(Elje flortkm h ®bseruer celebrates Black History Month Page B2 Februaiy OS, 2003 AFRICAN AMERICAN MEN'S CLUB, IN C . AV. I '.'innuaJ t r a mt mu ABC to Air Michael Jackson Documentary The Kirk Green Hund Documentary journalist was with Jackson during baby-dangling incident h rithiy, I* v iiru a ry 14, 21 9:00 P.M - 2:00 A M I he Melody B allrooat Jr àlS S£ Mih-r S tm t (AP) — ABC won a network British journalist Martin Bashir bidding war to acquire the rights to spent eight months with Jackson a documentary on Michael Jack- and was with him when Jackson son and im mediately scheduled it horrified onlookers by dangling his for prime time on Friday, Feb. 7. baby from a hotel balcony in Berlin, The documentary, "Living with the network said. Michael Jackson,” features "un­ Jackson is no longer, as he calls precedented and exclusive access himself, the king o f pop music. But to Jackson’s private life,” ABC he has a proven track record as a promised. television draw. A (Alt - iu t iMMUlW’l A».l (’Az i u«M»*5dl ¿Aurrtal Fhff hMtyJl M* MIA.” ÀiAtUs «A m « T» td P,t***dt p u tt Go to Paris without leaving Portland 1 Until March 23, the Portland Art Museum will f e a - ^ ^ K H V l ture ‘Paris to Portland: Impressionist and P o s t - l m p r e s .^ ^ ^ ^ J ||^ a j sionist Masters in Portland Collections. ’ The show includes 165 * “ works drawn from private collections in the Portland area and has work by Cezanne, Renoir, Monet, Gauguin, Picasso and prints by Toulousq- Lautrec, amongst others. Some o f these works have never before been seen in public. On Sunday, Feb. 2 children and adults can come to ‘Festival Parisian’ toexperience activities and entertainment inspired by the art collection. Kids can learn impressionist tissue painting, how to make art-paper waterli lies, water reflections captured in oil pastels and work on printmaking projects. Constructivist sculpture on paper by Paige Saez www.dellverusfromeva.com F O C U S vm> nan Funws ue nu rmhis nEsimto r i . r u » « « STARTS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7™! LLOYD MALI ŒHTWYEASTP0ÎT16 MOVIES ON TV DIVISION ST. 1-800-5»-TELL 503-7754000 H -800555 TELL Showing from Feb. I to Feb. 28 at Disjecta, Paige Saez will present her new w orks on which she doctors old medical file stickers into informal geometric shapes that resemble floor plans, cruise ships, cityscapes or robots with a limited color pattern o f red, white and black. With sparse architecturally inspired designs o f stickers and enamel, Saez’s work emanates a muted comm otion o f mechanics and mathematics that appeals to both material and spatial sensibilities. There will be an opening on First Thursday, Feb.6 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. with music by Matthew Yake. ’ 800 555 TELL Piano concert at the Beaverton Library CALL THEATRE FOR SHOW 1 IM F8 Come and be serenaded by the piano music ofThom as Rheingans H b Some 25.7 million viewers tuned into "M ichael Jackson: 30th Anni­ versary Special" on CBS in Novem­ ber 2001; viewership increased ev­ ery hal f-hour for the program, culled from tapes o f a Madison Square Garden tribute concert appearance. Previous interviews with Oprah Winfrey and Diane Sawyer also attracted big audiences. al the Beaverton City lib r a r y 12.375 SW 5" Street in Beat erlon. on Sunday. Feb. 'tat 2 pan. Rheingans w ill pla\ aval led program o f classical pieces, jazz. Broadway show tunes and Ins own compositions. ABC News spokesman Jeffrey Schneider would not say how much the network paid for rights to broad­ cast the documentary. The New York Daily News, quoting unidentified television executives, estimated ABC pai d $4 mi 11 ion to $5 mi 11 ion. The Jackson interview will air as part o f a two-hour edition o f “20/ 20,” anchored by Barbara Walters. The Rob Scheps Big Band returns A ttera month-long performance hiatus which Scheps spent in the Canadian Rockies composing new work for the band to showcase throughout the month o f February, the Rob Scheps Big Band is back with a mammoth incarnation o f music. Alan Jones is back on the kit and Dick Titterington joins the band on trumpet. They wi II play at Disjecta on Monday. Feb. 10 and Monday, Feb. 24 from 9 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Admission is $5 and the show is open to all ages. Isaka Shamsud-Din art exhibit Life-long Portland artist and first ever Jam es D ePreist P rofessor o f Art at Portland State U niversity will show an exhibit o f work and present a slide show o f additional w orks at Reed C ollege in the Vollurn Lounge at 4:30 p.m. on T uesday, Feb. 11. Sham sud-D in was the president o f the Black Student U nion at PSU in the 6 0 ’s until he left Portland to work with the civil rights m ovem ent in the South. Since his return to the northw est in the 80s, Sham sud-D in has involved h im self in mural projects at local high schools and g o v ern ­ ment buildings in an attem pt to create a sense o f com m unity am ong A frican A m erican artists. Reparations, Gemini, Blessed Love and the Black Notes David Parks, original m em ber o f indi-rock band H itting B irth and founder o f hip-hop group H ungry Mob is ready to set P ortland on fire with his new band R eparations. The group blends a m ix o f hip- hop, R&B, ja z z and A frican rhythm and they will play in celebration o f Black History month with G em ini, a duo o f ladies that fall into place with a neo-soul sound, the rising reggae singers o f B lessed Love and the hot R&B cover band B lack N otes w ith DJ OCi O ne at the Fez B allroom , 316 SW 11,h St., on S aturday, Feb. 15. "T he A iley p erfo rm ers are in a class o f th e ir o w n ." ■Newsday JUDITH JAMISON, ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Masazumi Chaya, ASSOCIATE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR See Disney Classics Come To Life On Ice. MAR. 5 - 9 M emorial C oliseum OPENING NIGHT SAVE $6 ON TICKETS! TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 & 5, 7:30 PM ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL A DIFFERENT PROGRAM EACH NIGHT BOTH ENDING WITH AILEY’S MASTERPIECE REVELATIO N S (Excluding Front How > VIP S c a t, N o dou b le O IK O u n t,) TICK ETS: $ 1 8 -$ 6 0 p lus service fee. MAR. 8 MAR. 9 12 NOON 12 NOON 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 7:30 PM D is c o u n ts fo r s tu d e n ts /s e n io rs / gro up s. P C P A Box O ffic e , a n d a ll tic h n tm a i t e r outlets in c lu d in g select Fred M e y e r stores. 5 0 3 - 2 2 4 - 4 4 0 0 IK ID S UNDER 1« SAVE »«.50 O N TICKETS! O tte r valid at Arena Box O tflc e only. (Excluding Front Row 5 VIP S eats) Buy tickets at w w w .d is n e y o n ic e .c o m Mwtmasttr Ticket Centers Including G.l. Joe’s and Fred Meyer Stores, Arena Box O ffice o r call In fo /g r o u p s 8 o r m o re: 5 0 3 - 2 4 5 - 1 6 0 0 , E X T . 201 W W W .W H IT E B IR D .O R G (503) 224-4400 TICKET PRICES: 8 4 5 .0 0 Front Row - 830.00 VIP - 817.75 - 812.75 (Service charges and handling fees may apply.) I i key PO R TLAN D AN C ES À lAsea in s tit u te /o r A zt/A z/tr .Wz/ftr m z «