Page B6 celebrates B lack H istory M onth ( E l j e ‘j j o r t l a n h ( ß b s e r u e r February os. 2003 S ports Coach Calls Suspension Excessive (A P) — Indiana Pacers coach Isiah T hom as d o esn ’t think the NBA is targeting his team for their recent com bative behavior. How­ ever, he does wonder if the league is treating their outburst unfairly Thomas said Monday he didn’t agree with the N BA ’s decision to suspended him for two games for escalating an on-court altercation and not acting as a peacemaker during a fight with the Raptors. "I d o n ’t understand it and I think it’s been very excessive," he said. Thomas will be allowed to coach practice and will lead the East team at the All-Star game in Atlanta on Sunday. The Pacers lead the East­ ern Conference. The trouble for T hom as began Friday when he becam e involved in an a lte r c a tio n b e tw e e n T o ro n to ’s M orris Peterson and Al H arrington. Peterson tripped Harrington Indiana Pacers Coach Isiah Thom as g e ts into a shouting m a tch with gam e officials. (AP photo) on purpose, T hom as said — and when no flagrant foul w as called, the Pacers coach left his seat and got into a shouting m atch with Peterson. T hom as was restrained by Raptors coach Lenny W ilkens and ejected by referee S teve Javie. T hom as adm its that after Peterson cursed at him, he cursed back, but that w as all. Then cam e the new s on S atur­ day that Stu Jackson, NBA se­ nior vice president o f basketball operations w as suspending T ho­ mas. Coach T hom as did not act as peacem akerduring this incident,” Jackson said. Thom as, In d ian a's third-year coach, said he w as stunned. “ I ’ve been in this league 20 years and I d o n’t rem em bera time w here a coach or players have been su sp en d ed for m u ltip le gam es for arguing,” T hom as said. M NM M W W M M M M M M M Williams Pro Bowl MVP (AP) Miami Dolphins running back Ricky Williams scored two touchdowns, ran for 56 yards and forced a fumble on special teams to help lead the AFC past the NFC 45- 20 on Sunday for their sixth win in the last seven Pro Bowls. W illiam s, w ho led the NFL in ru sh in g a fte r th ree lough se a ­ s o n s in N ew O rle a n s , a ls o c au g h t three p asses to w in the M V P aw ard. W illia m s’ m u ltifaceted p e r­ form ance w as the h ig h lig h t o f a d o m in a n t a fte rn o o n fo r th e A F C , w hich got th ree 100-yard gam es from its quarterbacks and six in te rc e p tio n s from its d e ­ fense as the NFL w rap p ed up its season w ith a n o th e r hig h - sco rin g a ll-sta r gam e W ith his dreadlocks, surfer w ardrobe and profoundly mellow ways, W illiam s is right at home in Hawaii - both on its beaches and in its football stadium s. Hawaii suits his fam ously d e­ tached personality, but his effort Ricky Williams o f th e AFC M iami D olphins fla sh e s th e Hawaiian “s h a k a " sign a fter scoring h is first touchdow n o f th e Pro Bowl g a m e a t Aloha Sta d iu m in Honolulu Sunday. (AP photo) was anything but m ellow . “W hat’s fun is how laid-back everything is," Williams said. “It’s alw ays great to get in the end zone, but it’s especially great to do it against the best players in the world with m illions o f people w atching.” B U S IN E S S Portland Major League in Questions E d ito rs note: The office ofM ayor Vera Katz released the following question and answer sheet Tuesday regarding efforts to build a stadium to bring a Major League Baseball team to Portland. Why is thecity buying a Major League Baseball team? The city isnot buyinga MLB team. Thecity is investigating options to build a stadium where a MLB team could play in Portland. W hy is the city interested in acquiring an M LB team? Portland was invited by MLB to be considered as a possible future home o f the Montreal Expos, along with several other U.S. cities. The league currently owns the Expos and would I i ke to relocate the team in time tor the 2004 season. Such a relocation has not taken place in 30 years. MLB is also considering reducing the number o f teams, so the potential for a brand new team is highly unlikely. Thus, relocation o f an existing team such as the Expos could be the only feasible way for Portland to have an MLB team in the future. Our schools are in the midst of a budget crisis. How cun weufford to pursue a new baseball team and stadium at a time like this? The city will not use any existing revenues that currently support schools and core city