Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 05, 2003, Page 2, Image 2

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P n r t la n ö
(O b e c rn c r
celebrates Black History Month
February os. 2003
P olice
(AP) — Three National ers in a “m ission" to clean selfat the scene of the most
Guardsm en beat up or ha­ up the community, and one recent attack, Medford po­
rassed m inorities and oth­ o f the suspects killed him- lice said Friday.
The National Guard said
the three men had recently
returned from peacekeep­
ing duty in the Middle East.
Two guardsmen were ar­
rested at a Medford motel
where they allegedly beat
the Indian owner, whom
they had mistaken for an
Arab. The owner suffered
cuts and bruises.
In earlier attacks, a home­
less white man was beaten
Celebrate National Black
with a club and called a dis­
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
grace to his race, and black
teenagers were menaced by
Friday, February 7, 2003
March to Mobilize in the Fight
Against HIV/AIDS
3:30 p.m. at the Urban League Senior Center
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at Killingsworth
All Community Members Are Invited
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at Emerson
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Portland communities o f Arbor I odge, Boise. Bridgeton, Buckman north o f S I
Hawthorne, Cathedral Park.China low n, Concordia west o l'N .I 33*J Avenue.
Concordia University. Downtown Portland, hast Colum bia. Goose Hollow,
Humboldt, Irvington west o f N.I 17th Avenue. Kerns. K ing west o l N .I 24th
Avenue, la u re l hurst west o f N I 32nd Avenue. Northwest Portland. Northwesl
Industrial Portland, Old low n. Overlook, Pearl D istrict, Piedmont. Portland
Com m unity College-Cascade Campus. Portland Stale University, Portsmouth. Sabin
west o f N I 24th Avenue. St Johns. Sullivan's Guleh west o l'N .I:. 20th Avenue.
Sunnyside west o f N t 20th Avenue, University o f Portland, U niversity Park.
Vernon, and Woodlawn.
white men who showed a
gun and shouted, “ White
Guardsman Chad Ritchie,
21, was found dead o f a
self-inflicted gunshot wound
after running from the motel
early Thursday, police Lt.
Mike Moran said. Andrew
Lee P a tte rso n , 23, and
Aaron St. James, 25, were
waiting in acar when police
arrived, Moran said. They
were charged with assault.
“This is a bias-related
c r im e ,” M o ran sa id .
“ Patterson drove and he
knew Ritchie would assault
the owner because o f his
ethnic origin.”
P o lic e b e lie v e th a t
Patterson and Ritchie had
(503) 823-HEIP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204
Man Wanted for Multiple Thefts
Suspect allegedly
$60,000 from his
father’s business
T h e C la c k a m a s C o u n ty
S h e r if f s O ffice, in cooperation
with C rim e Stoppers, is asking for
yo u r help in locating and ap p re­
hending M ichael Alvin Schm ale.
The 26-year-old is charged with
aggravated theft, forgery, c o m ­
puter crim e and identity theft.
Police said he em bezzled m oney
and failed to pay both incom e
taxes and business debts at his
fa th e r's business. The total loss
Michael Alvin Schmale
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Making it happen.
w as placed at o v e r $60,000.
In addition, M ultnom ah C ounty
holds a w arrant for S ch m ale’s a r­
rest on a charge o f driv in g under
the influence o f intoxicants.
S chm ale is six feet tall and
w eighs 165 pounds w ith brow n
hair and green eyes. A uthorities
say he likes to frequent bars and
play video poker. He m ay be driv ­
ing a red 1989 Ford 4X 4 pickup
w ith O regon p lates Q C S 924.
C rim e Stoppers isofferingacash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for in form a­
tion, reported to C rim e S toppers,
w hich leads to an arrest in this
case, oran y unsolved felony crim e.
Y ou need riot give y our nam e. Call
C rim e Stoppers at 503-823-HELP.
Suspects in Southeast Beating Wanted
P o rtlan d P olice, in c o o p e ra ­ tim e th e m an w ith M a e ta s ran
tion w ith C rim e S to p p e rs, are from the area. He a ssu m ed M aetas
a sk in g fo r y o u r h e lp in id en tify had d o n e the sa m e, b u t w h en he
fo u r in d iv id u a ls in v o lv e d in an did not se e M a e ta s, he re tu rn e d
a ssa u lt th at left a m an in c ritica l to th e sc e n e w h e re h e fo u n d
c o n d itio n .
