Februaiy i2 ,2003_________ CElje Jlortlanh ©bseruer celebrates Black History Month Page BS R eligion Music, Words and Muslims Take Journey to Blessed Place Poetrg for Peace Area residents are invited to the St. Andrews Commu­ nity Center on Northeast 8th and A lberta to prom ote a peaceful culture and celebrate Susan B. Anthony’s birthday in conjunction with interna­ tional events against war. The free program from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. ,5 features The Gospel Music Workshop of America choir and local m usicians Sam usson and T o m assi, Yvonne Simmons and Juliete Wyers. Human and civil rights activists Kathleen Sadaat and Lisa Clay are also scheduled to address the celebration. Re­ freshments and peace puppets will be provided and audience participation is encouraged. For more information, call The Gospel Music Workshop o f America choir is scheduled to perform Feb. 15 at St. Andrews Church to promote a peaceful culture. 503-288-8958. SUNLAN & The Light Bulb Lady Space Burgers Owner Remembered BEMY VALENTINE ANDGIVE ME SUNSHINE 1 walk in to my house, turn on all the lights and still cannot make it bright enough to chase a way the winter blues. How come? THE RIGHT LIGHT TO CHASE THE WINTER BLUES Zs a light that is very close to the light nature created Early man A m em orial ser­ vice was held at Rose City Funeral H ome F rid a y , w ith c o n ­ cluding services and in te rm e n t in R o se C ity C em etery, for W illia m " B ill” T. R u s s e ll S r,, a ls o know rt as “ D ad d y Russell.” H e w a s b o rn M arch 25, 1926 in L eav en w o rth . K an. to V elm a W ashing­ ton and Eddie Russell. A fter serving in the U.S. Arm y and fight­ ing in the Korean Con- William flict, he m oved to Portland to work part-tim e as a w aiter and host for the old A laddin Restaurant, once lo ­ cated in the Lloyd C enter Mall. From 1965 to 1976 he ow ned and operated the family busi­ ness, Space Burgers & D rive- lived by light, sun up - go to work, Sundown-go to sleep. Today, we are expected to work before sunrise and after sunset we are home doing the family thing. We go from one dark cave to another. Our lights let us see what we are doing but do not provide Sunlight Sulan has several sun like like lights in the play room to help Light up your life. More next month... S at 10 am -4 p m • 503- 281-0453 3901 N . M ississip p i A ve. Church of the Living God Christian workersforfellowship 6401 N.E. 10lh Avenue Portland, Oregon 97211 Pastor and First Lady Roy G. Moxie Services Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Worship Wed. Bible Study 9:45 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 7:00P.M. 7:00P.M. and the first to leave. H is sp o rtin g ac tiv i­ ties in v o lv ed a little fish in g in his early years, bow ling and m ore than anything go lfin g . H e w as an activ e m em b er and past presid en t o f the L eisu re H our G o lf Club. H e is su rv iv ed by his ch ild ren ; W ill­ ia m " B i l l y ” J r ., J e a n e tte , V e lm a , S y lv ia, K athy, A n ­ g ela and M eish ia; h is c o m p a n io n o f o v e r 21 y e a r s ; T. Russell loved golf and good food. M arie W oods, and in D airy on North Shaver and h er ch ild ren ; 19 g ra n d c h il­ V ancouver. d ren , 5 g ran d ch ild ren , c o u s­ He e n jo y ed social g ath erin g s ins and a h o st o f fam ily and w ith th e fa m ily a n d c lo s e clo se frie n d s. H e w as p re ­ frien d s, esp ecially w hen it in ­ ced ed in d eath by tw o c h il­ v o lv ed good hom e co o k in g . He d r e n ; E d w in R u s s e ll an d w as alw ay s the first to arrive C aro ly n B iggers. Hajj is celebrated worldwide as the “Festival of Sacrifice” F areeua S aahik F or h ie P or i land O bserver More than 4,000 years ago Allah (God)commanded Prophet Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Isma'il in the Nameot Allah. At that time there was no Mecca in Saudia Arabia. The father took his son to a hill near Mina, a few miles from present day Mecca. As the prophet was about to commit the