Febmaiyos. 2003_______ ( T l f e P o r t l a n d © h a e m e r celebrates Black History Month Page AS Booker T. Washington was a natural politician who cultivated the good will o f whites and blacks in the south (1856-1915) B lock H istory M onth Violent Past, Racist Culture Today Explored Controversial artist anchors Black History Month at north Portland cultural center Portland artist Bill Rutherford explores the violent part of American history, from Jim Crow to the KKK, as part o f Black History Month at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center on north Interstate. Portland artist Bill R uther­ ford w ill present his w orks along w ith a keynote lecture during Black History Month at the Interstate Firehouse C u l­ tural C enter on N orth Inter­ state, one b lo ck south o f Killingsworth. R u t h e r f o r d H ung O ut To D r y " 'm the IFCC' main gallery will feature unffam ed painted canvases hung from clothes­ lines, revealing a soiled past o f A m erican history during Re­ construction. “This w asatim e when illiter­ ate and destitute enslaved Afri­ can A m ericans w ere set free in the destroyed Confederacy and left to fend for them selves in a hostile South,” Rutherford said, “ The w ork m ay be painful to view , and m ay offend som e, but it’s a sign i ficant part o f who we are as A frican A m ericans. It’s History!” R utherford researched the life o f A frican A m ericans fol- lowingtheCivil War. His grand­ parents w ere bom in the south during Reconstruction when it was docum ented that several thousand A frican A m ericans attitudes about black A m eri­ cans that have rem ained m ore or less unchanged for 138 years.” He will discuss his research and exhibit during the IF C C ’s O rigins Lecture Series presen­ tation, “A n E v e n in g with B ill R u t h e r f o r d o n W ednesday, The work may he painful to view, and may offend some, hut its a significant part o f who we are as African Americans. to 7:30 p.m . T he public is in­ vited to m eet the artists during the event. No adm ission is charged, but donations are ap­ preciated. A le x a n d e r w ill p re se n t “A baca Q u e s t“ w hich h ig h ­ light hisexperim ental explora­ tion o fw o rk in g w ith abaca fi­ bers. His tw o -d im en sio n al mixed media paintings and wall hangings satisfy his curiosity about using di fièrent shapes and patterns tocom m unicate ideas. He will conduct four, tw o- hour w orkshops in the tech ­ nique on Saturday, Feb. 8 from noon to2 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m .; and on Saturday, Feb. 15 from noon to 2 p.m. a n d 2 p.m . to 4 p.m. R egistra­ tion is $25 per student, per session and includes materials. — Bill Rutherford, Portland artist % Pre-registration is required. T h e c e n te r’s Black H istory M onth exhibition continues were murdered. Feb. 12 at 7 p.m. T ickets are through Feb. 28. Gallery hours “ 1 w anted to paint a series o f $ 15 general admission; $ 10 for are T uesday through Friday, illustrations that show ed ex­ student or seniors. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and S atur­ am ples o f Post Civil W ar life Rutherford also will join and days, noon to 4 p.m . forthe freedslaves in the South," A f r ic a n A m e ric a n a r tis t For m ore inform ation call R utherford said. “ Paintings I Raym ond A lexanderduringa 503 -8 2 3 -2 0 7 2 o r visit the hoped w ould id e n tify the reception at the center on IFCC w ebsiteatgallery@ ifcc- sources o f w hite A m ericans' T hursday, Feb. 6 from 5 p.m. arts.orgorw w w .ifcc-arts.org . Mt. Hood Community College salutes the contributions African-Americans have made to our community and looks forward to the achievements of tomorrow. In C e le b r a tio n o f B la c k H is to r y M o n th Purchase any Basket Meal and recieve a FREE Chocolate Hazel Shake when you present this ad at your Convention Center Burgerville A vailable only at C onvention C enter B urgerville T hrough FEB 2003 1135 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. W here jeou when you know. www.burgerville.com Larry Dawkins Katrina McNeal MHCC Language and Literature MHCC Visual and Performing Arts “The issue o f race is an hsue that m ankind has tried to resolve many times. Progress has been made only to have regression. Diversity is an issue that is an important part o f m ankind and it should be an important part o f academic study. A t M t. Hood Com m unity College we have taken steps toward diversity in many areas o f the college including curriculum. We want to prepare our students not just for today, but also for the J 1st century. ’ ‘ Black History M onth is a time to celebrate the African American culture as well as our accomplish­ ments. It helps us recognize and appreciate the progress, richness and diversity o f ' African American achievements." R e g i s t r a t io n f o r s p r in g t e r m b e g in s M a r c h 1 O . F O R M O R E IIM F O R M A T IO IM C A L L 5 0 3 - 4 9 1 - 6 4 2 2 M t H ood Honoring African-American pioneers in healthcare. n important figure in medical history was Dr. Charles R. Drew. Bom in 1904 in Washington, D.C., Drew earned his medical degree in 1933 and later pioneered devel­ opments in the preservation of blood plasma and establishment of blood banks. He became such an expert in this field that the British government called upon his services to set up the first blood bank in England. During World War II, Dr. Drew was director of the American Red Cross blood donor project. He later served as chief surgeon on Freedmen's Hospital in Washington, D.C. A "There must always be the continuing struggle," Dr. Drew once said,"to make the increasing knowledge of the world bear some fruit. . .in the production of human happiness." Legacy Health System salutes Dr. Drew and other African-American pioneers in medicine. C O M M U N IT Y C O L L E G E 2 6 0 0 0 SE STARK STREET, GRESHAM, OR 9 7 0 3 0 KN O W LED G E fo r S U C C E S S L / iu/f/i Si/sftw egacy would like Io take this opp ortunity to thank our partners in Portland's N orth/N ortheast Com m unity including the African American Health Coalition, Rotary Club o f Albina, Grant High School M entoring Program, Jefferson High School, tubm an M iddle School, Boise-Riot Grade School, Jefferson Caring Community and other Health education Programs. cerjrfr y Health System mrlodes f manuel Hospital & Health Centet Emanuel Childrens Hospital,Good Samaritan Hospital & Mediral Center, Meridian Park Hospital. Mount Hood Medkal Center,Visiting Nurse Association, Legacy Clinics and i aieMaik/Managed Healthcare Nonhwesl PPO ©2001 _________ Advertise with diversity in 1 he Portland Observer call 503.288.0033or email: ads@portlandobserver.com