fo rm a lities in the b idding and o f postp onin g the
aw ard of the con tra ct fo r th irty (30) days. Prices bid shall be firm
fo r a period o f 30 days after th e closin g date. No Bidder m ay
w ithdraw their bid within thirty (30) calendar days after the date of
bid o p e n in g . In q u irie s c o n c e rn in g th e c o n te n t o f th e bid
s p e c ific a tio n s sh o u ld be d ire cte d to D avid T. C o o k, P roject
Coordinator, Salem H ousing Authority, at (503) 588-6478.
• Roadway/Highway Maintenance Specialist
To obtain a detailed job announcement and application materials
visit the OHS website: http://personnel.hr.state.or.us; call the DHS
job line at (503) 945-5742; TTY (503) 945-6214 or contact any local
Oregon Employment office. Information is available by referencing
the announcement number(s).
ODOT supports a vast range of innovative transportation products
and services, touching the life of every Oregonian, every day.
Explore our variety of rewarding occupations ..
- Transportation Maintenance Manager
R etainage is 10 percen t not 5 percent
e g o
Salary $2,115 • $2,925/month
Announcement »OCDT3008 Salem
■ Highway Maintenance Specialist
Salary $2.115 - $2,925/month
Announcement KOCOT3056 Portland Metro Area
To apply, you must obtain a copy of the appropriate announcement
number, which provides full details, qualrfications/requirements. and
how to apply instructions Call (503) 986-4030 [TTY (503) 9863854
for the hearing impaired,, or visit www.odot.state.or.us/jobs. As an
AA/EEO employer. ODOT is committed to integrating the promotion
and management of workforce diversity and affirmative action into
every facet of our business
Employment/ Housing
Program Manager
40 hrs/p/wk w/ben @ entry salary
o f $ 3 4 ,0 0 0 $ 3 7 ,0 0 0 . R e q ’d:
M SW ; m in 5 yrs exp in hm n sve;
c e rtification /train in g & 2 yrs exp
w rkg in se lf-su f housing/em ploy.
A p p ly in P e rs o n a t P o rtla n d
Im p a c t, 4 7 0 7 S E H a w th ro n e .
Q u e stio n s call 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -6 0 0 0 .
Program Office Specialist I
20 hrs/p/w k w /ben @ $11.04-
$12.61 hourly. Req'd: Assoc deg
or equiv; m in o f 2 yrs exp adm in
assist; Apply in Person at Portland
Im p a c t, 47 07 S E H a w th ro n e .
Q u e s tio n s call 5 0 3 9 8 8 -6 0 0 0 .