Black H istory M onth BldCk Press• First black American newspapers. See page A3 (Observer ‘City of Roses Established In 1970 Volume XXXIII • Number 6 Committed to Cultural Diversity T,Weekin ThcReview Better days ahead promised to minority firms re D avid P i . echl T he P ortland O bserver Astronauts Remembered Four o f the Columbia's crew members pose for a photo on Jan. 27 ju st five days before the space shuttle broke apart in flames over Accidental action hero Texas. NASA indicates that Saturday's crash may be related to A teenager in Kansas City, Mo., I shuttle tiles damaged in liftoff, but hasn't determined a cause. See was catapulted at least 25 feet in | related story and photo on page B4, inside. the air during an auto accident but grabbed onto overhead util­ ity wires like an action hero and dangled for about 20 minutes before a rescue crew brought him downby ladder. Joe R. Th­ ompson 111, 18, was treated for bruises and scratches at a hospi­ tal and was released. Dumb as a donkey . On Sunday a man and woman in I Fairport Harbor. Ohio, who van­ dalized a baby Jesus statue in a ch u rc h ’s outdoor nativity marthed through town with a donkey borrowed from a petting zoo and a sign that said, “Sorry for the jackass offense.” Jessica Lange and Brian Patrick, both 19, | were ordered by a judge to make Sunday’s march through town I after they admitted defacing a statue at St. Anthony Roman Catholic Church on Christmas | Eve. Bush budgets for aliens Wednesday • Februay OS, 2003 City Contracts Wanted Breast milk meals A new craze has hit restaurant tables in China - meals cooked w ith human breast milk. The dishes are being offered at a restaurant in Changsha, capital of southern Hunan province, with plans to expand to the boomtown o f Shenzhen across the border from Hong Kong. The Beijing Times says the milk came from six peasant women who were still breast-feeding their children The Portland City Council is scheduled to ap­ prove a plan this week to increase the use of women and minority contractors. The action, scheduled for a vote on Wednes­ day, is the city’s response to studies showing that access to the city’s professional and technical contracts has proved difficult for women and minority-owned businesses. F irms considered disadvantaged held contracts for just 6 percent of the S84.8 million the city spends for contract services over a two-year period. African Americans took home just I per­ cent. Professional service contractors were saying it was difficult to do business with the city,” said Sue Klobertanz, the city’s director ofthe Bureau of Purchases. Klobertanz said one problem was that city ad­ ministrators who can hire their ow n contractors had dismal records ofmaking contacts with minor­ ity linns - something they are required to do. Additionally, she said bureaus were hiring the same contractors repeatedly without contacting other firms. Sole-source contracts represented 60 percent of all city contracts. "We don’t know who's been bidding and who’s been shut out." Klobertanz said. The proposal calls for more centralized over­ sight, better data collection and increased out- continued yf tin page A S MURAL MOTIVATES HEALTHY LIVING Art encourages African Americans to take charge of health issues Proof that life exists outside the boundaries o f Earth continues to elude scientists, but President Bush’s budget suggests that "space aliens" may be out there. And it could just be a matter of | time before they arc discovered. by D avid P i . echi In a brief passage titled “Where T he P ortland O bserver Are the Real Space Aliens?" | The African American Health Bush's budget document re­ Coalition unveiled a huge, build­ leased Monday says several im­ ing-size mural Saturday as a life­ portant scientific discoveries in saving message to the north and the past decade indicate that northeast Portland community. "habitable worlds” in outer space Located on Northeast 15,h and may be much more prevalent than Alberta on the outside wall of once thought. Alberta Cooperative Grocery, the mural honors Black History Month Wargames In parliament and encourages A frican A Norwegian member o f parlia­ American's to take charge o f the ment apologized on Thursday for health issues affecting their lives. playing a war game on his pocket The mural shows Portlanders computer while legislators around living healthy lives at locations him debated the possibility of a around the city and encourages real warin Iraq. Trend Helleland, those who read it to - eat right, a member of the ruling Conserva­ exercise and get tested for high tive Party, was caught on a na­ photos by D amd Pi echl /T he P ortland O bserver Sharon Gerachi waits for the ceremony to begin as a mural she designed for the African American Health Coalition is unveiled at the Alberta Cooperative Grocery. Gerachi s own family history with heart disease and diabetes inspired her to paint the outdoor mural which reminds African Americans to live healthy lives. blood pressure. “We want our community to realize that we have the power to m ake changes and live healthier, happier lives," said Corliss McKeever, president o f the African American Health Coa- lition. "The mural is a symbol o f the coalition's commitment to eliminating the health disparity between African Americans and other communities in Oregon.” Cardiovascular Disease is the number one killerof African Ameri­ cans in Oregon with the minority population twice as likely as white Americans to die from a stroke and almost one and a half times as likely to die from a heart attack. The major tional television camera playing the game during Wednesday’s debate about whether Norway would take part in any US-led military action against Iraq. risk factors for cardiovascular dis­ ease are obesity, physical inactiv­ A FR IC A N A M E R IC A N S 'A R t D TIN C FROM ity, smoking, high blood pressure ♦«CH Bl 0 0 D PRESSURE-HEART ATTACK-SIRJEE and diabetes. W t PONT HAVE TO I "When I heard about the mural 1 just had to get involved," said Sharon Geraci, the African Ameri­ ft T fS T tt can artist who found inspiration for the mural in her own family’s health history. "My mom and dad suffer from heart disease and diabetes and I considered this to be a message all of this community needs to know,” she said. "Individualscan take con­ trol oftheir lives and become healthy regardless of the circumstances that they are in by making life style Neighbors admire the new mural on the side o f the Alberta Cooperative Grocery on the corner o f 15th and Alberta. changes.” Its easy. There's no magic to it. You treat the customer with respect, dignity and empathy and they 'll keep C Oming hack. — Lou’ loby’ lobin, H & B Loan Co.owner How to hide an elephant A German circus director is on the run with his elephant after break­ ing a local authority ban on mov­ ing the deeply distressed animal. Officials had ordered the director not to move the elephant, Kenia, because she was upset by the death of Rani, the circus's only other elephant. Police said the man and beast have disappeared with­ out trace. "It’s easier to bid«« an elephant than you migh police spokesman said. T h e D e a lm a k e r II & B Jewelry founder brings love o f life to burgeoning business by D m i ) P i . echi , T hi P ortland O bserver a sc •È O photos by D avid P le < h i ./T he P ori i and O bservers Toby" Tobin stands in front o f H&B Jewerly & boan Co., the he opened along Southwest 3rd Avenue over 50 years ago. ened a second store. H&B Too, on Martin Luther King Jr. astyear. « Lou “Toby" Tobin has been around the block a few times, but Southwest Third Avenue will al­ ways be his home. He opened 11 & B Jewelry and Loan Co. there in 1948. It ranks among Portland's oldest family-owned business. Over the years, Tobin’s familiar silver gray hair, unmistakable smile and propensity for honesty and fairness have become his trade- 4 mark for good business. "It's easy. There’s no magic to it. You treat the customer with respect, dignity and empathy and they’ll keep coming back," Tobin said. The philosophy works. The company’s success has transferred to the north and northeast commu­ nity with a new H&B on Marlin Luther King Jr. Boulevard just south o f Alberta. It's not uncommon to see Tobin sitting at the jewelry counter at his downtown store with a cup of cof­ fee in his hand, greeting customers as they check out bargains in the showcase. “I still make a sell every now and then," he said. 1 Tobin's hobby is golf. After spending his younger years as a caddie, Tobin started developing his g o lf game. He quickly became one of the best amateur golfers on the scene. He squared off with some o f the city s best every Sunday for years and years at Tualatin Country Club, the only private course that would allow Jewish members. “I was golf crazy," he said. ( )ne afternoon the club pro called him up and told him he had some­ one there that he wanted Tobin to play a round with. That somebody happened to be boxing great Joe co ntinued on page .46