February os, 2003______ (Elje $ ìo r tla u ò (O b server celebrates Ellack, History Month Page B5 R eligion Worship Service ComnneiTtorales Astronaut SUNLAN & Ehe Light Bulb Lady BEMVVALENTLNEANDG1VEMESUNSHINE I walk in to my house, tum on all the lights and still cannot make it bright enough to chase a way the w inter blues. How com e? Michael Anderson remembered as “eagle” who aimed high I (AP) ShuttleastronautLt.Col. Michael P. Anderson was remem­ Is a light that is very close Io the light nature created Early man bered as a quiet, deep thinker at the lived by light, sun up go to work. Sundown-go to sleep. Todav, small Baptist church in Spokane M¥ are expected to work before sunrise and after sunset ttv are w here he worshipped as a youth home doing the family thing. He go from one dark cave to another. and where his parents still attend. Our lights let us see what we are doing but do not provide A nderson's parents, Bobbieand if. Co/. Michael P. Sunlight Sulan has several sun like like lights in the play room to Barbara Anderson, "needed to rest” Anderson was the help Light up your life. More next month... and were not at the Sunday wor­ only African Sat 10 am -4pnt • 503- 281-0453 ship service, M orning Star Mis­ American crew sio n a ry B a p tist P a sto r Jo h n 3901 N . M ississippi Ave. member aboard C la ib o rn e to ld about 75 the Columbia when congregants. it disintegrated in Anderson, 43, was the only A f­ OFF.: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 11 03 flames over Texas rican American am ong seven as­ FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 - 1 1 4 6 minutes before its STATE FARM tronauts aboard the shuttle Colum ­ scheduled landing INSURANCE COMPANIES bia when it disintegrated in flames Saturday. Another HOME OFFICES:BLOOMINGTON. over Texas minutes before its sched­ African American ILLIN O IS uled landing Saturday morning. astronaut, mission “He told me some years ago the ERNEST J. HILL, JR. special Robert E. word ‘can’t ’ should be taken out o f Agent McNair was killed the dictionary because there w asn’t 6 5 2 7 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard in 1986 when the nothing that can ’t be done,” Bar­ Suite A Challenger ex­ bara Anderson said Monday in an Portland, OR 9 7 217 ploded during take­ interview on "The Early Show" on off. CBS Television. “ His life w asn’t in vain and will do some good to mankind,” she said. Christian workers fo r fellowship Anderson often would attend M orning Star church when visiting 6401 N.E. 10lh Avenue Spokane, Pastor Emeritus the Rev. Portland, Oregon 97211 Freeman Simmonssaid. He headed the church when Anderson at­ S ervice s tended as a youth. Sunday School 9:45 A.M. “ He w as a young man who M orning Worship 11:30 A.M. would always think deep,"Simmons Pastor and First Evening Worship 7:00 P.M. said. "H e never said much. ... He Lady Roy G. Moxie Wed. Bible Study 7:00P.M. would listen to what I said, espe­ — Barbara Anderson, mother of Lt. Col. Michael P. Anderson who died In the Columbia explosion cially scientific things.” Anderson would accompany his father to Fairchild Air Force Base southwest o f Spokane, in 1977, then astronaut. He traveled to Russia’s fulfill my hopes and dream s.” near here and showed “a strong earned a bachelor's degree in phys­ Mir space station in 1998. A memorial service has not yet desire that he w anted to fly,” ics and astronomy from the Univer­ “We come to remember Lt. Col. been planned at the church on For more information please call Simmonssaid. sity o f W ashington in 1981, and a Michael Anderson, who on yester­ Spokane’s east side, an area o f in­ “ He didn’t know he was going to m aster’s degree m aster’s in phys­ day moved from this world to a dustrial plants and modest neigh­ (503) 284-5171 be an astronaut," Simmons said. ics from Creighton University, 1990. better world," Claiborne said in the borhoods. “Michael was bom for that. ... He He was married with two daugh­ moving musical service. The pastor said A nderson’s life had the characteristics o f an eagle." ters, ages 9 and 11. • n íj . "Thank God for Michael Ander­ reminded him o f his own m other's A n d e rso n g ra d u a te d from He was flying forthe Air Force in son," Claiborne said later. “ He had advice: "Aim forthe stars and ifyou Cheney High School, about 15 miles 1994 when NASA chose him as an a life knowing that when I die, I fall short, at least you tried.” THE RIGHT LIGHTTOCHASETHEWINTERBLUES Church ofthe Living God He told me some years ago the word ‘can’t ’ should be taken out of the dictionary because there wasn't nothing that can't be done. “Where there is no vision, The People perish. ” Everyone's Welcome. ¿4 MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE M Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Mt. Olivet Pressed into Military Service Commercial and Residencial Services | C A R P E T C L E A N IN G ($25 tach a r ~ • 2 A reas or m ore. Small Hall Free, Pre-Sprav T raffic A reas • S ta irs ..........................