slaughter, Allah sent Jibra’eel to replace Isma’il with a grown lamb. God accepted the great sacrifice. This day, which falls every year a day after Hajj, is celebrated throughout the Islamic world as Eid-ul-Adha, the Festival of Sacrifice. Previously, when Isma'il wasjust an infant, it was ordained by Allah that Prophet Ibrahim would aban­ don his younger wife, Hajar, and his only son in the desert and go back to his elder wife, Sara who was an Egyptian princess. Hajar was extremely ptxtr and humble to the degree that Sarah did not object to her becoming the second wife of her husband, Ibrahim, in order to bear him a chi Id. When, after a few days the waterskin left by Prophet Ibrahim became empty, the mother, Hajar and the infant Isma'il were at the verge of dying of thirst. The mother kept on running between two hills Safa and Marwa and cry­ ing out to Allah for a drop of water. The rituals of Hajj are a memory of Hajar. Allah’s miracle happened and the place where the infant was crying and rubbing his tiny feet on the ground, a spring of sweet water gushed out. The spring, after 4,(XX) years is still supplying tons o f wa­ ter and is the famous well of Zam Zam in the House of the Lord. When Prophet Ism a’il had be­ come a teenager, Allah sent back Prophet Ibrahimtohim. Both father and son were then directed by Al­ lah to stone walls around the heav­ enly rock that is Kaaba, the house of the Lord. Prophet Ibrahim and Isma’ ill, af­ ter finishing their work, were taught by Allah to go round the Kaaba seven times, and say “I am present My Lord” and pray for Allah Mercy. bv “Wtare there is no vision, The People perish. ” OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 For more information please call (503) 284-5171 STATE FARM (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 HOME OFFlCESrBLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent Suite A Portland, OR 97217 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Commercial and Residencial Services SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING CARPET CLEANING ($25 each area) Il;r ‘P ortiani ®bsrrurr • 2 A reas or more, Sm all Hall Free, Pre-Spray Traffic Areas • S ta irs..........................$ 1 .5 0 each CORDIALLY IN VITE YOU AND A GUEST TO A SPECIAL ADVANCE SCREENING • Sectional $99 & up • Throw pillow s $5 each TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 7 : 3 0 pm ■n 1 Cleaning Area Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hall not included) P' I I I Sofa $35- I UPHOLSTERY COLP( IN"] (under 6 ft.) ! Loveseat & Chair CANNON'S - = ^ RIB EXPRESS (FORMERLYCHUCK HINTON’S ) | UPHOLSTERY CLEANING | I CARPET COUPON | Rev. Ronald Williams 6 527 NEMLK.Jr. Boulevard MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 Loveseat $49 Former Bethel Pastor, Activist Dies former pastor of Bethel Afri­ Former northeast Portland can M ethodist E piscopal pastor and community activist Church was 49. Rev. Ronald Williams died last Williams served the north­ week in Santa Monica, Calif, east Portland church from after a recent stroke. The 1998 until November 2001. INSURANCE COMPANIES Everyone’s Welcome.... j* FAX: I I I I I I .j C atering & Take-Out O ur S pecialty : R eal H ickory S moked B ar -B-Q • Sandwiches • Salads • Chicken • Pork Ribs • Beef Ribs STO P BY TO PICK UP YOUR COMPLIMENTARY PASS FOR TWO AT: HOURS; Mon.-Thurs. llam -9pm Fri.-Sat. 1 lam-10pm Sun. 1 lam-8pm B&B T -S h irts & M o r e I I CATERING EVENTS LARGE AND SMALL (503)284-1810 $119“ ! u r n wkson m t I t i n n i t i i M K m CALL FOR APPO INTM ENTS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 !O . . vince vmighh * * i3 ® M ® R : : W ì < l ”■ i r ’? w HR ■'wr «W CQ "XffET WHILE SUPPLIES LAST LIMIT ONE PASS PER PERSON NO PUR CHASE NECESSARY EACH PASS ADMITS TWO EMPLOYEES OF DREAMWORKS, PORTLAND OBSERVER AND THEIR AFFILIAT ED AGENCIES ARE NOT ELIGIBLE O P E N S N A T IO N W ID E F E B R U A R Y 21” t Fish Sandwich — $8°° Fish Dinner - $10°° FRIDAY & SATURDAY * * * N ew L ocation * * * 5 4 1 0 N.E. 3 3 rd 5 0 3 -2 8 8 - 3 8 3 6 A