© je Jïortlanh ©bseruer Page B4 B usiness directory C U S T O M P R IM T fD <2A R M «N T9 M O M S C IM«DS PUZZLES E M B R O tC X R y SILK SCRC1N NUMBERS Q U IC K GIFTS B Ö B < T-Shi 204 W Kllllngguorth (Vancouver St.) Portland, 0PQ 72II bandbtshirts@earthlink.net p ka lt g l f í t SO3-Z84-1S1O p h o n e SO3-ZS4-191O fax »all! celebrates Black History Month___ February 12.2003 Black History Month ‘I Have A Dream’ Distributed Commemorative brochure offered free during Black History Month DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER NEW • USED • NEW CAPS Taxes. Mounting 4 BaJancing Included FULLY G U A R A N T E E D “A/OkV WITH 2 LOCATIONS' 6841 N.E. M.L.K JR BLVD. PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 (503) 283 9437 4510 S E. 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND. OR 97206 (503) 771-1834 HOURS - MON THRU FRI 9 TO 6 • SAT 9 TO 4 Phone (503) 256-3335 HI-TECH AUTO SERVICES Open M o n -S a t 8A M -8P M Sunday : 10AM - 5PM 10010 NE Sandy Blvd Portland, Oregon 97220 Michael E. Harper, Sr. Coretta Scott King helps to introduce the “I Have A Dream" brochure, including the full text o f her husband's famous speech. Agent n a i l faaai 8288 9045 SW Barbur, Suite 109 Portland, OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503) 227-8757 STATE FARM INSURANCE (DMPAN1ES HOME VFTfcES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® DOMONIQUE'S./ 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 HAIR DESIGN 222 N. Killingsworth ♦Teresa, O w ner & Stylist ♦Deborah, Stylist ♦H orace, Barber 97217 (Vancouver) WHERE THE HEALTH OF YOUR HAIR COMES FIRST! “MISSIONARY GOSPEL SINGER” Dr. M artin Luther King Jr.’s fam ous speech, “ I Have A D ream ,” is now available — in its entirety — free at par­ ticipating 7-Eleven stores. The King Center, Educa­ tion is Freedom Foundation an d 7 -E le v e n , In c . h av e partnered to make the speech available on the front counter o f n eig h b o rh o o d 7-E leven stores, in honor o f Black His­ tory Month. The com m em orative piece includes a unique four-page in tro d u c tio n p e n n e d by Coretta Scott King, the wife o f the late Dr. King, that d e­ scribes the hours leading up to K ing’s«peech and her obser­ vations on the audience re­ sponse to it. This year marks the 40th anniversary o f the March on W ashington for Jobs and Freedom in W ashington, D.C., during which King de- livered “I Have A D ream .” “I have always wanted to have more people read the full text o f M artin ’s ‘I H ave a Dream’ speech because I think the text is very powerful and is very relevant to the concerns of people,” Mrs. King said. Established in 1968, The King Center is the official living me­ morial to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and institutional guardian of his legacy. The King C enter’s mission focuses on developing and disseminating programs that educate the world about Dr. King’s philosophy and methods of nonviolence, human relations, service to mankind, and related teachings and building a national and international network of or­ ganizations that help further the organization's mission and ob­ jectives of building the Beloved Community that Dr. King envi­ sioned. L ib r a r y E x p lo r e s F a m ily H isto r ie s T he N orth P ortland branch T he library is sp onsoring a o fth e M ultnom ah C ounty Li- w orkshop for p eo p le to learn b rary in v ite s a rea re s id e n ts how to g a th e r in fo rm a tio n to ju m p s ta rt th e ir re se a rc h on A fric a n A m e ric a n g en e- into black fam ily h isto ries, alogy on Friday, Feb. 21 from 2 p .m . to 4 p .m . at th e t o r i e s u s i n g a v a r i e t y o f e x - b ra n ch lo c a tio n at 5 1 2 N. am p les and w eb sites, Killingsw orth. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , L ib rary s ta ff w ill d em o n - ca ll th e lib ra ry at 5 0 3 -9 8 8 - strate how to find fam ily his- 4810. ROSE E. FRANKS Booking Information 503-335-0701 Email: rosegospelOyahoo com Title of New CD: One Sweet Day Northwest Angels For All Your Musical Needs Call DAN FRANKS or ROSE E. FRANKS K r la L a c h e r Direct Line (503) 49 7 -5 4 2 0 E-mail: kria@windennere.com Business (503) 286-5477 Fax (503) 220-5788 • Cell (971) 506-HOME Cellular (971) 506-HOME Windermere/Cronin $ Caplan Realty Group, Inc. 8315 N. Denver Ave., Portland, OR 97217 M EAT Special O rders G ladly A ccepted! X ents Providing financial as­ sistance for medical and care Needy Program , which has services. served elderly, blind and men- Also on the chopping block is tally and physically disabled cli- the General Assistance Pro- co n tin u ed Associate Broker V V jf ¥ k 477 V 47 ' Vital Programs Medical Programs Cut f rom M etro Madam’s Suburban Salon 1631 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon (503) 288-1053 Paul Houge m 887-860-0047 8238 N Denver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Phone: (503) 289-3418 E L a g le E L ye O p tic a l gram, which provides care for 2,700 disabled and low-income clients unable to work. In addition, 9,000 older adulLs and people li ving with disabilities in long-term care will also lose their services. The cuts are jamming county offices with clients looking for answers and alternatives. “W e’ve got to get something going,” Hasbun said. “W e’ve got to give back to the disabled people." Hasbun ’ s two-dozen prescrip­ tion bottles have become in­ creasingly empty as the month rolls on. He doesn’t yet know how he’ll refill them. He is clearly frustrated by a system that appears to have betrayed him. But in the face of uncertainty he keeps his own situation in perspective. “There’s a lot of people out there in worse shape than I am,” he said. M any clients in the M edi­ cally Needy Program were 60 years and older. The program covered the M edicare pre­ mium and costs for prescrip­ tion medicine. “Since that program has been cut, our clients have to find ways to pay for the medicines them­ selves," said H asbun’s case manager, Javelin Hardy. H ardy presented H asbun with a list of prescription medi­ cine resources but most will only cover 10 percent of the cost. She knows options are few for Hasbun and thousands of oth­ ers just like him. “He’s a fighter,” she said. “It’s hard seeing those that don’t want to fight.” 2808 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Suite C A d v e rtis e in 503.335.7173 Thc Portland Observer PRESCRIPTION EYEWEAR LICENSED & CERTIFIED OPTICIAN Á call 503.388.0033 Price effective Jan 28 - Feb 28, 2003 Call for appointment, or walk in or email: ads@portlandobserver.com i