fflortlanh (fibseruer celebrates Black History Month February os, 2003 Focus Page B3 Madam’s Suburban Salon A l i c i a KLeys 1631 ME Alberta Street Portland, Oregon Turns 22, Celebrates $10 Million in Sales (503) 288-1053 Singer is currently recording her second album (AP) — Some people celebrate their birthday with a cake. Alicia Keys celebrated with a plaque rec­ ognizing $ 10 million in salesofher debut disc, “Songs in A Minor.” The five-time Grammy Award- winner marked both milestones with a party hosted by her men­ tor, J Records founder Clive Davis. Though she turned 22 on Jan. 25, the crowd o f well-wishers sang Singer Alicia Keys celebrated her 22™ birthday with a plaque recognizing 1 0 m illion in sales o th e r debut disc, "Songs in A Minor." {AP Photo) "Happy Birthday" to her four days later as she received the plaque from Davis. With her long hair flowing from beneath a brown fedora, it ap­ -------------------------- __________________________________ * peared that Keys had taken out her signature braids. But when she removed the hat, the singer revealed the top o f her.hair - still in comrows. “They're always in there,” she laughed. - singer Alicia Keys on her upcoming album Keys is keeping busy in the stu­ dio working on her sophomore al­ bum. going to be,” she told The Associ- an evolving person, it’s always “Everything is going to be from ated Press. “The basis o f it is deft- going to be new and different be- my heart, which is how it always is nitely going to be the same, but me as cause I ’ m new and di fferent.” Everything is going to be from my heart, which is how it always is going to be. Price effective Jan 28 - Feb 28, 2003 Call for appointment, or walk in KMHD 8 9 .1 FM Get The Blues... ‘Secret Life of Bees’ Creates a Buzz Story tells of women’s strength and rites of passage The Secret Life o f Bees, by Sue Monk Kidd. 3 2 0 pages, published by Penguin Books. Sue Monk Kidd’s ravishing de but novel. The Secret Life o f Bees, is the story o f Lily Owens, a girl who has shaped her life around one devastating memory - the afternoon her mother was killed when she was four. Besides her harsh and unyield­ ing father, Lily’s only real com ­ panion is Rosaleen, a tender but fierce-hearted black woman who cooks, cleans and acts as Lily’s stand-in mother. O ne sum m er afternoon in 964 in South Carolina - a place and tim e o f seething racial d i­ vides - violence explodes and Rosaleen is arrested and beaten. Lily is desperate, not only to save Rosaleen, but to flee from a life she can no longer endure. Calling upon her youthful dar­ ing, she breaks Rosaleen out o f jail and the two escape into what quickly becom es L ily ’s quest for the truth about her m other’s life. They are taken in by three black beekeeping sisters. May, June and August. Lily is con­ sumed by their secret w orld o f bees and honey and o f the Black M adonna who presides over this household o f strong and w ise women. L ily ’s jo u rn ey is o f painful secrets and shatter­ ing betrayals - but it is a pas­ sage that ultim ately helps her find the thing her heart longs for most. The Secret Life if Bees al­ lows the reader into a world apart - in a novel whose strong, irresistible voice catches up and doesn’t let go. The Secret Life o f Bees is a mesmerizing novel about the divine power o f women, o f women with extraordinary gifts, coping with loss and finding forgiveness and esp ecially learning to forgive themselves. It is the kind o f novel women share with each other and that mothers and daughters will be sharing for years to come. Magic Johnson Bounces Back into TV PIZZA HIV-positive A G O GO " It s not about me. basketball star will It s about the street We Deliver! produce reality show about street ball (AP)— Basketball great Earvin “Magic” Johnson is getting back into the TV game after fouling out in 1998 with his talk show. Johnson said Wednesday he will produce and occasionally appear in the MTV reality show “Who's Got Game, " document­ ing the lives o f 12 street basket­ ball players competing for fame and a $ 100,000 prize. Johnson said he’s trying to play to his strengths as an athlete after the ill-advised attempt to be a comediatr-interviewer on his own late-night talk show, which was pummeled by critics and can­ celed after two months. “This is what I’m all about: basketball. I grew up playing street basketball. I w asn’t m yself in “The M agic H o u r,“ said Johnson, who will visit neigh­ borhoods in cities such as Wash­ ington, New Y ork, Chicago, Hous­ ton and Los Angeles in the next two months scouting for contes­ tants. “I want the guys who are just street b a llp la y e rs,” he said. "They’re not as famous as guys in college and the NBA, but they’re famous in theirown neighborhoods or playgrounds.” Contestants will be limited to men over 18, but Johnson said he would consider a new version with women if the show succeeds. Set to debut this summer, the show would include 10 episodes showcasing the history o f the play­ ers, their interactions with each other off the court and ending with a basketball game. Players would beeliminated from the teams after each show and the final episode would be a one-on- one competition, Johnson said. Besides the money, the winner will get his neighborhood court refur­ bished and renamed in his honor. Johnson, who announced he Friday Freeway Blues ■ 4 pm to 6 pm Rhapsody in Blues ■ 6 pm to 10 pm Blues Palace ■ 10 pm to 2 am Ago going to North Portland, ballplayers. This is Swan Island, The Pearl, NW, their shot fo r and Downtown... everybody around the When you want it HOT + world to finally get to You gotta have it NOW! know them. NOW P F R F O R M ii y r ^ i Even Heilnesiliii, liidin & Salmlai Viylil !lpm until Milani o ~ ~ .No Cover Charge 2? * (Her - Earvin “Magic" Johnson on the realltyshow, Who sGotGame’ was HIV-positive in 1991, helped sequently, he’s built a business the Los Angeles Lakers win five empire including movie theaters, championships during his National restaurants, shopping centers and Basketball Association career. Sub- a bank. ASCC and Clark College Welcomes “Sisters” By Marsha A. Jackson Production Sponsored by The Multi-Cultural Students United And S.P.O.T.S 503»335«0300 3 2 4 0 N. WiUfams Ave @ Cook’^ treet Valentines ' T)ay ffveeet ffe a r t Qelebration February 14,2003 Opens January 31, and February 1,2,7,8,9,13,14,15 Join Us at the ’^ j ^ J ^ ^ a n d Suites Set in Atlanta, Georgia “Sisters" portrays an African-American executive who gets snowed in with her office cleaning lady on New Years Eve. A comedy that raises issues about internal racism and corporate stereotypes. Olivia and Cassie are two women stuck in a place they would rather not be with unfavorable company, each other. The two women find that they have more in common then not and then... Showtime 7:30 Tickets go on sale January 10,2003 At the Clark College Bookstore Or call (360) 992-2149 Buy and Reserve tickets with Visa or MasterCard Performed in Decker Theater $7:OO per person - $1:00 off for Clark student* at the Portland Airport In l ea’s Landing Restaurant (formerly O’Callahans) fo r Live Music Featuring Pianist Frank Elliot I iin n e h fo r I w o features Your Choice of Entrees: Steak & Lobster • Orange Duck • Braised Chicken • Stuffed Salmon plus Champagne, Chocolates, and a Red Rose > For only $64.95 Per Couple (G ratuity not included) Spend the Night at the Ramada Inn and Suites with a Chilled bottle of Champagne for Two for only $74.00 Total Package for Room and Dinner for Two is only $ 138.95 (Not including Tax and Gratuity) (. all 503-252-5151 for Réservations! i'n/oy Valentine's 'Day md> That ¿¡pedalfyomeone'.'.l I