$ 1 .5 0 each U P H O L S T E R Y C L E A N IN G • Sofa (under 6 ft.) $69 • L oveseat $49 • Sectional $99 & up ’ Throw pillow s $5 each r [CARPETCOUPON I I I I I Cleaning Area I Pre-Spray Traffic Area \ I (Hall not included) I k r 1 I I U P H O L S T E R Y C O I PON Sofa (under 6 ft.) ! Loveseat & Chair I I '7 I I I I ^2 I I J n I I I I I j $119« CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 New Millenium Wireless M issouri and possibly the Middle East. “ W ho’d ever dream th ey ’d see a church bus w ith m ilitary per­ sonnel and w eapons on it?” said M aj. John Pettit, an Army Re­ (AP) A mostly African Ameri­ serve chaplain from S teilacoom , can church cam e to the rescue o f W ash. the 6 7 1 st E ngineering Com pany Commercial buses didn’t show w hen buses d id n ’t arrive for the up in time to take one ofthe 6 7 1 st’s Army R eserve unit to make their platoons to the airport on Sunday, ch arter flight for active duty in Jan. 26, so Pettit walked next door Congregation comes to aide of Army troop from the reserve hall to Mount Olivet Baptist Church, which has an old school bus. William White, the north Portland church’s bus driver, offered to help. "The one key word in the Army is being flexible,” said Pettit, a Bap­ tist minister in civilian life. " If you can’t be flexible, you’ll perish.” The four chartered G reyhound buses d id n ’t appear at the S h arff Army R eserve C enter as sched- Gospel Extravaganza Planned (Obituary Portland C ommuni ty Col lege will celebrate Black History Month by sponsoring the 19,h Annual Gospel Music Extravaganza on Saturday, Feb. 15. Festivities wi 11 get underway at 6 p.m. in the Highland United Church ofC hrist, 1737 N.E. Alberta. More than 17 church choirs, solo artists and singing groups will en­ to the public. Typically it attracts tertain at this year’s extravaganza, more than 1,2(X)peoplcand isashow- which will have the theme ‘Cast case festivity for Black History Down, But Not Destroyed.’ The Month. Organizers will sell ribbons event celebrates the joy o f song in and money donations are encour­ the African American community. aged. The event goes to benefit the It is a pivotal way ofhonoring Black Robert Wright Scholarship Fund. History Month. For more information, call 503- The Extravaganza is free and open 943-2224. Recovery Group Meets at Church A new alcohol and drug recov- ery group for nervous and mental health care patients has opened at the First Presbyterian Church, 4300 Main St., in Vancouver. Weekly Recovery. Inc. will meet each Sun- dayat 1:30p.m. in addition to 10a.m. sessions already underway each W ednesday, For more information, contact group leader Marian Fox at 360- 686-3540or503-231-1334. Aging, Spirituality Conference Set 3213NEMLKJR BLVD DOYOUNEEDAPHONENOW??? CALL503-288-9180 1. Purchase your first $30 airtime card 2. Pay a $15 activation fee 3. Give us your name and address and enjoy your new Phone Name Address. Phone #. No Credit Check No Monthly Bill No Contract * * phone comes with 100 peak mins. Or 2 5 0 off peak mins. Long distances, caller Id. and voicemail Included uled at 10 a.m ., but did arrive at 11:15 a.m . and w ereable to trans­ port the rem aining troops to a later flight. “T h e re ’s a sense o f duty that has to be done,” said Ed W ill­ iams, M ount O liv et’s directo r o f administration. Williams also pro­ vided a church van to haul a dozen m ore m em bers o fth e 671 st to the a irp o rt, in clu d in g th e ir co m ­ m ander, Capt. A ndy Boetticher. The Archdiocese o f Portland's Office for Ministry to the Aging will hold its annual Archdiocesan Spiri­ tuality and Aging Conference on Saturday. Feb. 22 at the St. Pius X ParishCenter. l280N .W .Saltzm an Rd. The them eof this year's confer- ence is “Aging and the Family." All o f the issues o f aging to some degree or another arc fami ly issues. The conference offers an opportunity for education, net­ w orking and prayer through a balance o f presentations, inter- action and reflection. Major issues to be discussed include spiritual maturity in older adulthood, common geriatric ill­ nesses and treatments and caring for aging parents while raising fami­ lies. Bruce Joseph Bruce Joseph died on Friday, Jan. 24,2003. He was bom Oct. 18,1961 in Tacoma, Wash. He is survived by his mother, w ife, tw o daughters, a g ran d ­ son, three stepsons, tw o broth­ ers, fo u r sisters, a host o f n ieces, n ephew s and m any close friends. He w as preceded in death by a niece, N orm andy M athew s and his father, W ar­ ren Joseph Sr. M in ority G roups C ou nter H ate continued from Metro n i . •, u a t • n J more likely to rear its head. Gaddie Amalia AlarconGaddie.program said that when life gets tough, manager for the M etropolitan Hu- people look to place blame, man RightsC enter, said that in times "It’s easy to look for blame in when the economy is down and people who are not a part o f the unemployment is high racism is dominant culture." she said. t Maria Lisa Johnson, a represen­ Saturday’s march and rally will tative ot the Latino Network, saida begin at 11 a m. at the N ortheast crime against any comm unity is a Police Precinct, locatedat 449 N.E. crime against all com m unities and Em erson, and will follow along culled for neighbors tojoin together som e o f the streets targeted by against hate. the shooters. t