M a e ta s ly in g c ritic a lly in ju re d in
O n S a tu rd ay , Jan. 18 at a bout a pool o f b lo o d , p o lic e said.
2:45 a . n t . n e a r the T ex a co sta ­
T h e w a n ted m en a re d e sc rib e d
tio n at S o u th e a st 8 4 lh a n d F o s­ as w h ite m ale s w ith R u ssia n a c ­
ter, the v ictim , Jo se p h C lau d e c en ts. T h e d riv e r w as a p p ro x i­
M a e stas, 44, and a n o th e r m an m ately 2 0 to 25 y ears o f ag e, 5 feet
had a v erbal e x ch a n g e w ith four 5 in c h e s to 5 feet 7 in c h e s tall,
in d iv id u a ls in a car.
w ith a sk in n y b u ild , lig h t b ro w n
T h e fo u r su s p e c ts sta rte d to h a ir a n d c le a n -sh a v e n .
g e t out o f th e v e h ic le, at w h ic h
T h e v e h ic le th ey w e re d riv in g
is d e sc rib e d as a m e d iu m -re d
19 9 0 s fo u r-d o o r im p o rted sedan
w ith a d a rk g ra y o r b lac k in te ­
rior. T h e v e h ic le is re p o rte d ly in
“ g o o d sh a p e ” a n d has lic e n se
p la te s th a t a re w h ite w ith b lu e
n u m b ers.
C rim e S toppers is offering a
cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for
inform ation, reported to C rim e
Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in
this case, or any unsolved felony
crim e, and you need pot give your
nam e. Call C rim e S toppersat 503-
i rime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ l,000fo r information, reported to Crime Stoppers,
that leads to on arrest in this ease, or any unsolvedfelony crime, any you need not give your name. Call
Crime Stoppers at 503-823-HELP.
Bullet Just Misses Sleeping Girl
(A P )
A stray bullet ripped
through an 8-year-old g irl’s paja­
m as, but the sleeping child w earing
them w as not hit.
The bullet cam e from a gun fired
early T hursday in the Salem a p art­
ment above Brenda Rojas' bedroom ,
police said.
Sgt. M ike Scanlon said the g u n ’s
discharge m ight have been acci­
dental. Police w ere looking fo r the
occupants o f the u pstairs apart­
The bul let traveled dow n through
the cei ling at an angle; then through
acolorful W innie the Pooh blanket,
R o ja's pajam as, a set o f Pooh sheets
and the g irl's m attress. It left an-
safety matters
gone out before to attack
hom eless people. M oran
said Patterson described the
forays to investigators as
“missions” intended to clean
up the community.
P a tte rs o n a ls o w as
c h a rg e d w ith k id n a p ­
ping and assault in the Jan.
15 attack on the hom eless
o th er hole in the outside wall o f the
apartm ent.
Roja slept through the gunshot.
She w oke up w hen her m other and
gran d m o th er charged into her bed­
room to check on her.
O fficers arriving after the shoot­
ing saw people from the upstairs
ap artm ent leaving, police said.
N eighbors said the u pstairs unit
has been a source o f com plaints o f
loud parties lasting into the early
hours and people com ing and g o ­
ing at all tim es.
Inmates Released
(A P ) — T he first w ave o f in­
m ates w ere released from the dow n­
tow n ju stic e cen ter W ednesday as
state agencies across O regon b e ­
gan im plem enting spending cuts
fol low ing voters’ rejection o f a tem ­
porary incom e tax hike.
“ I t’s a party atm osphere at the
jail today,” lam ented M ultnom ah
C ounty S h e riff B ernie G iusto as he
a nnounced the release o f 31 in­
m ates — am ong 1 14 scheduled to
be freed by Thursday.
Som e o f the freed inm ates had
been in jail p ending trial. O thers
w ere serving tim e for crim es rang­
ing from assault to drug m anufac­
turing to sex abuse.
G iusto, the sheriff, said he m ay
be forced to release up to 500 in­
m ates before the end o f his budget
year in June because o f a $ I m illion
The inm ate release is one o f the
first cost-saving m easures to follow
the fai lure measure 28’s proposed tax
hike, put on the ballot to stave o ff
$ 3 10 m illion in spending cuts.