Œtje jportlanò ©baeruer _,__ celebrates Black History Month February 12, 2003 f 1 ____ r z K at S Amerie (above) and Ashanti (right) took three Soul Train nominations each. Ladies Lead in Nominations (A P ) — R & B in g en u es "Foolish” and Amerie' s "Why D on’l A sh an ti an d A m erie c o l­ We Fall In Love ” were among nomi­ lected a leading three nom i­ nees for best female R&B single. natio n s fo r the annual Soul A sh an ti, w ho w on tw o honors T rain M u sic A w ards. fo r fav o rite new hip-hop-R & B A sh an ti’s self-titled a l­ a rtist and new pop artist at the bum and A m erie’s “All I A m erican M usic A w ards and has H a v e ” w ere nam ed in the fiv e n o m in atio n s for the u p co m ­ best fem ale R&B album cat­ ing G ram m y s, w as also n o m i­ e g o ry , w h ile A s h a n ti’s nated for soul o r rap album o f the year. Amerie had an ad- Ic e -T See Disney Classics Come To Life On Ice. MAR. 5 - 9 M emorial C oliseum OPENING NIGHT SAVE $6 ON TICKETS! (Excluding Front Row * VIP Scats No double discounts ) MAR. 8 MAR. 9 12 NOON 12 NOON 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 7:30 PM t K ID S U N D E R I S S A V E ( 8 . 5 0 O N TICKETS! O f f e r v a lid a t A r e n a B o x O f f i c e only . (E x c lu d in g F ro n t R o w & V IP S e a ts .) Buy tickets at www.disneyonice.com Ticket Centers including G.l. Joe's and Fred Meyer Stores, Arena Box O ffice or call (5 0 3 )2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 ticketmaster TICKET PRICES: 5.00 Front Row - $30.00 VIP - $17.75 - $12.75 (Serylcerctargei and handling fees may apply.) . d itio n al m en tio n for best new artist. T he S oul T rain M usic A w ards, started 17 y ears ag o by the sy n ­ dicated m usic show “Soul T ra in ,” c e le b rates a rtists in R & B , hip- hop, rap and g o sp e l m usic. T he aw ards w ill be p resen ted d u rin g a M arch 1 cerem o n y at the P a s a ­ den a C iv ic A u d ito riu m . T he aw ard s arc d e te rm in e d by a gro u p o f rad io sta tio n p ro fe s ­ sionals, ta len t m an ag e rs and p e r­ form ers. I M I L IA IS HI M A d m its Go to Paris without leaving Portland P a te r n ity (A P ) — Ice-T , a sta r o f television’s “Law & Order: Spe­ cial Victims Unit, "acknowledged he’s the father o f a school clerk ’s 15-m onth-old son and w as or­ dered to pay $4,000 a m onth for tem porary support for the child. He w aived his right to a p ater­ nity trial last week after M anhat­ tan Family Court Hearing Officer D avid K irschblum said a DNA report proves the rapper-actor is the father o f K evin Ice M arrow. Ice-T, w hose real nam e is T racy M arrow , initially denied he was ever intim ate with Linda M arie Sanchez, 27. S an ch ez’ law yer, Suzanne Law & Order actor Ice-T K im berly Bracker, asked for $ 8 ,0 0 0 a m o n th , but K irschblum aw arded Sanchez $4,(MX) a m onth, pending the outcom e o f a trial on a final support am ount. Ice-T told the court he earns about $25,000 for each o f 22 episodes a year o f his televi­ sion show . He also lectures a few tim es a year for about $5,000 to $ 10,000 per appear­ ance and is starting a new clothing line called Ice W ear. B racker said Sanchez lives in the B edford section o f the Bronx and takes hom e $589 every tw o w eeks as a clerical worker. Until M arch 23, the Portland A rt M useum will feature Paris to Portland: Im pressionist and Post-Im pressionist M asters in Portland C o llections.’ The show includes 165 w orks draw n from private collections in the Portland area and has w ork by C ezanne, Renoir, M onet, G auguin, Picasso and prints by T oulouse-L autrec, am ongst others. S om e o f these w orks have never before been seen in public. Sculpture on paper by Paige Saez Show ing until Feb. 28 at D isjecta, Paige Saez will present her new w orks on w hich she doctors old m edical file stickers into inform al geom etric shapes that resem ble floor plans, cruise ships, cityscapes or robots with a limited color patters or red, w hite and black. W ith sparse architecturally inspired designs o f stickers and enam el, S aez’s w ork em anates a m uted com m otion o f m echanics and m athem atics that appeals to both material and spatial sensibilities. Rob Scheps Big Band returns A fter a m onth-long perform ance hiatus in the C anadian R ockies to com pose new w orks fo r the b and to show case th ro u g h o u t the m onth o f F eb ru ary , the R ob S ch ep s B ig B and is back w ith a m am m oth in carn atio n o f m usic. A lan Jo n es is back on the kit and D ick T itte rin g to n jo in s the band on trum pet. T he g ro u p w ill play at D isjecta on M onday, F eb. 24 from 9 p.m . to 12:30 a.m . A d m issio n is $5 and the show i i open to all ages. Reparationsand the Black Notes 300 N KILLINGSWORTH Free Delivery 286-9001 i XA a Í Í a Í Pizza - by - the - Slice Calzones - Salad - Spaghetti Sonia Sanchez poetry reading Redeem this ad for $2.00 off any medium, large, or giant pizza Not valid with other offers Expires 3/31/03 February 1 5 ,2 0 0 3 12 noon - Rose Garden Arena < ....................................... SAVE SPRING SPORTS AND SAVE S3 $1 from each ticket sold through January 31,2003 will be donated to the Portland Interscholastic League campaign to save spring sports. Four tickets per coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers Not good on Magic Circle or VIP seats Offer good while supplies last. Vkk» hemf (7001) S Nnrsmrtti Bcieftoll Hoi ni feme's lobe W Bunn Awnrd (1999) D avid Parks, original m em ber o f indi-rock band H itting Birth and founder o f hip-hop group H ungry M ob is ready to set P ortland on fire w ith his new band ‘R eparations.’ The group blends a mix o f hip-hop, R& B, jazz and A frican rhythm and they will play in celebration o f Black H istory m onth w ith G em ini, a duo o f ladies that fall into place with a neo-soul sound, the rising reggae singers o f B lessed Love and the hot R&B cover band B lack N otes • with D JO G O ncatthe Fez Ballroom, 316S.W . 1 l lh S t.,on Saturday, Feb. Lover Cha 2 5 at O v e r A frican A m erican author Sonia Sanchez will read her poetry and sign any o f her 16 books at the Reed C o lle g e K aul A u d ito riu m on W ednesday, Feb. 19 at 7:30 p.m. Sanchez, nationally know n for her involvem ent in the B lack A rts M ovem ent, has read her poetry and lectured nationw ide about her w ork during the civil rights m ove­ m ent. She is the author o f ‘H om e- com ing,’ ‘W eaB addD D D P eople,’ ‘H om egirls and H andgrenades,’ ‘W ounded in the House o f a Friend,' and m ost recently, ‘Shake Loose M y S kin.’ Back to the Doo Wop days High school friends from D etroit’s N orth End, Levi Stubbs, R enoldo “O b ie” B enson, A bdul "D u k e” F akir and Law rence Payton began m arveling their audiences with an infectious blend o f pure vocal pow er and sweet harm onies in 1954. Once they signed with M otow n R ecords in the 60s as the F our T ops, the group churned out hit after hit even­ tually ending with an induction into the Rock and Roll Hall o f Fame. W ith 43 years o f playing history, the group will play at C hinook W inds C asinoon Friday. M arch 21 and Saturday, M arch 22 at 8 p.m. T ickets are $25 to $40 depending on seat location. For m ore inform a­ tion o r to buy tickets, call 1-888- 624-6228, or Fastixx at 1-800-992- 8499.