services for the development o f a new stadium. How will the city pay for the stadium? One proposal being discussed at the Legislature would use the state income taxes paid by the baseball players-both home and visiting to finance between $150 and $175 million cost o f the stadium. Other finance options being considered are: a tax on game tickets, stadium parking fees, and/or a tax on food and beverages sold at the games. What would happen to PGE Park if a new stadium were built? PGE Park could continue to be available for Timbers soccer, PSU football, concerts, and community use. C athe W iese, fou n d er o f M y F athers P lace fam ily shelter. Family Homeless Shelter Reopens ited to just 30 days. “We feel like that’s not long “ It’s hom e,” she said. “I want enough for them to turn their lives to be back hom e." around," W iese said. Wiese came up with the idea The typical stay o f a family at My fora family shelter while working Father’s Place spans three to five with victimsofdomestic violence. months. What she found was more than Since the shelter opened two just women and kids in need. years ago, W iese said the need has “There werewholefamilies that rem ained steady. were hurting,” ___________ “From the day she said. M we opened, w e’ve Wiese said been fu ll,” she other shelters said. w on’ttakekids Wiese has had over 10-years- to turn aw ay as old and men many as 100 fami­ a re not a l­ lies a month. lowed to bring T h o se lu ck y c h ild re n to enough to secure shelters Be- a ro o m at M y cause o f these Father’s Place will rules, those in find safety and se­ trouble are of­ curity but not a ten forced to free ride. Tenants break up and are req u ired to fin d s h e lte r look for work and s e p a r a te ly . take accountabil­ Wiese wanted - Cathe Wiese, founder of My Fa ity for their fu­ to keep them thers Place family shelter tures. close. "W e don’t do anything for them “Here they ______________ _________ 0 can w ork on that they can ’t do their issues and problems to­ for them selves,” W iese said. gether,” she said. Wiese believes that when fam i­ Since Wiese doesn’t accept lies move into a positive environ­ government funding, many o f the ment, there is no limit to what they rules that apply to other shelters can achieve. don’t apply to hers. “ I t’s all about enco u rag in g For example, family stays at people to be everything they can other shelters are typically lim­ be," she said. continued from M etro Its all about encouraging people to be everything they can be „K» M E A T Special O rd e rs G la d ly A cce p te d ! d ir e c to ry Paul Houge 1- 887-860-0047 8238 N D enver Avenue, Portland, Or. 97217 Phone: (503) 289-5418 K r ia L â c h e r DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER NEW • USED • NEW CAPS Associate Broker Taxes. Mounting 4 Balancing Included FU LLY G U A R A N T E E D Direct Une (503) 497-5420 E-mail: Business (503) 286-5477 Fax (503) 220-5788 • Cell (971) 506 HOME “NO W WITH 2 LOCATIONS” 6841 N.E. M.L.K JR BLVD PORTLAND. OREGON 97211 (603) 283-94^7 4510 S.E. 52ND & HOLGATE PORTLAND, OR 97206 (503) 771-1834 Cellular (971) 506-HOME Windermere/Crontn $ Caplan <♦ HO U R S M O N THRU FRI 9 TO 6 • SAT 9 TO 4 Realty Group, Inc. 8315 N. Denver Ave., Portland. OR 97217 W iik Jem lore DOMONIQUE'S/ HAIR DESIGN B H E R E TUI H E 11. TH O E YOL R H A IR CO M ES F IR ST ! D e a n ’s B e a u ty & B a rb e r S h o p J DOLLARS OFF Tuesdays through Thursdays Senior Citizens days are Tuesday 215 \ . E . I laneoek St., Portland, OR (5 0 3 )’ «2-2920 BARBERS: A.I). Williams Richard Edwards I yrone I r.i/ter (new stylist) - W AI T -IN S W E I .C O M E PRESS * Cl RLS SPECIAL S25* This Special ends at the end of February — < 1 Booking Information 503-335-0701 Email Title ot New CD One Sweet Day E L a g le Northwest Angels For All Your Musical Needs Call DAN FRANKS or ROSE E. FRANKS E L ye O p tic a l Agent 2 8 6 -3 7 5 8 222 N. Killingsworth 97217 (Vancouver) * Teresa, Owner & Stylist *l)ehorah, Stylist ‘ Horace, Barber Michael E. Harper, Sr. “MISSIONARY GOSPEL SINGER” ROSE E FRANKS A 9045 SW Barbur, Suite 109 Portland, OR 97219 (503)221-3050 FAX: (503) 227,8757 STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLIN O IS 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service’s AFFORDABLE « JJ LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-W E MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE. 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